
3 Fools Vs The Devil

Although the three of them were panicking, they believed in Jack, but a situation all three of them didn't expect occured and three of them made odd noises unable to hide their confusion, first Jack's ability failed to activate, secondly all of Alt's chains had missed them, and mearly stopped moving after reaching between all 3 of them. Jack immediately snapped out of it and repeatedly tried to use his ability, but rather than the familiar sensation of his entire being twisting and warping into a different space, he left blocked as if his nose was stuffy and his clothes felt prickly, he also felt nauseous, it seemed like the world was altering between becoming dark then bright enough he needed to squint, and multiple blind spots in his vision kept appearing, it was very uncomfortable for him. Alex soon shouted "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING JACK, HURRY AND GET US OUT OF HERE!" Jack tried to respond, but before he could shout, he heard something, as it slowly became louder he noticed what it was and where it was coming from. It was laughter, not a giggle, but a more deranged sinister sounding laughter, coming from the other side of the large wall made of chains. Soon after the laughter stopped and they heard a voice full of mocking and distain, "Of course you idiots can't teleport, I told you. Do you really think I'm going to let you guys escape?" Alex responded "How are you doing this? Do you have a collaborator hidden somewhere? Was this all a trick to catch and kill us?" Alt responded from the other side "Collaborator? Of course not. As I told you guys before, I just came here a couple hours ago, I don't know anyone here." Alex asked "Then how are you doing this? This makes no sense!" Alt responded "I'm just using my power." Alex and the other three were confused, according to what they have seen of Alt's power it was to summon and control chains and by placing a collar on a target and forcing them to accept his contract, he could control them. At first Alex thought that he was under his control, but then it wouldn't be necessary to keep the wall there between them as it stated in the contract that they wouldn't be able to harm Alt. He had seen powers sometimes having additional effects like a necromancer being able to see some memories of the dead, as long as the brain was intact, but he had never heard of a ability that had 2 different additional effects even more so, when the main ability was so powerful. Alex asked "Isn't your power breaking the rules?" After a bit Alt answered back "Ohh, the rule that stated you may not choose a power that may completely change,steal, or seal other people's powers?I'm not really breaking any rules." Alex responded "BULLSH*T How is this not sealing Jack's powers? Hey system I need to report a cheat! Look at this! This is bullsh*t!" after a few seconds a electronic voice rang in everyone there's head "Error, Individual Alt Frower's powers doesn't conflict with any of the systems rules, please refrain from contacting the system under false charges or we will punish you." Alex was about to lose it when he heard Alt talking again "Pfff you f*cking idiot, didn't I tell you I'm not breaking any rules? I'm not sealing Jack's powers at all, he just can't do what he subconsciously does when he teleports causing his powers to not activate." Alex responded "What is that supposed to mean?" Alt continued "What exactly is teleportation? The answer is transporting the matter that makes all three of you from one point to another without actually moving them, in this case through some mystical means... do you know how exactly the power knows what to teleport? By observing the subject it wishes to affect. Which is why multitasking with your ability is very hard and you can't use your ability that well when your not able to concentrate proven by the fact that when you tired or lack concentration, your power decreases in effect and when your in pain or for example you can't use your powers properly. Parts of your senses being restricted and altered it could produce the same effect." Alex responded "What the f*ck are you talking about?" Alt seemed annoyed and continued on "What I'm trying to say you idiot, is that if I restrict certain information from reaching the target and restrain certain parts of their senses, although temporary I can create a situation where my desired subject can't use his powers properly, similar to being drunk and trying to walk straight, thus you he can't use his powers. For example I unrestricted his senses of smell, taste, and touch, causing him to take in the information the brain unconsciously filters out while restricting the information entering his ears and eyes, making him taking in much more information than what's necessary while disrupting his sense of spatial awareness, basically the parts that don't really need to be working when using his powers are on hyperdrive and the senses he uses to tell distances and objects apart are being confused thus similar to a drunk and uncomfortable sensation leading to him being unable to use his powers. Was that enough of a explanation for you?"