
Is There A Thing Called Love?

The fox lady who got banished from her world, Celesial World and she's not allowed to return to the Celestial World until she found love. She's immortal and will never aged or die. She remains a 22 years old girl who often changed her identity so people won't get suspicious of her. She became a Vtuber. One day she got invited to a big event where there will be a lot of celebrities and public figure. There, she meet a famous actor with good reputation and it turns out that he has a dark past.

Clairevoyance · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Invitation to a Party

Present day.

"Thank you, everyone for watching Kitsuki! I'll see you tomorrow!"

The virtual girl with a fox-ear smiled cheerfully, her hand waved energetically. Her right hand clicked on the 'stream off' button and the screen turned black. She stood up and threw herself on the bed.

"I'm so tired!"

Her phone suddenly rang. She saw the caller's name and lazily picked it up. A cheerful voice could be heard from the other side.


Chinatsu is her name. Actually, it's not her real name, it's the name that she picked when she first set foot in that place.


"Gosh, why are you so cold? I have good news for you!"

"Good news for you means bad news for me."

"The usual Chinatsu. Just listen to me first, it really is good news!"


"You know K Entertainment, which houses big celebrities?"


"They're holding a big event and you are invited to the event."

She immediately stood up. What? She never showed her real face to her audience all this time and now she needs to do it? It's a big no for her.


"Wait—! You haven't heard the rest of the news!"


"You really are stubborn. I will text you the details."

Chinatsu hung up the call and threw her phone on the pillow. Right after her phone lands on the pillow, a beep sounds, indicating that there's an incoming message. She decided to ignore it.

"Must be her again. Jeez…"

But the beeping sounds wouldn't stop and it really annoyed her, so she decided to read the message.


Here are the details of the event!

Moonlight Flower Festival

A festival that's held once every 10 years. Every celebrity and public figure is invited!

The event will be held this Sunday, at 18.00 – end.

Dress code: Formal

Please inform +81xx-xxx-xxx to book your table.

If you want to attend the event, text me!

"She really doesn't know when to stop, eh?"

Chinatsu marked the date on her calendar. Actually, she wants to attend the event but there's something that she is worried about. Her identity. What if someone recognized her? Especially the elderly, since maybe someone might wonder why Chinatsu remains young while they are getting older.

That's the main reason why she became a Vtuber. Not a streamer who showed her real face. She even changed her name to Chinatsu.

"I miss my home. The real me."

She closed her eyes and at that time her phone beeped once again. Another message from the same person.

"She really needs to learn to write everything in one text, not spamming like this."

"Chinatsu! You know Yuzuki? That world-famous actor? I heard he attended the event as well!"

"And???" She replied.

"This is your chance to get to know him!"

"Huh? I'm not even interested in him."

"You can gain more subscribers and maybe you could be a movie star?"

"Earth to Nakao! Are you drunk today? It's still midday and you already drunk? Where are you? Let me pick you up."

"Chinatsu! I'm not even drunk or anything!"

"But it seems that you are."

"Whatever. Just text me if you decide to attend the event!"

Nakao Miyako. Chinatsu met that girl when she attended college. Yup, college. She did it so people wouldn't feel suspicious towards her. Back then, she helped her with her project. Yeah, Nakao was one of the smartest students in the college.

Nakao was dazzled by Chinatsu's beauty and asked to be her best friend. Also, she's the one who introduced Chinatsu to the world of streamers. Nakao begged her to be a streamer who showed her face in the first place, but Chinatsu kept saying no to her request. One day, Nakao suggested her to become a Vtuber. She even helped Chinatsu with designing her avatar.

Chinatsu chose the fox girl design to keep her true self. Yes, her true self. Felicity, the Fox Noble who gets banished from her world. It's her way to try to reach out to other nobles who were banished with her. She didn't even know whether the other nobles were banished to earth or to another place. She hoped that one day someone might reach out to her and together they could find the way to return to the Celestial World.

"Hm… I think it's not a bad idea to attend this event."

She called Nakao instead of texting her, "Chinatsu!" Nakao answered in excitement.

"I'll attend the event."

"You will?!"

"You heard me."

"Yay! I will tell the event organizer that you will attend the event!"


"Anyway, Chinatsu, I'm in front of your apartment."


Chinatsu rushed to the front door and through her door viewer, she saw a figure of a young girl with short brown hair. She opened the door and Nakao hugged her.


"When did you get here?"

"5 minutes ago? Soooo, what are you doing?"

Nakao walked to Chinatsu's studio and saw her PC was still running.

"Oohh~ You just finished your livestream?"

"Yes. And lying on my bed doing nothing."

"Anyway, I have something for you. Hold this" Nakao gave Chinatsu her bag, then she took something from that bag.

"Tadaa! Rose Matcha with Strawberry Pearl! Your favorite!"

"This girl really knows everything about me."

"Thank you." Chinatsu smiled.

"Sooo, the reason why I am visiting you is…."

"I want to take you to buy some dresses!"

"Huh? Dress?" She glanced at her wardrobe, which was full of dresses. "But I have so many dresses…"

"Well… First of all, not THAT kind of dress. Chinatsu! You need a fancier dress! This is not just an ordinary event."

"But I can make any of these dresses look fancy."

"No! Not make any dress look fancy, but real fancy dress. Do you understand?"

"...." She needed to spend more money on this and she was too lazy to buy a new dress. But Nakao insisted, there could no way she could refuse. "Fine."

"Let's go!!"


Both girls arrive at a boutique where celebrities often come to buy some clothing. When they arrive, the staff are busy with someone.

"Who's here?" Nakao whispered.

"No idea."

They entered the shop and one of the shopkeepers greeted her.

"Good afternoon, ladies. How can I help you?"

"Hi! My friend is looking for a dress."

"What kind of dress, miss?"

"Umm.. Something sexy and attractive?"


"Just kidding. Something that fits this young lady. She's going to attend a special event this weekend."

"I understand. Please follow me, ladies."

The shopkeeper asked them to follow her to the dress section. There are tons of expensive dresses that are being displayed.

"Whoa… I bet that will cost me a lot. Not I bet, definitely."

"So…" Nakao looked around, "I'm looking for something chic, white, and showing that I'm pure."


"Ignore her", Nakao said to the shopkeeper.

"I'll be right back with some dresses."

While waiting, suddenly someone approached her. "Who are you two?"

Chinatsu looked at the person right in front of her. A girl with a red-haired, tall figure and kinda sexy. She looked at her and Nakao with a scornful look.

"We're here to buy a dress for my friend," Nakao answered.

"Hm? This is a very expensive shop. Are you sure you came to the right place?"


"Yes. We have money to buy the dress, madam." Once again, Nakao answered.

"Madam?! Who do you think you are?!"

"Lady Tachibana—!"

"Why do you take so long?! We're leaving now! I will take those dresses." She pointed at the dresses in her assistant's hand. Perhaps it's her assistant or maybe a manager?

After the arrogant lass left the shop, the shopkeeper came back with a dress.

"Ladies, I will bring some dresses for you. Would you like to try it?"

Nakao stood up and took the dresses. "Chinatsu! Try it"

Chinatsu walked to the dressing room and started to change. Once she'd done changing into the first dress, she opened the door.

"Nakao, what do you think?"

When Nakao looked at Chinatsu, her eyes widened. "Wow…"