
A game of Vengeance

"Kill me, just kill me. Finish me. I am precious to him, and he will be hurt when I die. Just kill me!" he begged, unable to bear seeing his loved ones suffer. It felt like his heart was bleeding with pain. Taehyung laughed maniacally while Jimin stood still, staring at the manaic before him. No, not a maniac —a monster. "Just this, and you want to run? No, no,not that easily. Remember you can't die."

Anna_Bliss_4469 · Combinación de músicas
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16 Chs


Jimin looked at the person tied to the chair. It was his uncle, but why was he here?

A man came and splashed a bucket of cold water on him. With a flinch, his uncle came to his senses.

Jimin ran toward him and knelt in front of him. "Uncle Lee," he called, tears streaming uncontrollably down his face.

Taehyung pulled him up by his wrist, forcing him to stand beside him. Uncle Lee looked at Taehyung, his eyes filled with terror.

"Please... spare me. I'll give you whatever you want," Uncle Lee begged, his voice weak and uneven from pain.

Taehyung laughed maniacally. "All I want is your life."

Uncle Lee's eyes widened in terror. "I'll give back everything I took from you. Please, have mercy on me," he pleaded, his breath labored.

Taehyung's eyes were cold as ice as he looked at him. "Okay, I won't do anything to you," he said.

Uncle Lee's expression softened with relief, but it was short-lived.

Taehyung glanced at Jimin, who stood froze in shock. "He will do it," he said, his gaze piercing through Jimin.

He handed Jimin a sharp knife, his eyes gleaming with predatory intensity.

Jimin looked at him, bewildered.

"Aren't his eyes irritating?" Taehyung asked, his voice calm but cold.

Jimin stood frozen, the knife heavy in his hand."Gouge them out," Taehyung commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

Jimin shook his head, his hand trembling uncontrollably.

"Come on, I'm waiting," Taehyung said, shoving him towards the chair.

Jimin's whole body quivered like a leaf in a storm. The knife was slipping from his grasp when Taehyung grabbed his hand, steadying it with an iron grip.

With ruthless precision, Taehyung guided the blade towards the man's eye. As the knife pierced the flesh, blood gushed out in a sickening stream. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, terror coursing through him.

Taehyung's smirk widened as he forced the knife into the other eye. The room echoed with agonized screams, and from a dark corner, the frantic barking of dogs added to the cacophony.

Taehyung released Jimin's hand from his firm grasp, and the knife clattered to the ground with a resounding echo. Jimin stood frozen, staring at his hands, now stained with blood his mind reeling with the weight of what had just transpired.

Taehyung took a sharp blade and swiftly sliced open Lee's chest. The room filled with his anguished screams, growing faint as blood spilled and his cries chocked.

With a grim determination, Taehyung reached into the bloody cavity and pulled out Lee's heart. The organ throbbed in his hand, a macabre symbol of vengeance and merciless resolve.

Taehyung covered in blood, walked slowly toward the dazed Jimin.

Taehyung took Jimin's hand and placed the still beating heart in it. Standing motionless as a statue. Jimin felt paralyzed, unable to move, clutching the human heart that still pulsed into his trembling grasp. Just as the heart threatened to slip from his fingers, Taehyung steadied it.

Jimin looked at Taehyung in horror, but Taehyung's demeanor remained eerily calm. His eyes as cold as ice. It was as if he held a mere trinket, which only heightened Jimin's fear.Making him feel like a helpless pawn in a game of madness.

He tried to pull away, but Taehyung's grip tightened, his voice devoid of emotions.

" Good boys don't reject gifts, especially when they're given with such consideration. Don't you agree? Taehyung's word chilled Jimin to the core.

Jimin trembled uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face. Taehyung continued to examine the heart in Jimin's hand, casually.

" It seems ordinary, doesn't it? Just an ordinary heart." Taehyung remarked his tone unsettlingly casual.

" Where do all the evil thoughts come from? What do you think? "

Without waiting for an answer , Taehyung suddenly stabbed the heart, blood spurting like a fountain.

Disappointed, he muttered " Nothing, nothing special at all"

" Perhaps we need help to find out" he said with a whistle, summoming a man accompanied by barking dogs.

Jimin's soul felt on the brink of leaving his body.

Taehyung tossed the heart to the dogs, who eagerly tore it apart before his horrified eyes.

Jimin couldn't bear the sight and began vomiting, uncontrollably.

Taehyung laughed manically " You're so boring missing out on such a spectacle"

Taehyung gestured to his man who then threw the body to the dogs as well. Taehyung walked over to Jimin who was now doubled over, clutching his heart and struggling to breath.

Taehyung gripped Jimin's shoulder, forcing him to witness the gruesome scene.

" Watch it closely and remember this, everyone close to your father will meet this fate. I will take everything precious from him, and you will witness their end, just like this."

Jimin's fear and anger boiled over uncontrollably. Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded desperately, his voice choked with terror and anguish.

"Kill me, end it please! Just kill me!" Jimin's voice cracked, his entire body trembling violently. "I'm precious to him. He'll be devastated if I die. Please, kill me and stop this madness!"

Taehyung laughed, a chilling sound that echoed in Jimin's ears.

" Just this, and you want to escape? Taehyung's voice dripped with malice, his eyes gleaming with twisted amusement. " No, not that easy. You don't get to die."

Jimin stared at him, feeling utterly helpless, realizing the depths of the nightmare he was trapped in. The man in front of him was a monster, an embodiment of his worst fears.

Taehyung turned Jimin back to the dogs, who were now devouring the body's internal organs. The sight unbearable. Overwhelmed Jimin's world spun, and he collapsed, consciousness slipping away.

Taehyung caught Jimin before he hit the ground, cradling him with a mocking smile.

"So fragile," he whispered, his voice a venomous lullaby in Jimin's fading awareness.

With a twisted tenderness, he lifted Jimin in a bridal style, turning his gaze toward the dogs.

"My babies are really enjoying their treat," he said, his eyes gleaming with wild determination. "Don't worry, Father will come back with a more delicious one soon."

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