

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Ciudad
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10 Chs


Luke was on fire, Anne's body was doing things to him he couldn't explain, or maybe it was because he hadn't....well whatever, all the action he wanted he was gonna get it now. Anne was squirming, she was always squirming, and her breath was coming in short pants now. Luke slid into Anne's cunt with ease that porn actors would admire. Anne began to orgasm almost immediately, shaking violently. Luke held her by the waist and began fucking her fast and hard, Anne bent over falling on her dressing table, this position made Luke go deeper, Anne began biting her arms to keep her from screaming out loud, Luke was seeing stars, Anne's pussy was milking him dry, he was about to cum, ..ah fuck!

" Damn...fuck... Annie.." Luke's voice was hoarse, his eyes were closed, veins were popping from his head, his complexion was flushed Scarlett, and he trembled violently.

"Annie? Really? now? since when did you call me that ?" Anne eyed Luke when she could find her voice, a few seconds later. Luke couldn't even respond, he just had the strongest orgasm of the year! And he felt fucking good, he looked at Anne who was standing now and cleaning herself with wet wipes, he saw his cum rolling down her legs and felt very ... extremely proud of himself.

" Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Anne began to think Luke was mad. He was looking at her and smiling?

" Annie, the food's getting cold hun." Anne heard her mom call from the dining table.

" We'd better go back out there, this place reeks of sex In the other hand, I think I need to stay for a while, I don't think I can move right now." Anne chuckled, "and you stink too, you need a bath." Luke just dropped down on Anne's bed and closed his eyes.


The wind was strong that night, and Stella thought she needed it to clear her head. What the fuck did she do this afternoon with Luke? Something was wrong with her, was it the sexual frustration her boyfriend was giving her? She licked... Anne's pussy?!

"Shit! I must be raving mad. I never thought I could do that, I mean I'm straight." Stella dragged her hands through her hair sighing heavily. She was outside Anne's apartment, she couldn't stay in this house any longer before she did something she'd regret. She'd almost had a threesome with her sister and her boyfriend whom she just met?! The more she recollected the more she cringed. Only God knows what Luke might think of her now.

He must have all the worst thoughts, she wasn't a bad girl...it just happened things got out of hand, and she wasn't thinking straight. So she thought that it a good idea to tell him, yes..she'd explain to him he seemed cool, surely he'd understand. He'd better understand, or she'd make him.

Stella looked around the sitting room, no one was there, her mom was in the kitchen cleaning up, and she was humming a very disturbing song she had heard from a movie about zombies and flesh eating dolls, she shook her head while walking into the long passage, honestly why did Anne have to rent such a big apartment? She lived alone for Pete's sake.

Stella checked the first room...empty, second... empty, third...empty, how many rooms was in this house? She finally reached the last room, this was Anne's room, she could hear loud rap music, she knocked, no answer, Stella knocked again..no answer. Well, she was gonna break down that door soon..." They'll think you're mad Stella..." She laughed at herself, they thought she was mad already, she'd done so much shit in less than 6 hours.

When she remembered how she licked her sister's pussy she thought she'd cringe or feel like vomiting but what? the memories made her tremble? She wanted to do it again?..." I've gone mad, it's settled." There was no need explaining to Luke, she wasn't in her right mind anyway, she'd better go home with her mom, as she turned away from the door, the door opened, Luke came out all sweaty, he was without a shirt and she'd forgotten how good this guy's body was, she wondered how it'd feel too.

"Stella? What's up?" His voice was making her dizzy, she wanted to keep hearing it over and over again. "Get a grip Stella, get a grip". She said under her breathe.

" I wanted to emmm... to speak ...with you about...well, emmm..." Stella began to twist her fingers together in a nervous gesture. Luke smiled, held her arm and dragged her in to the room locking the door.

* Luke's POV*

Why was Stella here? Twisting her fingers like a high school student. She was stuttering too, I just wanted to rest for Pete's sake. I flashed her a killer smile and pulled her into the room, for some dumb reason I locked the door. I walked to sit on the bed and I reduced the volume of the music player on the bed stand. Stella stood still, looking at everything but me. I chuckled, was this girl really shy? Seriously? After all that happened this afternoon?

" I came to talk to you" Stella kept twisting her fingers together, the movement was very disturbing to me, my mom used to do that, I didn't like it, the act was beginning to irritate me .

"Where's Anne?" Her voice was so deep, why hadn't I noticed that about her before? She was beautiful...brown skinned, slender and shapely, Anne was thicker but Stella was slim and damn sexy, she had a body for fucking.

"Where's Anne?" She asked again.

"She got a call from her boss, she said it was an emergency".

"An emergency? She didn't say anything to me or my mom"

"She did tell your mom,she said she didn't need to say anything to you, I guess you guys aren't really close?" Stella frowned, her long eyebrows curved inward making her look funny, I chuckled then she shot me a questioning look and I shrugged.

"We used to very close, until recently last year to be precise." I couldn't stop looking at this girl, her boobs are large and her nipples ..they were hard, I could see their shape through her thin shirt and bra. "We had a misunderstanding, that we haven't cleared and Anne doesn't even want to listen to me. Immediately I bring it up she either leaves or tells me to get lost." She kept twisting her fingers. I honestly couldn't care less if these two sisters wanted to kill or fuck each other, I just wanted to rest. How could I make this girl say what she wants to, and quickly too. I mean I was grateful to her, she was the one who showed me the back door when Mrs Sandra came earlier, and besides she was very nice to look at, I didn't really mind anymore.

"Thanks for earlier though". She arched a brow at me. How could one person be so sexy? "You know, for showing me the back door earlier."

"Oh.." she chuckled, her laugh was cute too and I smiled.

"Sit and talk Stella, what do want to say? and please stop twisting your fingers, I don't like it." Stella sat on the chair next to Anne's drawing table, she kept staring at his chest, I noticed and smiled. I wasn't planning on wearing a shirt anytime soon, on the contrary, I wanted that dress off her body, I wanted those tits in my hands and those nipples in my mouth.

"What did you say?" Atella was looking at me the way Anne always did. I didn't notice how similar they looked earlier, I was too horny.

"I'm waiting Stella what do you want to say?" I flexed my biceps on purpose, saw her stare and smiled.

"I'm not a bad girl, I'm straight and whatever happened this afternoon was a mistake!" She said so fast I wasn't sure I heard right. She had started twisting her fingers again.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, whatever that happened this afternoon was a mistake and I'm here to apologise". Her voice had become smaller, quieter, she was staring at the ceiling looking so small and shy I couldn't help but laugh.