
Balance In The Force: A Star Wars Story

In the Star Wars Universe there are thousands of different species and almost all are humanoid and look incredibly similar. Why? How? Was there some distant relative they all had or was it just the force at will and whatever it was what if it came back to us at a time when the galaxy was supposedly at peace. I do not own Star Wars and this is to be considered fanfiction/ legends material.

KumaBear27101 · Película
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

As the sun hit my face I closed my eyes to take in the warmth from the sun, the slight breeze from the wind and the fresh air of the land.

"Zara, I feel this city and this world is a good one, I like it here." I meant it as well, the force was strong and I felt no malice, no hate, just peace.

In my peripheral vision I see Zara smile ear to ear at that statement. Unfortunately, my moment of peace is ruined by the view I see when I lower my vision. People, thousands… no tens of thousands of people, as far as I can see, nothing but people fill my view all of whom are looking at me with something in their eyes… Reverence.

"Zara…" I say in a monotone voice

"Y-Yes m-my lord?" she replied sounding nervous

"I thought you said a couple hundred would see me… I may be new to this world but last I checked this is way more than a couple hundred. Care to explain?"

"W-Well my lord, either they felt your presence in the force which is possible, or Yumia, the other guards or someone Yumia sent to the meeting room blabbed and brought everyone here in a short amount of time. However Yumia would never do that, her and I take our role serious and would never do anything you didn't ask us to."

Zara started our nervous but when she went to defend Yumia she spoke with confidence in her voice.

"I guess it is fine but what should I do now? Tell them to move?"

"As I said my lord you can do whatever you want, you are our god, our ancestor, the one who will lead us into the future."

"If you were those people down there, what would make you happy?"

"Me my lord… To hear your voice."

"My voice huh. Seems simple enough." I stopped talking and closed my eyes. I tried to look into my memories of the force, then feel the force both within myself and within the world around me. It really is everywhere and, in all things, certain things and people have more or less than others but it's still there, nonetheless. Finding what I am looking for I ask the force to spread my voice to all who are on this world and to all who share their beliefs. "Greeting people of…" Fuck I didn't ask their race. I sent a pleading look to Zara who mouthed the word 'Tult.' She definitely deserves a raise if that's a thing. "People of Tult, I have awoken from the cradle as you have called it. I will be taking time to acclimate myself to this time period and to this new world. I hope you will be patient. I do not know what the future holds but I will be there for the Tult. My parents created you; you are their legacy and will do what I can to never allow that legacy to fail. Thank you."

Silence was all that was heard before all throughout the world and is a few small areas in space a thunderous noise of cheers roared.

***Random Civilian POV***

My name is Holgar, Ide say I am a pretty average Tult man, about 25 years old with a girlfriend I am courting. I work, meditate to feel closer with the force, spend time with Alana (GF) just a normal life. There are some days of course when I am in the city square and like always, I bow to the temple and pray for our god's awakening.

Today was in fact a day I was in the square, I needed to go across town to get some food my girlfriend wanted and cut through to get there. However as I was bowing a noise was heard. It sounded like a fast rumbling. That's when I noticed more people than I thought was possible to moving very quickly and orderly into the square. Not knowing what was going on I was panicking slightly as one does but then I felt it, a presence in the force, I may not be a force user but I am well versed in how to sense it and right now I am feeling something I have never felt before and it is coming from the temple.

"Is it really him?" was all I could mutter as the crowed surrounded the temple with me amongst them.

Nobody said anything, I mean who would, nobody wanted to be rude to a god, someone we have waited for our entire species lives.

'Wait what's that, is that someone coming out? Yes it is'

Walking out from the temple entrance was one of the Temple cradle guards Zara an amazing woman amongst our people and next to her a man, no a god standing over us. He looked both intimidating, soothing and awe inspiring all at the same time. I barely noticed the regular temple guards falling to their knees at seeing him. All I could do was watch and wait.

"People of Tult, I have awoken from the cradle as you have called it. I will be taking time to acclimate myself to this time period and to this new world. I hope you will be patient. I do not know what the future hold but I will be there for the Tult. My parents created you; you are their legacy and will do what I can to never allow that legacy to fail. Thank you."

Myself as well as what seemed like everyone in the city cheered for him. I teared up and I wasn't the only one. Our god has awoken after so long and he is going to lead us and be with us. The dream out our fathers and mothers and ancestors has finally come true. This is the happiest day in the lives of all the Tult people.

***MC POV***

'Well I think that went pretty well. It was my first ever speech but it felt right.' After the speech I looked towards Zara who had tears in her eyes as did the two guard that were kneeling behind us who I just now noticed.

"Well Zara, ide very much like to go to that meeting room and sit down."

"Ah, yes right of course my lord. Please follow me, everyone should make a path for you so don't worry, also Yumia should have had enough time to gather everyone else by now."

As I followed Zara, the crown separated and made a path for us to walk and while doing so I saw they all knelt and bowed. Nobody reached out for us and nobody interrupted us. All I saw was joy, tears and happiness in the eyes and faces of these people... of my people. I even saw a child on someone shoulders who had an infectious smile on her face before they too bowed. After walking for just a couple of minutes we arrived at a pretty large building, at least 30 meters tall, with two massive statues around the entrance, one of a man and one of a woman. Their faces looked familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Hey Zara, who are these two?"

"Those two my lord? They are your parents or at least as close as our ancient sculptors could recreate them from both memories and stories. I am sure we will have one of you shortly my lord as now we know what you look like."

"It's fine if you don't I need no a statue of me but I won't stop anyone either. Please proceed." 'I wish they were here now but at least they are with me in the force.'

As we made our way into the building and down the hall we made our way through two large double doors where inside stood a round table with a few chairs of various height levels. One Chair being the highest, two surrounding it where the second highest and the rest were of the same level filling in the rest of the space. Surrounding the table were pictures and maps of what I am guessing various sites on this planet, also here was the guard Yumia as well as two men I have not met yet, one being a younger man with silvery hair about 6 feet tall and another maybe in his 40s with no hair but his silver-grey eyes showed he was of the Tult. The two men bowed on their knees as Yumia just bowed while standing.

"Please everyone get up and take seats so we can talk, I have been standing since I woke up. Then you can introduce yourselves. Zara is that seat mine?" I ask Zara about the highest seat around the table.

"Yes my lord these seats are different levels depending on the importance of the position with you being the highest, Yumia and myself surrounding you with the ministers for Defense and Public Affairs being slightly lower than that."

"And the other chairs?" There were more than just the 5 chairs for use in this room so it begs the question."

"When we had more cities before Abeloth's release each city would send a representative. We haven't reached that capacity yet I am afraid. So those seats are either left open or are filled by either ship captains that have returned from space or people we need to talk to."

Abeloth really did a number on this world but I am sure that it wasn't the only world. If I ever meet her I will be sure to give her a few words.

"Now that we are seated finally, please introduce yourselves and what you are responsible for, then we can start a Q&A."

Everyone nodded and begun.

"My god I am Alfred the Minister of Social Affairs, I am responsible for making sure that the citizens are cared for and that all public works are going smoothly."

"My god I am Hector I am the Minister of Defense. I am responsible for the defense of this city and this world as well as keeping in contact with the various ships and people we have in space.

"My lord as you know I am Yumia a cradle guard, my responsibility is to be the last line of defense to protect the cradle as well as make sure when you awaken your questions and needs are taken care of."

"My lord I am Zara and perform the same tasks as Yumia."

'Pretty much its two people who are in charge of so many people with the other two being my guards and care takers?'

"Yumia, Zara… Now that I am awake what would you duties be."

I am not sure if was my imagination or not but I could have sworn I saw stars in Yumia's then Zara's eyes when I looked around at both of them until Zara spoke for the both of them.

"My lord unless you deem otherwise; our duties would consist of being your guards still as well as take care of anything you require."

"So you two would basically follow me around, guard me as well as be my secretaries?"

""Yes my Lord!"" They both responded with vigor.

"Um my god my I ask something?" Hector chimed in while the two fan girls were well fangirling.


"Why are your guards not addressing our god with the proper title?"

"Oh right you two weren't there. Essentially I don't want anyone to address me as a god, as your people were created by my parents, my parents were created by the force so, I also haven't done anything to warrant godhood, at least not yet. So just call me boss or my lord or anything else except god, at least in my presence."

"Of course my go-… I mean my lord. We will make sure this is spread through the masses to appease you."

"Thank you Hector. Now I would like for you all to answer my questions."