
Is There A Thing Called Love?

The fox lady who got banished from her world, Celesial World and she's not allowed to return to the Celestial World until she found love. She's immortal and will never aged or die. She remains a 22 years old girl who often changed her identity so people won't get suspicious of her. She became a Vtuber. One day she got invited to a big event where there will be a lot of celebrities and public figure. There, she meet a famous actor with good reputation and it turns out that he has a dark past.

Clairevoyance · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Moonlight Flower Festival (Part 1)

There are three dresses that Chinatsu needs to try on. The first one is a sleeveless white Empire Waist Dress.

"I don't like it. Looks kinda old to me."

The next dress is a white baby doll dress.

"I don't really like the model, it's kinda cute but not my style."

The last one is a white halter dress with an exposed back. This one really caught her attention and by the time she wore it, it looked amazing on her. Her figure, tightly wrapped in a layer of snow-white cloth, further emphasized her ample bosom.

"Wow… Let me ask Nakao about this."

"Nakao…" She opened the door and walked outside the dressing room. Nakao, who was sitting while looking at her phone, immediately looked at her friend and couldn't help herself but mesmerized by Chinatsu's beauty.



"It looks like the dress was made just for you."

"You look amazing!"

"Really? But I think it kinda exposed my back a lot…"

"Doesn't matter. Let's buy this. Now, you go back and change your outfit."

Chinatsu headed to the dressing room to change her outfit. Once she was done, she handed all of the gowns to the shopkeeper.

"So, you're going to take the white halter dress?"

"Yes!" Nakao answered. Seems like she's the one who's way too excited. Both girls walked to the cashier and Chinatsu paid for the dress.

"Thank you for visiting us."

"No worries, thank you for showing us all of the beautiful dresses!"


They headed back to Chinatsu's apartment.

"Chinatsu! I'm leaving now. I'll see you on Saturday?"

"Yeah, see you on Saturday."

Inside her apartment she hung the dress in her wardrobe and stared at it. Will she look great when wearing that dress or will people make fun of her?

Days passed and finally it was Saturday. Chinatsu woke up that morning and the time showed that it was 10 in the morning. Usually she woke up at 8 but that day she felt so tired. Last night she went live until 3 am.

"I'm so tired…"

But she can't spend the rest of the day sleeping or anything. She needs to get ready for tonight's event. Lazily, she jumped out of her bed and made some lunch. She ate her lunch while watching some videos on the internet.

She spent the rest of her day watching some movies and doing nothing. 2 hours before the event, Chinatsu wore the white halter dress that she had bought. She tied her brunette hair with a textured half-up style and she did her own make-up.

Once she'd done with everything, she stood up right in front of her full-length mirror. She took a deep breath before slowly she took out her fox tail that she had been hiding all this time.

"I miss everything…."

"I miss the time when I could show everyone my tail."

"Will I be able to go back to that time?"

She hid her tail and headed out of her apartment. A black limousine was waiting for her. The driver stepped out of the car and greeted her.

"Miss Kitsuki." The driver called her by her internet name.

He opened the limousine's door. Chinatsu stepped into the car and the driver closed the door on her. Inside the limousine, there is some alcohol and drinks that she could take anytime and a small mini-bar filled with snacks and soft drinks.

"We're ready to go. Take anything you want, miss."

"Thank you."

Chinatsu opened the mini bar and took a bar of white chocolate. She also opened a bottle of champagne and poured it on the champagne glass. All of a sudden, her phone rang. It was from Nakao.


"What is it?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the event,and you?"

"I'm also on my way. Did you order a car or something?"

"No… A limousine picked me up."

"WHA—! That's amazing! Send me the photos of the limo, Chinatsu."

Nakao hung up the phone. Chinatsu opened her phone camera and took some pictures of the car and herself, then she sent it to Nakao.

Nakao replied to the message,

"I'm so jealous! That's why I want to be a celebrity just like you."

"Well, don't because being a celebrity is kinda tiring for me."

The limo finally stopped at the event venue. It's a big white mansion that reminds her of her house in the Celestial World. Tons of paparazzi are waiting for the celebrities to come and interview them. Chinatsu stepped out of her car and it seemed like they didn't recognize her. Well, she's a Vtuber who never shows her face.

Chinatsu walked to the front door and a staff member greeted her.

"Good evening, miss. May I take your name?"


The staff checked the guest list and circled the names. "Miss Kitsuki, welcome to the party. I hope you enjoy your time. Please have a complimentary drink. Thank you!"

She headed inside the venue and another staff member brought her a complimentary drink. She took a sip of the drink and she knew it immediately. It's a Tequila Sunrise.


She walked around to see the venue that was decorated in Greek-style decoration. Suddenly, someone bumped into her while she was walking around.

"What are you doing?! You're going to ruin my dress!"

That voice, she's sure that she heard that voice somewhere. When she turned around to see who bumped into her, she immediately knew the person. It's the same lady that she met when she and Nakao purchased the dress.

"You again?! What are you doing here? Do your job properly in the bathroom! You must be here to be the bathroom cleaner, aren't you?"

This time she couldn't help herself but talk back to this arrogant person.

"Madam, am I right? Can't you see that I'm wearing proper dress, make-up and from my appearance, people can tell me that I'm a guest and I'm invited to this party. I think you're the one who should go to the bathroom and clean your mouth with the toilet cleaner."


The arrogant lady raised her arm, ready to slap Chinatsu's cheek, but a hand stopped her.

"Stop it!"

Someone stood in front of Chinatsu. She saw the person and at first, she didn't recognize the person.

"A-Actor Yuzuki!" the lady exclaimed.

"If I'm not mistaken, violence is prohibited in any event."

"B-But she started it first!"

"No! I—"

The actor, Yuzuki, held her hand, giving a sign not to speak. His tall figure completely covered Chinatsu.

"I don't even know who you are, but I saw everything. You bumped into this girl and you are the one who started the fight."

"I'm not! She blocked my way and—"

"She's not even in your way. The camera will tell everything. I won't even hesitate to kick you out of this event."


The arrogant lady left Chinatsu and Yuzuki alone. Her face was completely red from embarrassment. Then Yuzuki faced Chinatsu.

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, I'm fine."

Yuzuki realized that he was still holding her hand. He immediately let go.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that. Anyway, do you know her?"

"No. I met her several days ago when I went to buy a dress and at the store, she insulted me."

"I see, just stay away from her, OK?"

"Thank you so much for saving me, Sir Yuzuki."

"Oh, don't call me like that. Yuzuki will do."

Then Yuzuki left Chinatsu and, at the same time, Nakao approached her.

"I saw everything! Chinatsu! You are amazing!"

"What's amazing about that accident?"

"You talked to Yuzuki! He even saved you from that arrogant witch!"

"Well, it's just my lucky day, I guess?"

"What did he say?"

"Nothing. Just 'stay away from her'."

But Chinatsu didn't tell Nakao the moment when Yuzuki held her hand.

"Did you tell him your name?"

"No, I didn't"

"You! Why didn't you tell him?"

"Why should I tell him? He didn't even ask!"

Then suddenly the MC started to talk. Chinatsu and Nakao walked closer to the stage where the MC stands.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Welcome to the Hayashi Mansion. This event is organized by request of Mr. Yuzuki Hayashi.

Please welcome him."

The guests clapped their hands as Yuzuki walked to the stage.

"Good evening. Please enjoy the party and thank you for attending the event. I hope you enjoy your time here."

Then the MC took over the mic and music started to play. Yuzuki walked off the stage and approached Chinatsu and Nakao.

"Miss, may I know your name?"

"Me?" Chinatsu asked.

"Her name is Chinatsu! She's the Vtuber, Kitsuki!"


"Miss Chinatsu, it's so nice to meet you. May I have a word in private with you?"
