
I went to a world of apocalypse

Being the strongest magician in the world is no longer fun. Vinci wanted to start anew in a whole new world. However, this world is facing an apocalypse. Him being immortal because he knows all the spells including defying age, what should he do in this world?

This_Awang · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 5: Warm-up: A little revelation

"A young man probably tastes better than Dad." Anna shares her thought about tasting young ones while sharpening her knives. The two sisters cannot wait any longer so they stab David's arm and watch lustfully as the blood drops on their wine glass. Both of them wipe their mouth with their lips, indicating they are impatient to taste it. They start sipping the blood from their glass. An expression of satisfaction emanates from their faces as they drink his blood. David is distressed as he will die in the hands of crazy women without reuniting with his family. He is asking himself where Vinci is. He is hoping that Vinci will come to his rescue.

"What a sight to behold." Vinci appears out of nowhere which shocked both sisters. Anna believes that no one can enter their zone unless they have wings to fly. It is also unbelievable since even flight will be hindered by Elle's telekinetic shield around the area.

Vinci thinks that the two women are crazy cannibals or vampires; it is either of the two. With his power, he used water to heal David and shield him from the two. A sphere of water surrounds David and levitates him in the air toward Vinci. The two sisters are still frozen by the idea that someone sneaked in and can fly.

"Are you okay, David?" He asks while touching every part of David if there are other wounds or injuries.

"Are you a pervert? Why are you groping like you are interested in me?" He is full of malice while Vinci is innocently concerned.

"I am just handsome and I know that but I am not a pervert. Look at me, maybe you are attracted to me in some way that is why you reacted with malice. Hahaha!" Vinci is teasing David while they are in that situation ignoring the two women. Back in his world, people have no issue with gender; they can love who they want. This might be because all of them are magicians and they live longer than the people on earth and their ultimate goal is the peak of magic. However, both of them do not see each other as someone attractive so there is no chance that they will like each other in a romantic way.

"Oh! You still have time flirting, huh? Are you looking down on us?" Anna is annoyed due to the fact that someone breaks in and interrupted their dinner and is ignoring them.

"I am literally looking down on you, right?" Vinci wants to anger her. Looking at Vinci's perspective, he is indeed looking down since he is in mid-air floating. There is no problem with what he said.

"David, this might be dangerous for you because these two are very strong. There are people in the backyard, imprisoned by these two. Free them and use the gate I put there. It will teleport you somewhere." Vinci knows that he will be facing these two so earlier when he talked to them, he installed a dimensional gate however he was not able to free the people because he had to find David. So David went and freed the people, they use the dimensional door and were teleported somewhere.

"So it is just us left here, we do not have to restrain our power." He knows that these two are hiding their power.

"You are right. Let us go Elle." Trees are growing and the roots that are big as a tree trunk appeared and ruined the house. Elle uprooted the trees and throw them at Vinci while Anna is also attacking him through vines and roots. Large roots and vines are rushing toward him. He used water blades to cut them. These water blades are not of normal size because they are as big as the table and as sharp as a newly sharpened sword that cuts anything easily.

The sisters keep on striking him to distract him from their plan.

"Got you." the vines pop up from his feet and entangle him. So that is their plan, to entangle. Anna tightens the grip of the vines, squeezing him.

"Is this all?" Vinci burns the vines and flies in the air. These two are very strong and comparable to legendary magicians in his world. He is puzzled because he just arrived on this Blue planet and then encountered strong enemies.

Elle wants to pull down Vinci from the air but her power cannot reach him.

"It is not good looking down on us." Once again, Anna is angry so she amplifies her magic and made the trees tall so they can face him eye to eye. Elle amplifies her power too and uprooted so many big trees and surrounds Vinci. There are trees above him, on both sides, and even below him. It seems like he has nowhere to run. She wants to crush him then all the trees on all sides charge at him. "taste that" Elle uttered.

This won't harm him. As the trees charged toward him, he created a water sphere that will shield him and slow the impact; it is rotating fast to repel the trees. No trees touched his body.

"You are quite resilient. Let's end this." A strong burst of magic is emitted which made him take them seriously. They are no longer at a legendary level.

"This is fun.: Vinci for a long time did not feel any thrill in a fight since he is at the top of magic. They are worthy to make him take this seriously.

Anna grows Venus Flytraps and and surrounded the area with smoke. If other people inhale this, they will fall asleep but this trivial smoke has no effect on him; it will only hinder his sight. The same tactic is used, Anna used vines and roots. The problem of Vinci is to predict in which direction the roots are thrown. While busy predicting, a big tree from his back hits him and he was thrown. A huge root charges at him but he noticed it and sliced it. This is advantageous so he used wind to blow away the smoke.

Confused faces are the first thing he saw after clearing the smoke. The sisters are in great disbelief. How many elements can he use is the question they uttered in their mind.

"We do not have a chance to win against him if we do not use that Anna." Elle feels fear now.

"let me show you what an attack is." Vinci throws ice blades at them. Anna blocked them with so many trees but the blades sliced through the blockade and will hit them. Both sisters dodge. A rain of fireballs is dropped the second they dodge. Anna shaded themselves with trees that are burnt by the fireballs.

"Phoenix" A huge fire in the form phoenix brightened the night as it flies high and then accelerated its fall targeting the two sisters. Layers and layers of roots are formed to cover them. As the phoenix hit the roots, it created a loud sound and a strong impact that some trees are blown away. To Vinci's surprise, they are still alive.

"I see, so you can use Forcefield. That is why you are not burnt to a crisp." He is surprised that they still have a trump card.

"I guess this is our final showdown, right?" They will be using their trump card. Vinci took them seriously as he used destructive spells.

"Wood Golem" is a golem made from wood in a form of an Ape is created. Anna is controlling this. Elle on the other side created a wide-range attack of balls of force field.

The golem dashes toward him and Elle throws the balls of force field. He dodges all of the Balls however out of nowhere a single ball of force field hit him and sent him flying. It almost ruined his innards. While he stands up, the golem throws a punch and sent him flying again. He cast healing on himself. He wondered why a ball of force field hit him when he dodges them all.

When he is about to stand up, a shadow is created when the ape jumps up and covered the moon in Vinci's perspective; both hands are crossed and smashes him. A strong wave of impact is created when it hit the earth wall spell. A solid wall made of earth shields Vinci. However, a ball of force field hit him again out of nowhere. He then casts healing.

He used his detection and finds out that Elle can use space warp to hide there and appear in a blind spot. The sisters want to end the fight since they are almost depleted. Anna created a huge sunflower. "Sunflower beam" is a laser-like attack that uses the energy from the sun. This flower saves energy from the sun and is the last trump card of Anna. Then Elle created a huge ball of force field to smash Vinci. An all-out attack by the sisters for the final move.

"Boom" a sound of a big explosion. Smoke and clouds of dust cover the area. They are sure that it hit Vinci. No one will be alive after taking those attacks. They are exhausted and fall to the ground as they catch their breath. When the smoke is gone and everything becomes clear, they saw that Vinci is unscathed and still alive. Their eyes almost bawled out of disbelief. A sphere of force field covers him and this force field is massive and firmer than Elle's.

"Let us end this." In order to make sure that these sisters will die, he also created a large-scale attack.

"Taste your own medicine." He entangles them with vines and tightens the grip making sure that they cannot escape. He wants to burn them so he cast a lightning storm. We believe that lightning does not strike the same place twice but in this situation, lightning will strike them more than twice. After using the lightning, A massive ball of fire lights up the sky as a sun has descended. Water in the surrounding evaporated as it approaches the ground. He knows that they will try to use their remaining magic to shield them but it does not matter; they will die.

Everything is burnt in a radius of five hundred meters. A huge crater is also formed due to its impact. He saw the two sisters lying on the ground as burnt as charcoal. He went down to check if there is anything helpful. Two pieces of crystal cores appear on the ground. Only the zombies have crystal cores.

"Why do they have crystal cores?" He is puzzled so he took them and absorbed them. Series of information flow in his head.

"So they are called disciples. Wow, humans become disciples of powerful zombie-like beings who are called apostles." A thought of disbelief froze him. If the disciples are these strong, then how strong are the apostles? he asked himself. How will humanity survive? This fight is just a warm up; he will surely face stronger enemies soon.

The disciples should not have descended on Earth yet however, these two are different since one of them can use space warp. They sneaked out. The strongest threats on earth, for now, are the evolved zombies. Humans need to improve to face these disastrous monsters.

"Waah! Where is this? David and the people are shocked as they saw huge monsters walking around them.

"Where is this Vinci? How strong are you?" David uttered to himself.