

Author: SuvCestLaVie
Contemporary Romance
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Read ‘DARKER SHADES OF PURPLE’ Online for Free, written by the author SuvCestLaVie, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, BETRAYAL Light Novel, REVENGE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact t...


Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

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My world of gray, devoid of pleasure, with low class values: boring and simple. I decided to change, not clinging to hope but to despair. I secluded my self in a pitch black gloomy room, a magic circle on its floor, surrounded by 6 lighted wax candle equally laid out on the rim of the circle, dimly illuminating the room, me, a hanging rope and the sharpened knife in my left hand. Strange as it was, I realized I had no desire for anything, Money? I do have much for living but nonetheless I don’t give shit of what it brings, Woman, you say,? I’ll pass… I prefer my company or so I say but insecurity is my best of friend coming on top of anxiety, Passion? I do have one… being reduced to nothing. Well back to it, I clutched the knife and recite the passage I read on a 3 dollar dusty book, “I Calix Reyes offer my body and soul to you grant me your blessing of gift and pleasure” I held the knife, slash my wrist, and watch my crimson blood flow endlessly. I do found myself weird, they’d say things like ‘you’d realize the value of life when you’re dying’, something like that but I felt indifferent. And just as I expected, nothing happened. I clung to the hope that perhaps a devil might appear but if not, I’d just kill myself. Well unto the rope, I made my way to the hanging rope in the middle of the room, took a step on the stool. Ice Cold!! It was chilly, I started to feel my hair standing- goosebumps, my heart was beating loud enough to pop off my chest, and in the next moment alarm rang through my entire nervous system. A candle went off…then another one and so on the rest. “Now, what is it that you desire?” called a woman’s voice, soft and dignified. It’s the devil the incarnation of fear the epitome of evil. I desperately calmed my self. In the longest time I actually felt fear, pleasure ran through my body, damn it was electrifying, this is what I’ve always been looking for, the feeling of being alive, I’ve been stuck with the everyday unending non special routine but the brief elevated feeling vanished in the next moment, I again feel indifferent. “Nothing…” I replied, held the rope to my head then jumped.

J_Auder · Fantasy
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  在夜黑风高的一个夜晚,扑街写手贾优秀被铠甲系统一棍敲晕魂穿异界,开启了他的成神之旅。   即使他无法修炼,但没关系,一身修为是铠甲,铠甲商城各种变身器,召唤器,融合器三种系列随便选,什么悟空铠甲,如来铠甲,冥皇铠甲随便挑。 即使宗门不入流,但也没关系,铠甲系统小弟叫来辅助,各种各样的灵技功法随便挑,丹药宠物随便得,还有各种各样的现代科技,未来科技产品随便用。什么西游记人物,三国人物,水浒传人物,诸多历史神话人物,就连M78星云的奥特曼都能召唤过来,呼唤过来。 在异界里,为了宗门发展,他建飞机场,开酒吧,网吧,医院等,打造出庞大的商业帝国,成为宗门强大的经济资源支撑。   有一天!   贾优秀站在宗门大殿豪气冲天道:“我的好弟子们,咱们的口号是什么?”   众弟子:“反天反地反空气!”   贾优秀又道:“咱们为何而反?”   众弟子:“为天下苍生而反!”   “反谁?”   “反一切万恶之源,反一切该死之人!”   “那咱们的信仰是什么?”   “造反!” 喜欢本小说的读者们可以加入群,一起聊天讨论小说剧情吧!也可以把你喜欢的铠甲说出来,群号:831852305   

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