
I went to a world of apocalypse

Being the strongest magician in the world is no longer fun. Vinci wanted to start anew in a whole new world. However, this world is facing an apocalypse. Him being immortal because he knows all the spells including defying age, what should he do in this world?

This_Awang · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: Yes teacher

"It was fun and thrilling fighting these two sisters. I did not expect they have much power hidden." After the fight, Vinci picks up the crystal cores and finds out that these two are called disciples. Disciples are students or followers of the apostles. The apostles are those beings that experimented on the people they abducted. They cannot stay longer on Earth due to dimensional restrictions. Their magic power is repelled by Earth's energy which is why they can only stay for a while.

The disciples are restricted by their masters to stay on earth. They want to supervise everything from afar since this apocalypse is one of their experiments. They thought there might be a god that repels their magic so they restricted the disciples in fear that they will be detected. After knowing this information, Vinci used the dimensional gate to check on Vinci and the others.

'How is everybody?" A greeting he uttered as he appear in front of them. He witnessed their expression including David as they are struck by the huge beasts' aura. Fright is not enough to describe their feelings. "Comfort" He cast a spell that will calm them down and make them feel safe. A heavy sigh can be heard as they exhale at the same time. He told them that these beasts will not harm them as they think of them as ants with no power. Even David can be considered harmless to them.

He took them back to Cypress town by opening another gate. He told the people that the town is safe and there are no zombies around. Seeing the situation of the town, around five hundred meters were incinerated he informed them that they will be going to City C to find refuge in the safe haven. The people can opt to stay since it is safe in the town or go to City C. They cannot leave the town since it is the place they grow up with. So Vinci helps them create a safe place for all of them.

"Earth wall" he created a wall made of compacted soil around the town and made vegetation for them since he has incinerated a large area. The people thanked him for saving and helping them. After that, Vinci and David started walking to leave for city C.

It will take them a week to arrive at the city so they pack their bags with supplies that will last for a week.

"Vinci, thank you for helping me back there. I would have died if you were not there." David is sincere with his statements; he is reminiscent of his experience with the sisters. His blood would have dried up and probably his head would be in the pot with soup. He cannot fancy the thought of him as food.

"How did you defeat them? They are strong." his interest to know what happened sparked as he saw what happened in the town; there must be an intense battle that happened.

Vinci answered that it was fun and thrilling. He did not expect that those sisters were actually super strong. They exceeded his expectation. He did not inform him of the information he got from them. Then Vinci thought that David only knows how to throw fireballs and waterballs so he asked him.

"David, how do you plan on practicing your magic?" He respects David's decision. He believes that David wants to get stronger on his own, however, he truly wants to teach him an efficient method of using his energy.

"Thinking about it, I believe you are impressive as you killed those sisters. Without you, I might be dead already. Can you teach me, Vinci?" David understands that he needs to be strong in this apocalypse so that no one can harm him. With what he experienced, he is convinced that Vinci can help him achieve his goal.

"I see. Just call me teacher from now on. I just want you to know that I am already one hundred years old. I can be considered your grandfather, you know?" Vinci opened up to him that he is already old and that David should practice well the method he will be imparting to him.

"Yes, I understand granda." David answered.

"Did I say you will call me grandpa? Call me teacher." He is annoyed. He looks like his age yet he called him grandpa. He calmed himself and just treated it as a teenage joke. A cultural difference. In his world, a student who kids his teacher does not happen. There is a strict demarcation of a teacher-student relationship.

The method that Vinci will be teaching is called "mold." Since David has a water element, this best suits him. It can be used in melee attacks as well as ranged attacks. A mold is when a magician covers a part of his body or his whole body with his element. Magicians who use mold are usually fighting hand-to-hand combat or melee attacks. He demonstrated it to David.

"Look at me David and understand how I do it." Vinci covers his arms with water. This water can be shaped into anything he visualizes. He shapes two long swords and cut a tree. This is just water but the sharpness of it compares with real swords. The volume of water must be correctly visualized as well as its sharpness. The flow of the energy must be properly learned in order to control it.

He then extends the water like a whip and splats the tree. You can hear the sound of it hitting the tree. Then he shaped a semi-spherical blade on the head of the whip so that it can be used for long-range attacks. He skillfully shows how to use it in a fight. In a split second, Vinci killed a group of zombies with it. The zombies had not taken a step forward; he sliced them in the distance. A person seeing this will think that Vinci is a martial artist.

"Do you think you can do it?" He asked David after showing the basics of mold. He informed him that his first training will be covering his hands with water. After getting used to it, he can extend the water up to the elbow and then up to the shoulders. These waters will also serve as shields in a fight.

"Yes, I will do my best teacher." David's eyes are sparkling because the skills that Vinci showed are spectacular. He is dreaming of showing off to other people when he masters it. He will be in the front line slaying all the zombies and people on his back will watch him heroically defeat all zombies and praise him. "hahaha!" He cannot control it and laugh like crazy which surprises Vinci.

"Is he going nuts? Is it difficult for him?" He is surprised by the laughter and remembered that in his World, this is a basic skill for all magicians since they are born with mana. They can control mana to a degree of molding their elements.

David tried covering his hands with water. He can create water but keeping them on his hand is difficult. The water is unstable. David keeps on repeating the thing and sometimes the water splashes on his face.

"How long will it take him to master covering his hands with water?" He is thrilled to teach and see his student's development.