
HTTYD: Race To the Edge

A different view of the How To Train Your Dragon world. From the perspective of a boy from a fishing village near berk. There will be some OC characters to help shift the plot slightly. I'm hoping to have be able to do romance but that will be in the future.

MuffinDud · Película
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9 Chs

III) Exploring the island

Gareth's father pulled him aside after the dragon attack and spoke to him about the importance of being prepared for whatever the future may hold. He suggested that if Gareth wanted to venture beyond their village one day, he needed to learn more about the world around him. Gareth listened intently and decided to take his father's advice. Gareth suggested to his father that he could find some herbs so that when the merchants come we could have something to sell, Gareth's father believed that would be a good idea. The next day, he would set out to explore the island and see what he could discover.

Gareth woke up early, eager to explore the island. He had been thinking a lot about what his father had said, and he knew that if he wanted to be a great adventurer like his the stories he's been told since young, he needed to start learning more about the world around him.

He packed some food and water into a small backpack grabbed his spear and set out into the wilderness. The island was vast and filled with all sorts of terrain, from rocky cliffs to lush forests. Gareth had always been curious about what lay beyond the borders of his village, and now he finally had the chance to find out.

As he walked, he saw all sorts of creatures that he had never seen before. There were colorful birds with feathers that shone in the sunlight, and small furry creatures that scampered away when he approached. Gareth took notes on everything he saw, hoping to learn more about the wildlife of the island.

Gareth took out his notebook and pencil, making careful notes of the birds and animals he encountered along the way. He observed their behavior and markings, noting down every detail. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement at the beauty of the world around him. He knew he had much to learn, but he was eager to continue his explorations and discover all the secrets of this mysterious island.

He found a few small animals such as fares and artic foxes that scampered away but no dragons larger than a terrible terror, which was a relief. Although he was prepared to face one he wouldn't go out of his way to find one right of the bat.

He took note of the fact that when he stepped on a branch a dozen or so meters away from one of the foxes he had notice. It spotted him and ran away. "Foxes seem to be scared of sudden noises" he internally mused.

Eventually, he came to a steep hill that looked out over the ocean. From this vantage point, Gareth could see for miles in every direction. He felt a sense of wonder and freedom that he had never experienced before, and he knew that he was meant to be an adventurer. He took a deep breath and basked in the feeling of the wind on his face and the salt in the air.

As he made his way back to the village, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had taken his first steps towards becoming the adventurer he had always dreamed of being. Gareth couldn't wait to see where his explorations would take him next, and he knew that with each new discovery, he would become stronger and more capable.

When he returned to the village, he showed his notes to his father, who was impressed by the level of detail that Gareth had recorded. His father nodded approvingly and reminded him that there was always more to learn.

Gareth couldn't wait to continue his explorations and see where his adventures would take him next. He knew that there would be challenges along the way, but he was determined to overcome them and become the greatest adventurer the island had ever seen.

Gareth woke up early the next morning, feeling excited to continue his exploration of the island. Today, he had a different goal in mind: to search for herbs and spices that might be useful for cooking and medicine. He knew that the island was home to many unique plants and he was eager to learn more about them.

He set out into the wilderness, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign of unusual vegetation. As he walked, he saw many plants that he recognized from his village, but he also saw many that he had never seen before. He stopped to examine each one, taking careful notes in his notebook.

After a while, he came across a gravelly area full fragrant plants. Their aroma was so strong that he could smell them from several meters away. It reminded him of his moms stew she would occasionally make. He knelt down and carefully examined the plants, taking note of their color, shape, texture, and where it grew. Ensuring they were the right plant before putting some in his bag. (Its arctic thyme if anyone is wondering. Its a real herb from the area.)

Gareth knew that these herbs would be useful for cooking, and he decided to gather a few to bring back to his village. He carefully pulled up several plants by the roots and placed them in his backpack. As he continued his search, he found more and more plants that some that he had never seen before, each with its own unique scent and textures.

As the day wore on, Gareth's backpack became slightly heavier with the weight of all the plants he had collected. He knew that he had found a treasure trove of useful herbs and spices, and he felt proud of himself for his discoveries. When he returned to his village, he couldn't wait to show his findings to his parents and the other villagers.

Gareth spent the rest of the day sorting through his collection, carefully labeling each plant and organizing them by their properties. He felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had learned so much about the island's plant life and had discovered many useful herbs and spices.

Before he drifted off to sleep that night, he had told his parents about what plants he had found and his mother was especially happy about him finding arctic thyme because she could make her stew more often due to it.

Gareth woke up early the next day, feeling excited to continue his explorations. He said goodbye to his family and headed out into the wilderness once more, determined to find new herbs and spices that might be useful for his village.

As he walked, he kept his eyes peeled for any signs of new plant life. He wandered through the forests and along the coastline, scanning the terrain for anything that might be of interest. After several hours of searching, he finally came across a small patch of land that had the several of the environments needed to plant all the herbs in close proximity.

There was a fresh water river that led from the mountain on their island and enough shade to cover these plants to not be killed by the sun. As well as loose gravel from a slit boulder.

Gareth rolled up his sleeves and got to work. He cleared away any debris and began to till the soil, carefully planting seeds of various herbs and spices according to how he had see them grow in the past few days. He knew that it would be some time before they grew to full maturity, but he was determined to make this a successful venture.

As he worked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of being able to provide his village with these new resources. He knew that they would be grateful for anything that could help them in their daily lives, whether it be in cooking or medicine.

Gareth spent the entire day working on his herb garden, taking breaks only to eat the food he had brought with him. By the time the sun began to set, he had made considerable progress. He was exhausted but proud of what he had accomplished.

He made a mental note to come back and check on the herbs once they had grown, hoping that they would flourish and provide his village with a much-needed resource. With that thought, he set up camp for the night planning to sleep out in the wilderness to get accustomed to it, eager to rest his weary body and continue his explorations the next day.

Gareth woke up early the next morning, excited to check on the herbs and spices he had planted the day before. As he made his way to the small clearing where he had cultivated them. He carefully watered them with the improvised bucket can he had made using a bowl he had brought with him.

After taking care of the herbs and spices, Gareth packed his backpack and set out once again to explore the island. He felt a sense of purpose and adventure that he had never felt before, and he was determined to see everything there was to see.

As he walked, he continued to take notes in his notebook, jotting down everything he saw and learned. He discovered new types of animals, insects, and plants that he had never seen before, and he made a mental note to come back and collect some of them for his collection.

He climbed up rocky cliffs and through dense forests, always pushing himself to go a little further and explore a little deeper. Gareth was driven by his curiosity and his thirst for knowledge, and he knew that he was on the path to becoming a great adventurer.

As he walked, he thought about his family back home and how much he missed them even if it was just for a few nights. But he also knew that he needed to do this, to explore and learn and grow. He was determined to make them proud and to show them that he had what it took to be a great adventurer.

Eventually, as the sun began to set, Gareth found a quiet spot on the beach to rest for the night. He set up camp, built a fire, and cooked some of the fish he managed to catch using his fathers bare handed technique. As he sat by the fire, looking out at the endless expanse of the ocean, he felt a sense of peace and contentment that he had never experienced before.

Gareth knew that he still had a long way to go, and that there were many more adventures and discoveries waiting for him on this island and beyond. But for now, he was happy to just sit by the fire, savoring the flavors of his meal, and dreaming of all the possibilities that lay ahead.

Gareth woke up early that day, feeling accomplished from his previous day's work. He watered his herb garden and made sure everything was in order before he set out to head back to the village. He had mapped out the entire perimeter of the island, taking note of everything he saw and encountered along the way. He felt proud of himself for taking the initiative to explore and learn about the world around him.

As he walked back to the village, Gareth couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of sharing his discoveries with his family and friends. He had encountered many different types of herbs and spices that could be useful for medicine, cooking, and other purposes. He made a mental list of all the ones he wanted to share with the villagers.

When he arrived at the village, he was greeted warmly by his family and friends. He shared his stories and discoveries, telling them about the different creatures he had encountered and the various herbs and spices he had found. His teacher was particularly interested in the plants he had discovered and asked Gareth to show him where he had found them.

Gareth took his teacher to the area where he had cultivated the herbs and explained to him how he had planted them and how they could be used. His teacher was impressed by Gareth's knowledge and resourcefulness and praised him for his hard work.

Over the next few days, Gareth continued to share his discoveries with the villagers. They were grateful for the information he had provided and some even asked him to teach them more about the herbs and spices he had found. Gareth was happy to share his knowledge and felt proud to be able to made a difference in his community.

This chapter is 2000 words long, my goal is to have the chapters be at least 1500 words long each. If it is more I will make it the same chapter.

If there is anything I can improve on please let me know.

MuffinDudcreators' thoughts