
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Trained up and Woodworking?

So remember when I said I could probably do the breathing technique? Well it's an iffy thing at best. Sure I can do it while meditating, or when resting, and it helps speed up recovery time. But when I try to use it for practice or training it sends pain straight into my heart and lungs. So I'll put a pin in that, I'll continue to use it when I'm resting or idle, but I think I'll wait until we have Chopper with us.m for anything too rigorous.

Other then that my training with Zorro seems to be going well. Sure I'll never be a supreme swordsman but she thinks with practice I'll be at least above average. As for her idea of training. She has had me swinging my sword for at least 3 hours a day. And a hour of drawing and sheathing Nuri Saar. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'll be good at a quick draw type of swordsmanship. I can see it, it's mostly what I had in mind anyway. Speaking of, i think I know what type of sword technique I'm going to aim for, Sword Domain.

Think about it. Since I'm mostly a mid ranged fighter and focus on my guns, I won't usually have a reason to get up close and personal. But with a sword domain in any of those situations, if I'm skilled enough I would almost never lose. My game plan for project 'Six feet' is to practice my observation to absurd levels. Hopefully to the point of predicting the future, as well as the most sensitive of air movement. By then I aim to have figured out 'Total constant breathing.'

Of course I don't have any expectations for that in the foreseeable future. Maybe I'll figure it out during the time skip. Ohh yea I also drew my weekly Gatcha, i got a neat flintlock. It's a heavily engraved grey pistol. Probably comparable to a high quality one in this world. It was an uncommon draw so it brought my luck up to 7%. Which is nice, now I have a reason to keep the gun powder and lead shot I found at Shells town. The only flaw I can see is that is only one shot, and yea sure I can shoot it, store it, then shoot it again when I pull it out of my ring loaded. But that seems kind of inconvenient. So I'll most likely leave it holstered most of the time, except for maybe dramatic moments, or as a hidden weapon.

No I'm not going to talk about my torture aka Haki training. Let's just say it's not going well. Zorro and Luffy have also made a descent amount of progress as well.

For Luffy, after he saw Koro's movement technique he wanted something similar. So he came to me for any advice, and I gave him the idea of using compression. No its not gear second. Instead of pumping his blood and doing weird one piece science, he compresses his calf and thigh muscles and use his knee as an axle to release the built up force. Launching him forward, probably comparable to a medium leveled user of Shave or Soru. He's already started working on how to use it with his arms to make his punches harder.

Zorro on the other hand is able to use the basic version of the breathing technique. Being able to use it for about 5 minutes in training before she gets to tired. It's made her faster and stronger when using it. She has also broken through her bottleneck and has started improving rapidly since we got the Merry. Now we just have to wait and see if my theory is correct. Hopefully she will be able to incorporate her breathing techniques into her swordplay. It would be really cool to see an actual manifestation of tora giri.

Nami and Usopp haven't done any physical training, but have both worked on their respective jobs. I had given Usopp plenty of supplies and ideas to work on when he set up a work shop in his corner of the men's room. I just have Nami plenty of writing supplies and extra maps I had on me from Dawn village.

Also no way in hell am I sleeping in a room with Luffy and Usopp. So I put a gazebo roof on top of the look out and screened it in. Mine. I did the work, my room. I also added a room to the left side of the kitchen, I set it up with a nice stainless steel still. I could go into detail but I won't. Just know I'm making some strong shit now. Wonder how everyone will like moonshine. That will be fun to see.

And yea I am doing a recap of the last few days, while monologuing the whole thing. What are ya gonna do 'bout it. Ehh I'm just messing.

Soon I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of cannon fire. "Shishishi, so cool Usopp. You hit dead center first try." Luffy laughed out as he hit Usopp on his right shoulder.

Usopp just grins and swipes the end of his nose with his thumb. "Hehe, of course Luffy, I'm the sniper of this ship, I shouldn't be capable of any thing less." He boasts. And yes sniper, as the vise captain how could I allow mutiny on this ship. So of course I had a 'talk' with him and made sure he knows he won't be allowed to joke like that.

"Hey, maybe we could help the two men you two most likely almost killed. Plus they may know were that one restaurant is. I kinda want to taste their lamb if they have it." I say pointing to the two people floating in the water next to the Merry.

"Ahhh Usopp what did you do." Said Luffy completely disregarding his own part of it.

"Ohhh no, what do I do. I didn't mean to kill anyone." Usopp reacts how you would expect. I mean seriously how can anyone have that much expression on their face, it's just not natural.

"Give me a minute, captain. I'll go check and see if you both killed 'em." I say while kicking down a rope ladder.

Forty five minutes later we see a bandaged up Johnny and Yosaku sitting against the wall to the kitchen. They weren't as roughed up as I thought they were. Just knocked unconscious m, a boulder had fallen beside their small ship and threw them overboard. Yes Yosaku still had scurvy, only this time they didn't start dancing when he woke up.

We are currently on our way to the baratie, and we're right on time to. How do I know that you may ask. It's manly because of the marine ship that is making room between the both of us. The scene with Fullbody didn't happen. Which is unfortunate I had wanted to try something stupid. Well I suppose I'll just ask my system if my idea was possible. 'Hey system. Could I have caught a cannonball with my ring.' Bootleg Gilgamesh is what I was thinking with this thought.

( Ding ) (Negative host. I had thought you were smart enough to realize this in your own. You have the sixth highest amount of use time with a storage ring out of the last ten thousand to receive it. And you've had it for less then a week you petty thief. Good job by the way that makes ROB chuckle every time you 'find' your things. But I digress, the storage ring acts as a room. When you use it it makes the room bigger to fit what goes in. What happens to stuff when a cannonball gets shot in said room?)

'I- never mind, thanks for making me feel stupid.' I sigh dejectedly. At least I asked before trying it that would have been bad.

( Ding ) (The host is welcome. It is my one pleasure to do so.)

This fucker. 'Calm down no point point in getting upset it's just a bit of teasing.' I think while gritting my teeth. 'At least we're here now and Luffy doesn't have to work for the next few days.' It was only moments after I thought that had I realized what I had done.

"Shishishi, the Merry is taking a bit too long. I want meat so I'll see you all in a little while. Gum Gum Compression shot." Fuck me sideways. Our captain just slung himself into the roof of the Baratie. 'Why did I have to jinks myself.'

"Let's hurry up and make sure they don't get hurt trying to attack our idiot captain." I say with a defeated tone of voice. It didn't take long for us to reach the restaurant. When we all jumped aboard the rest of the crew went to a table to order food, and I got one of the waiters to take me to the owner Zeff.

"No, a whole year is to long to wait. I already had to wait until I was 17 I don't want to waste any more time." I hear as I walk into the room.

"Well that's too damn bad. Should have thought about that before throwing yourself into my ship." Zeff yells at Luffy with a vain popping out the side of his head.

Before things get too heated I chime in. "Sorry about my captain old man. He got a little excited. How about you make him work until I get your roof fixed." Even though I say this I know we won't be hearing that long. I just want to do something the get the restaurant on our good side a bit easier.

"Sure boy. If you can do a good enough job, I'll let the kid go a bit early." He said after a few moments of thought. I mean he didn't really have a reason to refuse me.

" Thanks, my captain wants to head to paradise soon. So I can't let him be stuck here washing dishes. I'll start fixing the roof as soon as I get something to eat. Give me about two or three days. It would be a bit quicker if any of my crew mates were good with repairs, but unfortunately they're not." I know what your thinking, why would such a small hole take so long to fix. Well let's put it in perspective, he smashed his way through three rafting boards, ruined that whole section of roofing shingles. And then I also have to patch and repaint the ceiling. So yea two or three days. It would take longer if I hadn't worked construction for a while in my first life. Then I couldn't have done anything to fix it.

"Fine, just get it cleaned up and covered by night and I don't care how long you take eating." Zeff says while grabbing Luffy by his shirt.

"Wait no fair. I want to eat meat tooooo." I hear my captain cry out as I made my way to the table everyone has chosen. Once it came to view I saw Sanji getting scammed by Nami. Zorro with an annoyed expression and a hand on one of her swords. And Usopp waiting for his order to come in.

Zorro sees me first and she relaxes a bit. "So what's up with the captain. How much do we have to pay?" She asks as I take my seat next to her.

"It's not to bad, he just has to work as a buss boy until I fix the roof." Ohh wow this is a nice menu. There's a lot on here. "Any way we won't be here long, I'm just gonna eat something be for I start working on it. Hey waiter can I get rare steak with a side of scalloped potatoes as well as a glass of lemonade."

"Che', ye it'll be out in a while. Now my beautiful green haired goddess, is there anything else I can get you before I leave?" As I heard him say that my face won't cold for a moment. 'I think I may hate that guy.'

"No you damn pervert just go get our food." Said goddess grounds out getting him to hurry into the back. "Fucking bastard, I can't stand people like that." She said glaring at the swinging doors to the kitchen.

"That's just because you can't play them as well as me. If you tried to look at least like me you might be able to do it to." Nami grins holding up a peace sigh. 'Fucking bitch' I can't help but think after hearing what she said.

Usopp being the densce guy he is cuts off Zorro before he can say anything. "Heh, with our luck Luffy will have him recruited before we leave the restaurant." When he said that Zorro just had a look of reluctance but knew it was likely true. She then gave a light glare towards Nami and muttered "fucking slut" low enough to not be heard by anyone.

When she looked my direction I just gave her a smirk and whispered to her. "You just realized?" Which made her flush a bit at being heard.

Soon after the food came out, along with Luffy and Sanji. It didn't take long for me to finish my meal, chiming in hear and there when I was asked something. As I got up to get started on my work Zorro stoped me.

"I know I'm not to much help but if you need it I don't care to try." Heh that's kind of her but I think her time would be better spent training right now.

"Thanks for the offer Zorro. But you're making really good progress with your technique right now. How about you work on trying to get them to work for the next two days, and if I'm still not done by then I would love to have your help." I tell her. Hopefully she will be able to give Hawk Eye a harder time then she would have otherwise.

"Hum" She just nods and heads for the ship. She must have taken my words seriously. I'll just get as much done to day as I can then join her for training afterwards. Waiting, I really can't stand it, ehh it's not that long I'll be fine. I wonder how the next few days will turn out. All I know for sure is I'm not letting Nami take the Merry, way to much drama for my sake. I'll just make her ask Luffy for help when she tries to leave.

Sorry I’m a little late with the update, just a few hours. But I had a lot of work to do hey and didn’t have a lot of time to write last night. If you see anything wrong let me know and I’ll fix it.

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