

Celestial World, 150 years ago

"Milady! Wake up!"

She was sleeping peacefully when one of her servants woke her up. While rubbing her eyes, she woke up from her sleep and glanced in annoyance at her servant.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me when I'm sleeping?"

"I'm so sorry, my lady. B-But…"

"What is it? Spill everything or get out of my room!" She raised her voice.

"The palace… it's under attack!"


"People from the opposition side are doing cout d'état! You need to run away, Milady!"

She immediately jumped out of her bed and looked outside the big window in her room. Seems like her servant is not lying. She saw some nobleman being tied and being brought to the palace. The atmosphere is gripping. Her servant silently opened the door and she could hear screams and people running away in the hallway.

"No… They have raided my house. I need to run away."

She tried to calm down. 'Calm down, Felicity. You can survive this. All you need is to go through the secret passage that's located behind the bookshelves in the library.' The secret passage. That's it.

"Olivia, right? Can you check the hallway and find out if it's possible to sneak out of the library?"

"But miss… the library is on the first floor. You will get caught if you go."

"That's the only escape route."

Olivia, her servant, looked unsure, but since it was an order from her lady, she must do it. Olivia opened the door and sneakily walked around the hallway to make sure that it was safe. While her lady waits for her in her bedroom.

"What is going on…?"

She knew what would happen if she got caught and brought to the castle. Maybe that day was her last day living as a noble. Those people are known to be so ruthless. Suddenly, someone opened the door and it was her servant, Olivia.

"So, how's it?"

Olivia shook her head, "Those guys are everywhere, miss. There's no way that you can go there without being caught by them."

"My lady, it's such an honor to serve you. If they catch us, I want you to know that I will never forget everything that you gave me."

"Olivia! Don't speak like we won't see each other again!"

Suddenly, the door opened and some people walked into the room. It's the opposition side. They came in with some weapons in their hands. A wicked smile curved on their faces with satisfaction.

"There you are, finally. You are the last noble, Felicity. Now, please come with us and don't even try to resist."

Those people tied Felicity's hands and took her to the palace.


On her way to the palace, she saw some people cheering for their victory and some were terrified. Some places are being burned down and some are being robbed. Where is the army? They should be the ones who protect the citizens and the city.

Finally, they arrived at the palace. It's an enormous castle with a magnificent design. Its walls were built with marble. On the portcullis, there were two huge foxes engraved and its eyes were made of pink sapphire. It was so beautiful back then. She remembered when she was a little girl, her parents used to take her to the palace.

She and her friends used to play in the garden full of cherry blossom trees while their parents had a meeting with the other council members. Now, all of the trees are gone.

"Did they burn all the trees? I mean, it's the rarest flower and now it's all gone…"

Those people took her to the grand hall where all the councils and nobles were being detained. They forced her to sit on the cold, icy marble floor which was extremely cold during that time. They put a fabric on her mouth so she won't be able to speak. Afterwards, the leader of those people stepped forward and, with an insulting face, he sat on the Queen's throne.


"What a view!"

"Usually we are the ones who sit on that chilly marble. Gosh, I hate that floor! Can someone change the floor?"

Someone exclaimed, "Yes, sir!"

"Good! Also, the interior—it's so dull! Who designed this castle? They really don't have that sense of art."

"Now, now, what should we do about these roaches?"

"Kill them!" Someone shouted.

"No, no, no, don't kill them."

"Banish them!" The other one exclaimed.

"Banish them? Let me think… Well, it's a good idea."

Felicity couldn't believe what she had just heard. Banish them? It's their home and where will they live if this selfish moron banished them?

"Who said that before? Thank you for the idea!"

"My people, this will be the day when there won't be any 'nobles' in this world. Everyone will be the same! Anyways, I'm not that evil, so I will give all of you, nobles, a chance!"


"If you want to return to this world, you need to find something that's called 'Love'. Once you find it, then you will be able to return."

"Love? Why love? There's no such thing called love!"

"Now, off you go!"

One of his men dragged her outside where there was a big door that wasn't there before. When the door opened, a purple thing looked like a portal appeared.

"Sayonara, Lady Felicity!"

A hand pushed her into the portal and everything went dark.


She felt her body bumped into something soft and when she opened her eyes, she saw a blinding light and something blue.

"What is that…?"

She narrowed her eyes and she saw a blue sky with lots of white, cotton-like clouds. She tried to stand up and realized that her hands were not tied up anymore.

"Huh? When did…? Never mind. Where am I?"

She saw a yellow mound of something that looked like hay. Farmhouse? Is this earth? She looked at the sky then took a deep breath before opening her mouth and screaming,


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