

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Urban
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10 Chs


* Stella's POV*

Why did Luke pull me into the room and lock the door? Why was he shirtless and smiling like an idiot? He flexed his biceps on purpose didn't he? He looked so good to eat, Danny my boyfriend, had never made me feel this way, what was happening to me?

"What did you just say?" Luke was staring at me, his eyes, they were grey? How was that possible? I didn't notice that before, neither did I notice the tattoo on the left side of his neck, a frog?! Why would anyone have a frog tattooed on their body?

"I said whatever that happened this afternoon was a mistake, and I came to apologise". Luke laughed? He fucking burst into laughter?! Not a chuckle a full laugh? I might have liked the sound of his laughter if it wasn't directed at me. I felt like crying or letting the ground swallow me whole.

"What's so funny?" Even to me my voice came off small and afraid. He must have noticed how hurt I looked, he sat up and stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just...well... I'm not sure how to reply to that, I mean..." he began laughing again. "You saying it was a mistake, you coming to apologize? And for what exactly?"

"For walking in on you and Anne, for interrupting you guys, for seeing things I shouldn't have, for.."

"Making Anne cum?" His voice was low and he stared at Stella directly in the eye which made her even more shy.

"For...for..." It was so damn hard to focus with him staring at my me like that.

"For licking your sister to orgasm? Or for leaving me hanging?" He kept looking at me, I began to hiccup. 'Way to go Stella, make him think you're a fool. Of all times, my hiccup had to start now?' I had planned a whole speech in my head, thought it would be so simple. What was all this? Why did he have to say anything?

"Stella, stop beating yourself up, you did nothing wrong." My eyebrows shot up in a questioning glare.


" Well," he chuckled again, the nerve this guy's got. "Well, maybe a little wrong, but nothing that hasn't happened before and, I'm very sure you won't be the last to do such, so why beat yourself up for it ?"

"Anne's my sister and I..."

"Made her orgasm." He grinned again, how could someone this hot be so annoying. His tongue was between his teeth in a very sexy smile. He was enjoying this.

" So, it's normal for sisters to bring each other to..."

"Bring each other to orgasm? Yes, as long they are as hot as you two, why not?" He stood up and walked slowly towards me, unknowingly I moved backwards into the chair. He stopped in front of me and crouched down holding the arms of the chair then he looked into my eyes, my breath was caught in my throat. He was too close for comfort. I couldn't stop staring at him, his eyes, his funny tattoo.

"Stella," he moved closer to me and I could smell the bathing soap he used. "Stella, I'd like to see you," he shook his head slowly. "I'd love to see you, do that again. Did you know how hot and sexy you looked?" His fingers played on my palm and they moved upwards, towards my upper arm. He was stroking me slowly while looking into my eyes and speaking softly.

"I want to see you naked again. I know we just met, but you drive me crazy, and you know the worst thing? You don't even know it."

"But I..I..this is..it's wrong."

"What is?"

"This? What happened this afternoon, you..what you're telling me now.."

"Why? What's wrong with desire and pleasure?"

"Nothing...but this kind, it's, it's wrong Luke, it's wrong."

"Why?" He kept stroking my arm slowly.

"You're my sister's boyfriend, I can't. And no, I won't get involved with Anne's boyfriend, not again".

"Again?" He straightened up, folded his arms and then looked down at me. "Stella, I'm not dating your sister." I looked up at him, I was shocked. They weren't dating? Then what the hell were they doing together?

"We're just bed pals, you know, we have..."

"Sex? So you guys are friends with benefits?"

He chuckled, and then he said, "Friends would be uh...an error. I hardly know Anne, we just met a few days ago."

Luke felt weird, why was Stella looking at him like that? This wasn't anything new, a lot of people did stuff like this all the time. I mean, they were couples who engaged in open marriages for God's sake.

"Stella, are you okay? Say something."

"Say what? I don't think I even understand any of what you're saying. What do you mean you met my sister a few days ago?"

"Exactly what it means." Luke went to lean against the wall facing Stella who was still seated and holding the arms of the chair in shock. He was still shocked by her behavior.

"Stella you can't tell me that you've never heard of people who just met and clicked?"

"Fucked. You mean fucked. Isn't that what you're doing?!" Stella's voice had gone an octave higher.

"Well, for someone who just tasted her sisters pussy..."

"Don't use that against me!"

Luke chuckled, was this girl mad? She could do what she wanted and say she didn't know what she was doing, but she looked at him like he was dirty?

"Oh..you feel bad? You feel dirty?"

"No.. no..no. I don't, it's not my fault. I already explained it, I didn't know."

"Bullshit! That's pure nonsense and you know it, you're an adult, aren't you Stella? You can't be more than three or four years younger than Anne".

"Younger?" Stella looked at Luke sharply. "Anne's my younger sister."

It was time for Luke to be shocked. Anne was younger than Stella?

"You're what?"

"Older, Annie's 25 and I'm 30."

"You're what?!" Luke couldn't believe his ears. "Do you use an anti aging cream or something. You look 25 while Anne looks 30!"

Stella shrugged, "it's her father's genes."

"Her father's?"

"Yes, we have different fathers. I guess you were saying the truth then."

"Truth about what?"

" You and Annie, she never hesitates to tell people we're step siblings. You really just met her."

Luke began laughing, very loudly. Stella looked at him strangely, what was funny?

She made to stand in two long strides Luke was at her back and he pushed her down, bent forward so his mouth was close to her ear.

Stella shivered.

"So what you're trying to say is, you're Anne's elder sister?" Stella nodded slowly, she didn't like the change in time of Luke's voice. Her phone rang and she checked it. It was her boyfriend so she she rejected it. Luke snickered and walked away . Her phone rang again, it was her boyfriend, arrrgh! She didn't want to talk to him now. She stood and left the room, Luke didn't even try to stop her. She dialed Anne's number, she needed to tell her that she was leaving with Mom. Anne didn't pick up so she dialed it again. The same thing happened. Well she'd better leave .

* Stella's POV*

"Mom! Aren't you done ? Let's go!" I shouted from the passage.

"Almost done honey." I could hear mom's footsteps . My phone began to ring again, thinking it was my boyfriend, I hissed loudly, but to my surprise it was 'Anne'. I answered and put it in speaker.

"Annie, mom's cleaned up your kitchen, we're on our way home now. Luke's.."

"Hello, who is this speaking?" The voice was strong and deep, it definitely belonged to a man. Mom stood in front of me shocked, why was a man using Anne's phone?

"Hello, yeah this is Anne's phone and I am her mother, who are you? And why are you with my daughter's phone?"

"I am David, a nurse from Waterhills hospital, I'm calling to inform you that your daughter was involved in an accident, and is currently undergoing treatment here. I called this number because you were the last to call her plus we'll need you at the hospital as soon as possible ma'am."

Mom and I gasped in shock. Luke came out of the room all dressed and smiling. When he saw the look on our faces he stopped.

"What's wrong?" He moved closer to my mom.

"It's Annie, she's in the hospital, she had an accident."