
I went to a world of apocalypse

Being the strongest magician in the world is no longer fun. Vinci wanted to start anew in a whole new world. However, this world is facing an apocalypse. Him being immortal because he knows all the spells including defying age, what should he do in this world?

This_Awang · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 4: A creepy hospitality

"Are you okay?" David asked the two sisters who are trembling in fear. He killed the zombie dog as well as the group of zombies.

"Thank you so much. We might be dead by now if you have not rescued us." Anna thank him while shaking. David can feel the fear in her voice. He offered his hand to help her stand.

"Do not worry; I will protect you. It is safe now. There are no other zombies aside from those I killed." Assuring the two sisters that the place is safe.

The two sisters thanked him and offered a place to stay in the meantime. They asked David if he has a place to stay. David answered that he is going to city C and he has just arrived when he saved them.

The two sisters told him that they have a place to stay and it is safe. They said that they have a house. Both of their parents died in a zombie attack while protecting them which is why they are doing everything to live. Since David has no place to stay, he went with them thinking that it is better to be with these two than staying alone. He did not think about Vinci.

They arrived at their house and welcomed David. David is astounded by the trees that protect the house from any zombies. He told them that it is a good place to stay. Anna said that it is her power to grow any plants to her desire. This formation of trees is her doing. David praises her by saying that her magic is amazing.

Vinci is out there watching. When he realized something is amiss, he immediately looked for David. In order to catch the fish, he needs to have bait. He did not show up; he cast conceal to hide and watch them. The two sisters did not do anything to David instead they offered food to him.

Since David is hungry, his stomach is growling, he accepted the food. It was a delicious dinner. Anna offered steak at the table. The smell, texture, and appearance of the steak make him more hungry.

"Where did you get meat?" David is surprised that they have meat because the stores run out of electricity and the meat there should have been spoiled already. Anna replied that they have saved meat when they went out for supplies before. David does not have any suspicion at all because it is bad to doubt the people who offer their kindness.

As he is about to partake in the food, his stomach hurts. A signal to use their toilet. He asked where their toilet is and Anna pointed it to him. It is near the kitchen. The kitchen is adjacent, you can see everything in the kitchen going to the toilet. He looks at the vegetables Elle has cut. The potatoes look so fresh. He then goes in and does his thing.

"Are we really giving this to him?" Elle asks her sister if they are really giving him a steak. Anna replied that they seldom receive a visitor so they have to offer the best they can give. Anna went to the kitchen to prepare the potatoes. It might be weird that David has steak while they have potatoes.

After fixing himself in the toilet, David finishes his meal and gives his thanks. Elleshows him his room to rest. He locked the door and lies down to bed. He asked himself where did Vinci go? He has not shown up.

Vinci is actually in the vicinity watching them especially the two sisters.

"He might be sleeping by now Anna" Elle uttered this to remind Anna that they still have things to do.

"Later, he might still be awake." Anna and Elle continued to chat in the kitchen. They are still preparing something to eat even though they already had their dinner. This time, the two sisters are acting weirdly. Vinci noticed this but he still continued to watch them. As he uttered "Can they be trusted? When can a person trust someone on this planet?"

The sisters continued cooking.

"Elle, get the head in the freezer." They will be cooking a head of something. They really have saved for themselves. Elle took out a head of a person. Eyes are closed and the skin's color is pale. The hair is already shaved. The fingers are already on the table, probably the fingers of that person.

Vinci thinks it is weird that a human is eating a human. Since he is from another planet, he thinks maybe this is normal on this planet. People will eat someone who is dead. In their world, they have everything; monsters are everywhere so they don't lack meat.

"You know, it is better to have fresh blood, right? Elle asks her sister. hinting that it would be great with fresh blood. They are salivating at the thought that they can sip blood. Both of them laugh crazily as Anna stirs the pot. Elle is playing with those fingers.

"Anna, what do you think about David? He is young. He might taste sweet." Elle let her intrusive thoughts win. Earlier, when David saved them she cannot keep her eyes away from David. She is trembling no because of her fear of the zombie dog but because she wanted to eat David. Anna was trembling for the same reason.

"Hahahaha!" They continue to laugh crazily. Elle throws the fingers in the pot and Anna finishes cooking.

"By the way, whose meat did you serve him? Was it mom's or dad's?" Elle pops the question as she remembers how they butchered their parents. Her hands are trembling again.

"Thud!" a loud sound is made due to the picture frame falling. It was David who caused it due to the horrifying revelation. He wants to puke and throw up all he ate at dinner. He was there because he needs the bathroom. He was about to say hi to them when he heard Anna ask her sister to take out the head. His inquisitive mind let him stay to listen and then a horrific earful news unveils the true nature of the two sisters.

He runs hastily to the door; escaping is his first priority.

"Stop him, Elle." Elle used her telekinetic power to stop David. He put him up in the air. She is powerful. She hid it when they lure David in helping them.

"Why are you running, David? Are you afraid of us? We showed you our hospitality and even gave you our precious meat." Anna is talking to him while David is still hanging. They are at the door; David has almost escaped however, Elle's magic is still able to reach him. At this moment, David did not hesitate to shoot them with waterballs. He aimed at Elle first. "Thump!" a loud sound as Elle was thrown by the waterball and hit the table. David fell and he goes out of the house while Anna checks her sister.

There is no place to escape; everything is blocked by trees. There is not even a space between those trees that he can fit in. When David went inside their house, Anna blocked all the possible escape routes with her plant magic. Outside the house, a huge Venus Flytrap approaches David.

Vines grow long and attack him. It even blows green smoke to hinder his vision. He is evading those vines like tentacles. As it hits the ground, a hole is made. If it hits him, he will have holes in his body.

He shoots many fireballs at it because waterballs do not have an effect on it; it only helps it grow. Since his view is blocked by the smoke, he can only throw fireballs in different directions.

His mana is running low and he is tired from evading those vines suddenly, vines grew from beneath him and entangle him; making him incapable of moving. The vines are squeezing him.

"Give up David. There is nothing you can do. I know you are with someone but I made sure that he cannot enter this place." She uttered as she walks slowly approaching him. She touches the face of David as she said that his skin is soft. She wants to touch it with her knife. She raises him up using her vines.

"Take him up, Elle. Let us welcome him to our beloved kitchen." David is still entangled with vines as he is carried by Elle using her power. He is floating in the air. Elle puts him on the table with a creepy smile.

"Oh! David, I cannot wait to taste you" she creepily exclaimed as she touches his soft cheek. The sisters hold a knife and a wine glass. They will taste the sweet blood of a young boy. Both of them wipe their lips with their tongue as they approach David.

A loud scream that night can be heard in the whole town.
