

Since Alt had killed every monster he came across on his way to the dungeon's entrance, they weren't able to easily find any wolves. So the four of them ventured deeper, and while walking Alt asked more about the three major guilds, it seemed that there was a territory war going on between the three, while they were kind to each other on the outside, and equally shared victory's in the events so that one of the guilds will not get too ahead of the other two, they were still pretty competitive and had such things as turfs that they frequently fought over. Mainly the current rank number one Light Bringer, and rank number two Shadow Claw belonging to Angel's Feathers and Beast Master respectively hated each other's guts, in the first place, it was the two of them's absolute refusal to work together that had allowed the third and newest guild Reality, to grow as large as it had. When Alt asked about the cringy names of the current top 2, he was told that rather than their real names, the ranking list had the option to hide their real name, in exchange for displaying the most popular nickname that had spread among the population. Which explained the cringy sounding names on the ranking list, when Alt asked if they knew anyone that had managed become a god, it seemed no one knew if anyone had ever become one. Alt was told when you leave or enter a guild your amount of people killed, and number of events won reset, thus the guild leaders having power over it's members since they could kick people out, but if you kicked too much and abused there power, it seemed the guild had a change leader function, if 2/3 or more of the guild members voted for you to be kicked, it seemed you automatically were kicked from the guild and permanently banned from said guild, the leader being replaced with the next highest ranked person in the guild. Thus the 3 guilds were the top contenders to become gods, but due to their high member count it would take at least 10 more years. After a while they encountered their 3rd wolf, Alt quickly captured it after which Alex stunned it, then Alt put his collar on it making it go into the third dimension cage. Afterwards they had also given Alt a extra dimension cage to put his wolf in since having a monster strolling around in the city might cause some trouble, which Alt agreed with. They said some words of celebration after which they started walking back towards the entrance again, after about 10 minutes of walking and friendly chatting Alt was suddenly blasted by something, and was sent flying, he had completely let his guard down and heavily smacked against the wall, only able to let out small groans, he felt a sense of deja vu from when he was first blasted against the wall during the tutorial by the spider. When he tried to get up he was once again struck by something and felt numb, when Alt fell back down he looked towards where the impacts were coming from, it was Alex, he was shooting his lightning towards Alt, Alt hardly felt pain, but it did not mean he was immune to attacks, although the lightning didn't hurt much the left over electricity left him unable to control his body properly, he smelled the familiar smell of bunt human flesh and felt like vomiting. He while gagging asked Alex weakly "Why..?" Alex smiled evilly while shocking Alt again, he answered "It's quite simple, profit we don't want to share the gold with you." Alt answered back "It's just 30%, and I could have helped to catch more wolves, rather than attack me isn't it better to work together?" Alex answered back "Yea I guess so, but I don't trust you. You think we wouldn't notice the chain you have wrapped around you under your shirt? Why would we trust someone who doesn't trust us?" Alt answered while groaning "What kind of idiot blindly trusts a group of strangers he just meet, in a world where it's necessary to kill others?" Alex answered back while smirking "Your absolutely right! But that's exactly the problem, you're not stupid, which means you might have the brains to use and betray us, like we did to you right now, see in this world you either need to be exceptionally smart, or very useful, or even actually stupid. Your only going to be hated if you're half heartedly cautious and distrustful. That's why we're going to kill you, just in case you might become a annoyance later on, we're going to finish you off right here." Alt was silent for a while, he was thinking to himself, I'm going to be killed, just incase I turn out to be a annoyance? For such a stupid reason they're trying to kill me? Don't f*ck with me... "Hey Alex..." Alex answered "Yea?" "F*CK YOU" Alt screamed as he expanded the chains he had wrapped around his body outwards, Alex was surprised and tried to shock Alt again, but his lightning only struck Alt's chains as he summoned more and more of them around him. Alex and the other two were startled, they had expected Alt may be able to summon more chains then he had let on, but this was out of their expectations, the amount of chains whirling around Alt wasn't mearly 5 or 10 it was in the 100's, they soon became unable to see Alt behind the huge wall of chains that had suddenly appeared, Alex shot his lightning at the wall repeatedly, but to no avail. He called to Jack, motioning for him to teleport them outside the dungeon, they had made Jack set up a teleport marking hidden outside the dungeon just in case of emergencies, this was an emergency, just as Jack was about to teleport all 3 of them out of there they heard Alt scream "YOU THINK I'LL ACTUALLY LET YOU GUYS ESCAPE!?" and at the same time multiple chains came flying towards them at high speeds, but the three of them weren't scared, they trusted in Jacks teleport ability, although it had the drawback of needing to mark the teleport location before being able to teleport and the teleport speed dropped the more mass Jack tried to teleport at once, if it was just the three of them the process would only take a second a most, they believed they would narrowly escape this situation and live to tell the tale, and that probably would have happened, if they weren't fighting against Alt that is.