
A game of Vengeance

"Kill me, just kill me. Finish me. I am precious to him, and he will be hurt when I die. Just kill me!" he begged, unable to bear seeing his loved ones suffer. It felt like his heart was bleeding with pain. Taehyung laughed maniacally while Jimin stood still, staring at the manaic before him. No, not a maniac —a monster. "Just this, and you want to run? No, no,not that easily. Remember you can't die."

Anna_Bliss_4469 · Music & Bands
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16 Chs


Taehyung carried Jimin to the room, his expression cold and detached as he instructed Hoseok to call the doctor.

"He is in deep shock," Doctor Jin said, assessing Jimin's condition before looking at Taehyung.

"When will he wake up?" Taehyung's voice was icy and emotionless.

"I am giving him an injection. He should wake up in three to four hours," Jin replied calmly.

"Hmm," Taehyung nodded.

Seokjin, a distant relative and Taehyung's personal doctor, was like a big brother to him.

"I'm prescribing some medicines. Make sure he takes them on time," Jin instructed, directing his gaze towards Hoseok, who was standing silently in the corner.

"Let him rest for now," Jin said as he walked toward the door. Taehyung glanced at the unconscious Jimin before following Jin and Hoseok out.

They settled in the living room, sipping tea. Taehyung went to freshen up.

"Who is the boy?" Jin asked Hoseok.

"He is Park's son," Hoseok replied.

"What's going on exactly?" Jin's concern was evident as he noticed the blood on both Taehyung and Jimin's hands and clothes.

"It's better if you ask Taehyung yourself," Hoseok responded evasively.

"Hmm," Jin nodded, deep in thought.

"What are you two talking about?" Taehyung asked cheerfully as he returned, looking surprisingly relaxed.

Jin and Hoseok turned to him. Taehyung sat next to Hoseok, draping an arm over his shoulder.

"How have you been, Doctor Jin?" Taehyung asked mischievously.

"I've been good. What about you, Mr. Beast?" Jin retorted, tauntingly.

"What do you want to know? Ask clearly," Taehyung's tone turned sharp.

"What have you done to the boy?" Jin demanded.

Hoseok watched the exchange silently.

"Hyung, you don't have to worry about that," Taehyung said seriously, his eyes warning Jin not to push further.

Hoseok tried to defuse the tension. "Hyung, let's drink together when Yoongi comes back."

Jin smiled slightly. "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"I have to leave now. I have somewhere to be," Jin said, glancing at Taehyung, who remained silent and serious.

After Jin left, Taehyung's eyes burned with rage and hatred as he looked at Hoseok.

"Did you deliver my gift to Park?" he asked.

"Yes, he will receive it soon," Hoseok confirmed.

"Good," Taehyung said, getting up.

"Taehyung," Hoseok called out.

Taehyung looked at him, already knowing what Hoseok wanted to say.

"Do you want him to be the next treat for my pets?" Taehyung's threat was clear.

"No," Hoseok replied, defeated.

"Then don't bring it up again and make sure no one else does either." Taehyung's voice was firm as he looked at Hoseok and then left the room.


Jimin felt there was a heavy weight on his chest, making it hard to breathe as if someone was choking him. Gasping for air, he woke up, his breath shallow and rapid. His eyes darted to his hands, where dried blood still clung to his skin. Panic surged through him as he stumbled toward the washroom, his steps unsteady.

Under the cold shower, he started scrubbing his body aggressively, trying to wash away the blood and the memories. His nails dug into his skin, scratching at the dried blood, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was still there. His hands began to bleed, yet he continued, lost in a frenzy.

His legs finally gave out, and he collapsed to the floor, hugging his knees tightly. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the water from the shower, as he sobbed uncontrollably, the weight of his torment pressing down on him.

Everything around him started spinning, a dizzying blur of colors and shapes. His vision blurred, and he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Disoriented and overwhelmed, he clung to his knees, his mind a chaotic whirlpool of fear and confusion. The cold water continued to pour over him, but he couldn't feel it anymore; all he could sense was the suffocating weight of his despair, the world around him dissolving into a nightmarish vortex.

Taehyung entered the room, but Jimin was nowhere to be seen. The sound of running water came from the bathroom. He waited for ten minutes, growing increasingly impatient. When Jimin still didn't emerge, he strode to the bathroom door and flung it open.

Jimin was sitting under the shower, the water pouring over him. Taehyung's voice sliced through the noise like a blade. "Jimin, come here," he commanded.

Jimin didn't respond. Fury surged through Taehyung as he stormed over and shut off the shower. "Get up," he ordered, his tone cold and stern.

Jimin looked up at him with half-closed eyes, barely conscious. Taehyung seized his wrist, pulling him to his feet. Jimin swayed, unable to stand properly, and began to fall, but Taehyung's strong grip caught him around the waist and pulled him close.

He could feel the fever radiating from Jimin's body. Without a word, he lifted Jimin into his arms, carrying him bridal style. Jimin weakly tried to resist, but he had no strength left.

"Stay still," Taehyung roared.

He carried Jimin back to the room and gently placed him on the couch. Taehyung went to the cupboard, grabbed a set of clothes, and threw them at Jimin. "Change your clothes," he ordered.

Jimin's hands trembled as he took the clothes, trying to stand, but his legs gave out beneath him. He sat back down, closing his eyes against the pounding in his head.

"Stop acting. Do you want me to help you change your clothes?" Taehyung asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Summoning all his remaining strength, Jimin staggered to the washroom, using the wall for support. He returned a few minutes later, dressed but unsteady. He walked slowly toward the bed, with nothing to hold onto for support.

Taehyung watched him with growing annoyance. He grabbed Jimin and dragged him to the bed, nearly throwing him onto it.

Jimin sat there, his head resting against the headboard. Taehyung approached and shoved a bowl toward him. "Eat it," he ordered.

Jimin shook his head weakly, indicating no. Taehyung's glare darkened.

"I'm not asking you. Eat it," he growled, his voice harsh.

Jimin shivered at the sudden rise in Taehyung's voice. He tried to hold the bowl, but his hands were trembling uncontrollably.

"Why are you so weak?" Taehyung muttered, annoyed. He filled a spoon with congee and brought it to Jimin's lips. "Open your mouth," he commanded.

Jimin looked at him, a mix of confusion and fear in his eyes.

"Open it, damn it," Taehyung snapped.

Jimin obeyed, and Taehyung fed him until the bowl was empty. Then he handed Jimin some medicine. "Take it. You'll feel better," he said.

Jimin swallowed the medicine, a question gnawing at his already aching head. He looked at Taehyung, his voice barely a whisper. "Wh... why are you... taking care of me?"

"To keep you alive," Taehyung replied with a smirk, his ice-cold eyes flashing with a strange emotion that Jimin couldn't comprehend.

A chill ran down Jimin's spine, and he looked down, unable to meet Taehyung's gaze.

"Rest now and get well soon. Something very interesting is waiting for you," Taehyung said, cryptically. He pulled the sheets over Jimin and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Jimin lay there, confusion and fear swirling in his mind. What did Taehyung mean? What if it's something terrible again? The thoughts made his heart clench with dread.

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