
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Cómic
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18 Chs

Affects of breathing, and the marking of a Mafia boss.

So here I am the morning of our third day on the Baratie, nailing the last few boards on the ceiling. And as she said said she would, Zorro is here with me. Mostly just keeping me company, striking up small conversations while handing me nails or a few boards. The help is nice but she didn't listen when I told her it would be boring. As for the last two days it has mostly went the same as canon, gin gets feed, Luffy decides on Sanji as our chief, gin leaves to go find Krieg. Both me and Zorro stayed away for everyone most of the time. With her training and me working as fast as I can on the roof.

As I pull out a gallon of paint to finish the repair, we hear a big commotion down stairs. Looking to Zorro I can't help but say "how much do you want to bet that gin fella is back?" With a small smirk as we made our way downstairs.

"That's a suckers bet and you know it. Let's just get this over with. The only thing the Krieg pirates have going for them is their large numbers. And you're practically the definition of crowd control. Just don't screwup this time. A sword or a bullet will kill anyone, If it hits the right place." She says with a sideways look. Damn get stabbed twice and they never let you live it down.

"Don't worry about it Zorro. I relearned my lesson, plus with you teaching me, how could I make such a mistake." I reassure her. I still can't believe I let that happen, I've even got Usopp to throw stuff at me while I train. As long as it's not Haki training, I've avoided all of them so far.

"Shishishi, old man if I beat them up can me and John leave a little early?" Luffy takes the opportunity to leave. He knows I'm almost done but he's grown impatient.

"Old man the roof is done. Just needed to paint the ceiling but we heard some noise down here and decided to join the fun." I notice Nami shifting in her seat as she stares at the door. Tapping Zorro's side with my elbow i focus my eyes on Nami. Leaning in to whisper. "Go take the sails off the Merry just in case. She's been looking flaky lately." When she hears that her eyes widen a bit before she left towards the ship. "So old man, even though we're done working we don't mind lending a hand. Plus the only trouble we would have trouble in the east blue is a logia user like Smoker." I say after seeing Zeff grunt unsatisfied, thinking they'd have to fight alone.

"Shishishi, good job John, nice timing. Since that's, the case let us take Sanji as our cook."

"Hoh, sure kid. I've been trying to get him to leave for years. And thanks boy for finishing up so quick, and it doesn't look awful so I guess I can let y'all off early." Said Zeff while looking at Sanji.

Soon after Zeff, Sanji, and Luffy had an argument about how he wouldn't join. I turned to Luffy. "So Captain how we taking this one."

"Hum. Same as always, Shishishi, just let everyone else fight a bit. I'll take care of their boss as quick as I can." He laughs out letting me choose how to handle it. Soon after Zorro walked back in giving me a nod.

"I just undid one side of each of the sails, that way it won't be too hard to put back when we leave." She said quietly so only I could hear. I just gave her a small grin.

As we all made our way outside Nami notices the sails on the Merry, and her face flushes white. As she looks to me I give her a shit eating grin. "Alright this is how it's gonna go. Luffy is gonna take care of Krieg obviously. Nami and Usopp are gonna team up, Usopp get on the roof, your support. Nami I'll leak people towards you to fight. Sanji even though you haven't joined yet you are going to clean up your own mess. Gin is being left to you, otherwise just protect Zeff." When I finish saying that Nami has a face of fear, Usopp has one of excitement as he heads upstairs, and Sanji just look unhappy with the situation.

Luffy is the first to realize I didn't say anything about Zorro. "What about Zorro? She needs to fight too." He said with his head tilted.

After he asked that I felt two holes being bored into the side of my head. "Don't worry, she has her own fight. Let's just say she's the closest one to learning just how hard her dream really is." As I say that I feel the burning lesson as she widens her eyes with a feral grin plastered on her face.

Since we took so long talking, we didn't get to hear Krieg's villain monologue. Not long after we reached the edge of one of the fins, everyone heard a 'shing' sound. Immediately after not just the galleon but the sky itself behind it were split in two.


Zorro just grins as she sees the small boat that comes into view. "To be able cut a boat this size, no doubt you are the strongest. I came out to sea to find you."

"What is your goal week one." Hawk Eye asked uninterested.

"To surpass you. You have time right, let's have a duel." She said as she jumped onto the floating wreckage.

"You're so week it's pitiful. If you were a decent swordsman you could already tell the gap between us. It's either extreme courage, or ignorance that inspires you to fight me." He says as they circle each other.

"Both of them don't matter. It's ambition, I made a promise to a dear friend, and I won't go see her again until I achieve our goal." She says as he takes off his necklace. "Wait you're seriously going to use that?" She asked when she sees it's a knife.

"I'm not a beast to use a cannon to hunt a rabbit. Unfortunately this is the smallest blade I have on me right now." He says looking down on Zorro.

"I'll make you regret those words." She takes in a few deep breaths as she gets into her breathing state. And charges towards Mihawk with an oni giri. Two extra heads flickering out before fading away.

"You're just a frog in a well who can see how big the world is." He said as he raised his arm slightly. To comply stop Zorro's attack.


(As soon as the fight starts)

'Damn it, there's nothing I can do here. I know she needs to fight, but I'm no doctor how am I supposed to help her afterwards.' I can't help but think as I see her changing at Mohawk.

'Hey system do you buy gold or other things?' I ask, I have about 4.7 million dollars left and need about 2 and a half more for something I have a guess about.

( Ding ) (Yes host, everything sold to the system will be at a 25% discount. It is more beneficial to the host to sell his items to the outside world.)

'Good take all of my gold and all the extra guns and swords as well of the lead shot and gun power, except enough for 50 shots and two spare katanas. As well as that rare box of wine.'

( Ding ) (Host has received 1.8 million for the gold, 423 thousand for the guns and swords, 180 thousand for the lead shot and gunpowder, and lastly 75 thousand for the wine.)

'Shesh, cutting that close. Well that's enough, system open 7 gatcha tokens.' I think counting up how much I have. It'll leave me with just over 200 thousand left.

( Ding ) (Affirmative host rolling 7 Gatcha tokens now.) I soon heard a series of dings followed lastly by a gong sound. Hopefully i was right.

( Ding ) (Host has received the following x2 Common changes of cloths. X1 uncommon Thompson submachine gun. X1 uncommon 3 piece white suit, x1 rare vongola ring (to match user's dominate flame) x1 common pack of handkerchiefs. And lastly x1 mythical blood of vangola (dormant) as the host has drawn a mythical draw, the hosts luck has been reset to 0%. Thank you for your patronage. Please come and waste your money again soon, you lucky bastard.)

'Shit, that's all cool but I can't use that shit now, damn it system buy me a full med kit. One for lacerations preferably.' I say in a panic as Zorro is stabbed it the chest.

( Ding ) (It's in the ring. You spent 75 thousand.)

'Fine thanks.' I say as I pull out my new ring. Let's hope it's one I can use in this situation.


"You're going to let me pierce your heart? Why not withdraw." Mihawk asks with his knife in Zorro's chest.

"I don't know, but I feel that if I pull back I'll lose all of the progress I've made. All the promises and pledges I've made. I feel like if I take even a step back ill break them all. And never make it back to where I am now." She says with blood dripping down her chin.

"Of course. That's what defeat is."

"Your right, all the more reason I can't quit then."

"Even if it means death."

"It's still better than giving up" she gives him a feral grin when she says that.

"Young woman tell me your name." Mihawk said when he came to a decision.

As she readied her last attack she yelled out "Roronoa Zorro. I'll be the strongest." Focusing completely on her breathing trying to get everything she can out of it.

"I shall remember it. For your resolve I shall end this fight with the strongest black blade Yoro." As he says that they both pause a moment, before charging. Mihawk just swings downward.

While Zorro uses her current strongest attack.

'Asura breathing, three swords style. Three thousand worlds.' She screams in her mind as two extra heads appear on her shoulders. Orbs that resemble planets rush to where Zorro is spinning her swords. Who seems to have become a black hole ready to absorb all things.

There clash is over in an instant. With two of Zorro's swords shattered and a gash on her shoulder. Mihawk stood uninjured if not for a small cut on the brim of his hat you wouldn't think he was currently in a duel.

Afterwards Zorro sheathed her sword and turned to face Mihawk with her arms spread. "Scars on the back are a swordsman's shame."

"Excellent." He says with a small grin. As he swings his blade down he caches a glimpse of light coming from the Baratie.


As Mihawk's sword came down I knew it was my cue. I may not of been able to help her in this fight. But I can at least make sure she doesn't get hurt any worse. Activating my lightning ring I kick off as hard as I can to make it there quickly.

The world blurred for a moment before I stopped, crouched behind Zorro catching her and her sword in my arms. Giving Mihawk a glare with green lightning flashing in my eyes, i rush back to the Baratie not saying a word.

When I got her inside one of the rooms I started patching her up. I could barely hear my captain scream "you bastard" while kicking towards Hawkeye. Or Mihawk declaring that he would hold the title 'strongest' for her to come take away. When I got her laid down I started cleaning out the bad blood and disinfecting the wounds. It took me about 30 minutes to get her to a point where I thought she would be stable, during that time the world was dead, so when I finished I checked one last time before making my way outside.

Not in any mood to play games I flash on my new ring while pulling out my Tommy gun.

'Heh, guess I'll help them out a bit. Looks like Nami and Sanji are having a bit of trouble.' I think aiming down my iron sights towards the closest group of Pirates I see, letting the whole mag out in a volley. As you can probably tell, I'm not in a mood to play.

I thought a whole chapter was needed for the coolest fight in the east blue arc. Not much of John in this one, hope you like it though. If you see any problems let me know and I’ll fix them.

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