
Balance In The Force: A Star Wars Story

In the Star Wars Universe there are thousands of different species and almost all are humanoid and look incredibly similar. Why? How? Was there some distant relative they all had or was it just the force at will and whatever it was what if it came back to us at a time when the galaxy was supposedly at peace. I do not own Star Wars and this is to be considered fanfiction/ legends material.

KumaBear27101 · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

***3rd POV***

Life guarding the temple is a prominent position for the Tult people. Stories have said since the dawn of their race they followed their gods and were then given a mission to protect this place and wait for a new god to appear... their son. So the Tult wait and guard the temple. The guard positions vary depending on your location in the temple; outside is where you start an the further in you go the more coveted and important the responsibility is with the highest honor and most prominent position being the guard to the sleeping Cradle, a place where their new god sleeps and waits to awaken. The reason this is such a coveted position is for an important reason besides the fact that you're guarding a god, it's for when he awakens the guards closest to him will need to carry out his wishes and answer any questions he may have. Currently two women are taking the role, these are the strongest and smartest members of their peoples, besting all challengers in both the tournament and classroom. They have been trained and take their job very seriously. These two were talking and about to change over shifts. They work 24 hours shifts and then swap out, since they only require 4 hours of sleep to be fully rested and can stay up for multiple days without issues this was determined to be the best schedule.

"Hey Yumia, ready to change over?"

"Oh hey there Zara, well there is still a few minutes left of my shift so wanna talk for a bit, then I'll brief you on what's happened on my shift."

"Sure sounds fun."

As the two were discussing a few things about their lives and about how nothing abnormal has happened around here something happened that shook the two guards to their core, something that every guard and citizen had wanted to hear. The cradle is opening.

***MC POV***

'Huh? What's this? Why is so dark here? Why can't I move?'

The man who just awoken started to panic slightly until memories started to flood into his mind, memories that were not his, he didn't know who's memories these were but they felt like two people were holding him telling him it was going to be all right and that they will be there with me forever. This made him stop panicking and think of the memories he can recall.

'The force? The force is with me and I am the force. The force is everywhere and I am of the force, I am a Progenitor, I am a child of Progenitors. Possibly the very last. I am also really wanting to see some light.'


As I say that word the hatch or door or whatever on this bed opens and I get out. I look around and see metal floors with a rug, screens that are off, my bed I was just in and two women who are on their knees bowing to me.

"Um… Hello?"

I wasn't sure if they could understand me or not but it was worth a try and thankfully I got an answer soon after.

""Hello my god we humble followers offer our praise, souls, bodies and servitude to you mighty Progenitor."" Both women say in perfect unison as though they have practiced before, but wait god? While I am a progenitor according to my memories I am pretty sure I am not a god.

"Um can you answer some of my questions? Also please stop bowing."

Immediately they stop bowing but as still on their knees. I am not sure why but my face gets kinda hot as I see them. Both women were pale skinned with almost flawless skin, silvery white hair and grey eyes, the only color were their lips and occasional flush cheeks both around 5 foot 10 inches tall.

""Yes our god how may we assist you?""

"First of all how are you both answering at the same time and also please stand up."

They look to each other as they stand up and the one to my left begins to speak.

"Yes my god to answer your question we have been taught how to first great our lord, we have gone through numerous scenarios on what your first statements and words might be and have made sure to memorize them all."

"Ok that makes sense sort of. Also why do you two keep calling your god?"

This made both of the women look at each other then at me with puzzled expressions.

"We apologize if we offended you my lord, as far back as our records show your parents and yourself have always been our gods as your parents gave life to my race. Also you are to lead us so we have always considered you as a god, just a sleeping one."

"Just don't call a god all right, it doesn't feel right. As you were created by my parents my parents were created by a higher power… the force, so being called a god especially when I haven't done anything is weird. I do hope you're familiar with the force?"

"Of course we are my lord" The other girl on my right starts to speak. "While not all beings on our world can use the force we are all taught about it and how to feel it at least somewhat. Thankfully, this planet is hidden from the Jedi and Sith or else we would have been either eradicated or indoctrinated my them with the amount of force wielders and natural force that permeates on this world."

"Jedi? Sith? You're going to have to forgive me I am unfamiliar with those terms. In fact I probably am out of date on a lot of things, while I did seem to inherit some memories from either my parents or the force itself there are a lot of dead spots and I don't even know how we are talking the same language or how long I was even in that pod, I believe I was put in their as a baby so what maybe 20ish years?"

The two ladies in front of my froze at my words. Not sure which part of my statement made them this way though? The girl on the right continued though.

"My lord based on our records and various tests that have been performed as well as educated guesses we estimate at minimum that you were in that pod for close to a million years, while your parents were around long before that."

"What?!?" No how could be, I was just supposed to sleep until I was old enough to take care of myself. How can this be.

"Is everything ok my lord; can we do anything for you?" The left one questions me as both look worried.

"I was asleep far longer than I was supposed to be and I am unsure as to why but I guess it doesn't matter now. I am glad the people my parents made are still around though. I hope it's not just you two?"

"Don't worry my lord while compared to other species that have colonized many worlds we have stayed on this holy land. I believe we have around five million people on this planet with maybe a couple hundred in space either collecting items we need or scouting for threats or news about various events."

"Five million huh. Any particular reason for it to be so low? Based on my knowledge this planet originally have over a billion Progenitors on it so size shouldn't be a problem."

"Well my lord this is due to a few reasons. One is our birth rate is much lower than other species. Two is few people want to leave the area around this temple in case you awoke. Finally three being the biggest in the fact that approximately one thousand years ago near the end of the old republic era a disturbance in the force occurred we felt the lives of numerous force wielders die which in turn release a being of Chaos."

I then interrupted her as I muttered one word from my memory but no one of my parents but one that must be from the force itself "Abeloth."

"Correct my lord, the massive loss of life from one side, the darker side of the force to be exact enabled her to escape her prison. Before she was captured again she cause mayhem in many worlds, including this one. She only brushed past this world but that was enough to end the lives of much of our population. Since then we have grown stronger but still haven't regrown our population."

"I see, thank you that is very enlightening. While I am aware of the One's as well as Abeloth as you know I don't have any actual experience with them so I will leave that at that. Let's begin, though first things first… can either of you hand me some clothes… it is a little chilly in here."

The last part of my statement immediately caused both their eyes to travel down my body until stopping which made both of their pale faces very red.

"Ah right of course my lord please forgive us, your robe we have had prepared and maintained is right over here."

As the panicking girl on my left goes to get my robe which turned out to be I am assuming around the corner because she returned very fast and helped me dress. The robe is very comfortable, like being in a warm blanket, it looks to be mostly black with silver and golden designs on it.

"Wow you got the size pretty spot on." This really surprised me because I am pretty tall, at least compared to these girls Ide say I'm roughly in the 6-foot 4 zone where these ladies seem to be in the 5-foot 10 zone, I am not sure if that tall or not for their race though as my inherited memories aren't that detailed.

"Yes my lord some of our ancestors who were there when your parents passed onto the force made the first iteration of these robes based on the dimensions of your father. Those robes are no longer here but every generation we make a new one just for this occasion."

"Wow that is some foresight. Thank you. Now is there a place for us to sit? Also is there a leader or something I need to see?" While standing here talking to these ladies is fun, I want to move around some and heading to somewhere else seems like a good excuse.

"You may do anything you wish my lord, there is nothing we will force upon you, also regarding a leader, you are the highest being we serve, there is also us two guard of the cradle, our defense minister and our social minister. These people are all that hold a modicum of power in our society, all others focus on either the force or bettering our people in preparation for your return. Speaking of which if you do want a place to sit we have one that is always prepared for you as well as sleeping quarters if you wish it."

"Yes please take me to somewhere we can sit and I guess have all those people in power come and me there as well."

"Of course my lord" The girl who was on the left that gave the robes froze as if remembering something and then kneels again. "I am deeply sorry my lord we have forgotten to give you our names." This made the other girl on my right immediately kneel and ask for forgiveness as well. I have a feeling I will be telling a lot of people to get up for a long time.

"Both of you please get up and stop freaking out. Just tell me your names." Wait do I even have a name? Mhm… Nothing comes to mind. I'll think of one later.

""Thank you our lord for being generous.""

I then found out that the one of the left was names Yumia and the one on the right's name is Zara. They hold the title of guards of the holy cradle, which is my pod thing I guess. It is apparently the highest rank on this planet… Aside from me that is.

"Well Yumia how about you go and gather those we need while Zara shows me the way to this meeting room."

""Yes my lord"" they both said with a slight forward bow before Yumia sprints away. Zara seeing this sighs slightly before straightening up and addressing me.

"My lord please follow me."

"Lead the way."

As we headed through this temple which was apparently my parents ship that was converted into a temple we passed by several more people all I am assuming guards, some men and some women. Upon seeing me though all of them have kneeled and bowed praising me. Which is getting old fast. I tell them they are doing an excellent job and to rise as Zara and I continue to the temples exit."

"Zara, is everyone on this planet going to act like you and these other guards?"

"If you mean showing you the respect, honor and praise you deserve as our god… sorry as our lord then yes."

I inwardly groan at this which I think Zara hears.

"My lord I should warn you that the temple is located in the middle of the city and while the meeting room that we will be going to is only a short walk away more than likely a cow of hundreds or thousands will probably see you."

'Fuck' was all I could think before we exited the temple and entered this bright new world I am been born into.