
A game of Vengeance

Music & Bands
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What is A game of Vengeance

Read ‘A game of Vengeance’ Online for Free, written by the author Anna_Bliss_4469, This book is a Music & Bands Fanfic, covering R18 Fanfiction, MYSTERY Fan Fiction, DARK Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: "Kill me, just kill me. Finish me. I am precious to him, and he will be hurt when I die. Just kill me!" he begged, unabl...


"Kill me, just kill me. Finish me. I am precious to him, and he will be hurt when I die. Just kill me!" he begged, unable to bear seeing his loved ones suffer. It felt like his heart was bleeding with pain. Taehyung laughed maniacally while Jimin stood still, staring at the manaic before him. No, not a maniac —a monster. "Just this, and you want to run? No, no,not that easily. Remember you can't die."

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安然家隔壁长了个根正苗红的小学霸,小圆球安然很有志向,从小就偷偷打定主意将这朵高岭之花摘进口袋。 安然暗搓搓的制定了一套攻略学霸计划,往自己圆嘟嘟的脑袋上绑了白底红字的布条,上面明晃晃的写着——奋斗! 十年过去了,安然摇身一变,变成了个肤白貌美的学霸。 安然颇为坚定,拒绝了满头黄发,桀骜不驯的社会哥,拒绝了腼腼腆腆,清秀可人的隔壁弟弟,拒绝了长身玉立,一往情深的高富帅。 然后,安然发现,学霸跟隔壁小白莲有一腿? 安然怒了,一声不吭的转身去了英国。 回国后学霸将她搂在臂弯之间,吻的难舍难分,一向温润如玉的人终于变了表情,双眸猩红,声音嘶哑:“乖,命给你,做我老婆好不好” 安然老脸一红,“我考虑考虑” 备注:青梅竹马养成系,不甜不要钱。 你继续发光,我努力跟上,回忆是你,未来也是你。 小剧场:多年以后,有人采访蜚声海外的顾医生的心肝——顾太太。 小记者十分雀跃“顾太太,您觉得顾医生是一个什么样的人呢?” 顾太太干净利落“多面人” 小记者有些迟疑“额,怎么说呢” 顾太太面不改色“对待工作,一丝不苟认真细致,对待旁人,温文尔雅如沐春风,对待家属,人模狗样又骚又浪。”

瘦瘦的豆沙包 · General
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I am utterly captivated by your book! It's a literary gem that warrants far more attention than it's currently receiving. The characters are intricately crafted, the plot is expertly woven, and the writing is nothing short of exceptional. It's a travesty that more readers haven't had the pleasure of immersing themselves in your work yet. I'm eager to help you devise a strategy to increase its visibility and garner the accolades it so rightly deserves. Let's collaborate to devise a plan that showcases your masterpiece to the world!"


Hello, I love reading through your story, i enjoy the energy you gathered together but it has low engagers I would like to discuss something with you that will help the engagement of your book 📚📚📖


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