
Destination unknown; finding the crystal of cold heart.

Autor: Williams_
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What is Destination unknown; finding the crystal of cold heart.

Lee la novela Destination unknown; finding the crystal of cold heart. escrita por el autor Williams_ publicada en WebNovel. ********************“Imagine the thrill of finally achieving your heart's deepest desire, only to discover the unpredictable consequences that follows it.” This is the question that drives Jonas, a re...


******************** “Imagine the thrill of finally achieving your heart's deepest desire, only to discover the unpredictable consequences that follows it.” This is the question that drives Jonas, a renowned researcher and archaeologist, to embark on a dangerous journey into a formidable forest, called, “The Ramazon.” He seeks the fabled Crystal rumored to grant wishes and hold ancient secrets. Initially, his son; jerry was skeptical of such fantastical tales, but as they uncover evidence of the crystal's existence, Jerry joins the quest. Jerry alongside with his friends, embark on an adventure reminiscent of cinematic blockbusters. However, their excitement turns to dread when they realize their information concerning the myth was wrong, and they where not the only ones searching for the same crystal. The pressing question now is: does the mythology surrounding this mystical crystal hold truth? If so, what will happen when they face the consequences of their actions, armed with incorrect information? Join Jerry and his team on a heart-pounding adventure into a world of magic and mystery, as they search for the elusive Crystal called “The Crystal of Cold Heart.”

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It was rainy afternoon when a boy Mackis running for his life. It was one of terrible days he had after he decided to escape from Martyna. He is only thirteen year old and this life has been cruel for him to endure all sufferings since he was vanished from Burlington palace. Yes. He is a prince -a king supposed, after the death of his father king Nicolau of Burlington his mother queen Martyna reigned the kingdom disregarded that she is woman. Queen Martyna after the death of king Nicolau took the throne as a rightful to reign over Burlington but impossible to take over as long as eight-year-old prince Mackis is alive and healthy. It was a horrible action that almost put the prince to his death after he was pushed by queen Martyna to the castle's window three days after the death of the king. He must be dead or broken limb by limb if it is not in the net hanged covering the plants rescued him caused him not to land on a hard ground. It was almost midnight of his sleeping when his mother kissed his forehead to woke him up. It was a surprise! He never remember queen Martyna hugged nor kissed Mackis since he grew up. But this night is different. The woman hugged him so tight and kissed his cheek and forehead as if it was first and the last. "Young boy, it is your best luck if you never been born at all..." she whispered with a grin on her face. He never understood the word but never spoke a word to his mother. "Are you not to ask me why I never like you young prince?" She asked. "I never wished of becoming a mother -but a queen yes! She opened it and pulled him to reach the terrace. He felt the icy cold of the night but his mother never bothered to cover him. He watched the darkness surrounded them but his wickedest of a mother pushed him to fall there to his death.

Bravanne · Oriental
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