

The 4 of them entered the dungeon, and started walking towards the interior to find any wolves, as Alt didn't fully trust the trio he lied about certain parts of his powers, he told them he could only summon 3 chains at once, and that he couldn't summon more than 1 chain while creating a contract, and didn't tell them about the chains under his clothes, or about the fact that he should have power disrupting capabilities too. They easily believed him after he explained that he had just come to this world and showed that he was rankless, they kept walking and eventually came across 2 wolves, Alt used all 3 of his chains to capture one of the wolves, while the trio were very coordinated in capturing the 2nd, the teleporter quickly marked the ground he was standing on then ran close to the wolf and teleported it to the marked location, where Alex shocked the wolf just enough that it couldn't move anymore, then Eugene went close to it and stole it's sight. When ever the wolf confusedly tried to move it was lightly shocked by Alex, after a while the wolf stopped resisting and just whined while shivering. Alex then went up to the wolf Alt was holding up and shocked it till it also stopped moving even after Alt let it down, Alt then used only 1 chain and slowly wrapped it around the wolf's legs and necks in a way that it was impossible for it to move. Alt then summoned the collar and placed it on the wolf and grabbed one of it's paws and forced it to click accept, which afterwards he did the same to the other wolf. Neither of the wolves seemed too injured from the outside of you ignored the slight burning smell coming off of them, the trio soon activated the cage which was called the dimension capsule in the shop, it was a fairly large square box made of flimsy looking rods with no walls, Alt was confused as to how these things will keep the wolves inside, but after he ordered them to go in, see through walls of purple light appeared in between the rods, then the box slowly shrunk in size down to the size of a tennis ball with the wolf still alive inside it. What surprised Alt even more was that the boxes hardly weighed anything, and could be placed inside their inventory with no problems. They talked amongst themselves while looking for more monsters, Alt learned that there were 3 large guilds currently in control, Beast Masters, Angel's Feathers, and Reality. The Beast Masters are as the name suggests a group mainly focused on being that became something hard to call a human due to their choice in powers, or people who's race outright changed. The Angels Feathers were a group of religious people who now pray to and believe in the god that runs this world their powers are all mixed, but the main point is that they are all devout believers in the god of this world. The last and newest ones Reality is a group that the people who weren't non human, and didn't choose to believe and pray to the god of this world. "There are also two more guilds that are quite famous, well one not for a really good reason though. One is Haven, a group for people that didn't wish to fight or become god, they mostly take a neutral stance towards everything and is a literal save haven for people who want to try living a "normal" life. The last one is famous for a bad reason, it's named Kraken, a group of criminals and murderers that do whatever they want with their powers believing that law and order are things that only belong in the old world, and is unanimously hated by all 4 of the other guilds." Apparently the guilds can only hold a limited amount of people so all of the guilds have multiple different guilds under the same name and are allied with each other, it was related to the complicated point system god had skipped, apparently a single guild can only hold a certain amount of people, which might seem like a lot, but was actually quite few. The amount was equal to 6 people in the top 10 ranks, 30 people in the 11-100 ranks, 150 people in the 101-1000 people and so on. Thus even though the bonus rewards for winning events with few, high ranked people are said to be enormous, but due to a problem of quantity over quality the existing guilds are all extremely large, with the smallest, Kraken having 3 different groups even though most of it's members are rankless.