

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Urban
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10 Chs


So... Annie, when were you planning on telling me you had a boyfriend? " Sandra smiled at her daughter.

Anne was beginning to have a headache, she was an immoral bitch..but one thing she couldn't do ..she couldn't lie, she just couldn't, whenever she'd try she would end up saying shit, and she tried to change the topic instead.

" Mom, what's with all the purple draperies you got me? "

" They are not draperies Annie, it's a purple beautiful material..."

" I saw that already. What am I meant to do with it? Make curtains? Or a car cover ?." Luke snorted, he never knew Anne could speak this much, she hardly ever spoke with him or even to him, except when she moaned his name she spoke very well then.

*Sandra's POV*

Anne was mad, I could clearly see it, and it wasn't only about the purple clothing, something else was bothering her, why else would she change the topic when I asked about her relationship? Was she still hurting from the breakup? I thought Anne was over it...I had hoped she was, I remember how sad and terrible Annie had been after Femi broke up with her, she was devastated, she had a boyfriend now, and she's probably over it...

"Mom...I asked a question". Anne was frowning seriously, she looked so cute.

"Annie, why don't you go join your sister in cooking dinner?"

"Dinner?" Anne looked at me, " you guys are staying that long in my apartment?"

" Yes my love, today is your birthday and we'd love to celebrate with you, as a family". I put a lot of emphasis on the word family and smiled. Annie didn't smile back, this girl and her temper, I hope she doesn't commit murder one day. She stood up and walked towards Stella, pulling her into the kitchen with her. I took a good look at Luke, he was very handsome alright, with broad shoulders, had the height too, and his eyes ...he had very large hands also. I smiled again at him, my daughter had caught a fish..a big fine fish.

*Luke's POV*

Dinner!! Finally, I was beginning to starve, I should have been bored too right? but who was I kidding? My eyes were filled, seeing three sexy women walking to and fro...and sweat making their shirt stick to their bodies?... heaven!

Anne didn't spare me a glance though she just acted like I wasn't there, Stella kept stealing glances at me, she was so shy and cute, whenever she looked at me...I just knew I had to fuck her... the 'how' was the issue. Sandra was always smiling, I was beginning to wonder if she had her face moulded that way, no matter how many rude things Anne would say, mistakes Stella would make...she'd just smile, she was fucking sexy, and she and her daughters looked like sisters.


Food was served with a lot of fanfare, cause ....man...the table was filled with food. After an awkward birthday song, with Anne frowning throughout it, they began eating.

" Emmmm, Mrs Sandra... why's there no cake?" Luke honestly wondered. Stella stopped eating, Sandra stopped too, and only Anne continued eating like she had heard nothing. Luke didn't understand, what had happened?."I don't like cakes, and I don't like celebrating my birthday either". Anne's voice was coarse. " I don't appreciate our guys being here, I never asked you to."

"Annie..now don't start..." Anne wouldn't even let Sandra finish.

" This is just a waste of time." Anne stood up, she was about to walk away when Luke held her back, they were sitting side by side so it was easy for him to hold her hand.

" Stay..."

*Anne's POV*

I couldn't believe it, Luke was holding my hand, asking me to stay. Like we shared a relationship? You're just my fuck boy dude... I wanted to say that out loud, to get some sense into his head. I pulled him up with me instead.

" Come with me, I need to talk with you ." Luke gave me an incredulous look, and I almost laughed. My mom cleared her throat very noisily, I tilted my head to look at her, I was hoping she'd say we shouldn't leave, my body was itching for an argument and I hoped she'd start one.

"Let them go, mom, I'm sure she has a lot to explain to him," Stella said in between bites.

This girl was beginning to worry me, Stella was never nice, what was she playing at? I tried looking at her, but she avoided my eyes and focused on her plate of food. I needed some space, I needed to leave here, I couldn't stand my mom's smiles and Stella's faked good attitude anymore.

I pulled Luke's arm more strongly. " Let's go ."

Luke looked at the food and then at me, this guy and food, would you come with me already

I pushed him inside my room and locked the door. I was fuming already, I always got angry whenever my mom behaved like this, she knew so why did she keep on doing it, I never lost my temper but this woman ...I noticed Luke looking at me intensely.

" What ?"

" You know you're strange right? I mean who'd walk away from a table filled with food, angrily for that matter?" His hands were folded across his chest, he was leaning against the door frame.

* Anne's POV*

. I didn't feel like answering any questions right now, I was fuming, I walked up to him, and began unbuckling his Jean buttons, Luke didn't even move, he said nothing, I honestly couldn't understand why or what I was doing, I just needed to get rid of this anger, and what better way than fucking?

I was done with Luke's buttons, he was hard already? I looked up at him, he met my eyes and shrugged as if telling me ' what did you expect? '.

I took him in my mouth, fuck was he supposed to taste this good? we moaned together, I couldn't stop myself from trying to deep-throat him, I couldn't really...I mean he was huge, his hands held my hair, and he was breathing so hard, I held his balls, caressing them. Luke dragged my head to where his was, and he kissed me roughly, just the way I liked, his hands roaming around my body, he was being so rough and I loved it, I couldn't help moaning. He turned me around, my back was to his chest, and his hands went under my top, I wasn't wearing a bra, and my nipples were hard already, he pinched them, and I hissed...I wanted him inside of me. I was wet already...

" Luke ..fuck me ..now! " I almost screamed the last word out, he had to cover my mouth.

" Your family's out there Annie, keep it down".