
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Película
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127 Chs

Tense Situation

Gamera reached the city, and his eyes beheld a captivating sight. Fighter jets soared in the sky, performing intricate maneuvers and leaving trails of white clouds. Aircraft carriers floated on the water, significantly larger than him. The noise and roar of engines filled the air, creating an impression of might and power.

On the city's shoreline, he witnessed a massive army. Tanks and artillery moved along the coast, providing defense and readiness for military action. Soldiers marched with bravery, their military gear reflecting no glint in the sunlight. All of this indicated that these people took Gamera seriously and were prepared for any challenge.

"They certainly don't take me lightly!" exclaimed Gamera, astonished by the impressive scale of the military force he encountered. He was so shocked that he almost spat out the shark he had recently eaten.

Gamera found himself in a serious situation. He began cautiously moving along the shoreline, exposing only his head from the water, trying not to attract unnecessary attention from the army. He needed to find answers to his questions, but he realized that it would be a challenging task in such a tense situation.

POV: Military

The military received information from spy planes that were monitoring the creature's movements. The planes provided reports on its position, speed, and direction, helping the military understand the overall situation and prepare for any emergencies.

Considering the speed at which the creature was approaching the city of San Diego, the military felt a sense of threat and crisis. They understood the need to take urgent measures to protect the population.

However, the military was also not thrilled about the constant tension they felt since the appearance of the creature. They conducted detailed discussions and meetings, exploring all possible courses of action, including the possibility of destroying the creature. Yet, there were differing opinions among the military personnel regarding the feasibility of such a step.

It was important to consider not only the potential danger posed by the creature but also the ethical and political aspects of its destruction. Scientists and the public expressed their concerns about such drastic measures, emphasizing the importance of preserving this unique species and the opportunity to obtain valuable scientific information.

Thus, the military engaged in lengthy discussions and deliberated on the possibility of destroying the creature, taking into account the arguments of scientists, politicians, and the public. However, when the creature began its deliberate movement towards the city with over 1 million inhabitants, the tension escalated exponentially.

The tension and fear among the military reflected the urgent need for effective defense of the city. The threat posed by the creature surpassed the capabilities and resources of conventional defense methods. The military understood the need to act efficiently and swiftly while preserving the value of life and understanding the consequences of their actions.

This led to new discussions and negotiations where the military sought to find compromise solutions that addressed the security needs while considering arguments in favor of preserving the creature. This could involve establishing a blockade, using unconventional methods to frighten or distract the creature, as well as mobilizing larger ships and resources for the defense of the city.

Ultimately, the scientists reassured the military that positioning large ships in front of the city could deter the creature. This idea gave the military hope for a successful defense of the city, reducing the potential risk to the population. However, in case of any failure, they were prepared to unleash hell upon the head of this formidable turtle-like creature.



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