
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

The Meeting Gift from The Great Support System

1 An hour later Ash's body was fully healed thanks to the system and the system once again urged Ash to find the Energy Source.

" At least tell me the general direction so I can find the energy source ".

<The Energy Source is somewhere at the bottom of the tower>

Ash entered the fallen tower from a gap and started searching for the energy source.

He first went to the bottom part of the tower and started searching the ground. The ground part where all trialists were standing was safe without any scratches even when some of the parts of the tower fell to the ground.

<Turn to left>

' Looks like system can sense the general direction of the energy source '

Ash started following the directions mentioned by the system.

<Stop, The Energy Source is somewhere here>

Ash was confused because the part where he was standing on was the same as the surrounding grounds.

he crouched down and started searching for any type of traces on the ground.

<Advice host to use spirit energy>

" what do you mean ?"

No response

Ash snorted and channeled spirit energy in his hands and once again started exploring the ground where he was standing.

When he touched a certain area there was a reaction and he injected all of his spirit energy in that area.

Just then he blanked out for a sec and when he opened his eyes he was in an unfamiliar place but he was sure that he is still in the trial space.

Just as he was thinking he heard another bang and it was the loudest bang he had ever heard.

' i am sure hearing lots of bangs today '

<System had to forcefully teleport host because the energy source was protected by some mechanism which triggered this explosion>

<System advice host to hurriedly return to the tower and reach the place where the energy source is located, System has insufficient energy so it won't be able to respond to host from now on>

' Like hell, you responded before '

Just thinking about that explosion caused cold sweat to appear on his whole body, Judging from the sound and this distance, Without a doubt he would've died if not for the system teleporting him in time.

Anyway to return to the earth and for rewards, he gotta reach the place where the energy source is located so he started running towards the direction where the tower was located.

After running and walking for 2 hours he reached the place where the tower was. But the place had drastic changes that occurred to it due to the explosion.

There was a big crater but in the middle of the crater was a small silver alloy box. Ash doesn't need to think to know that the box contains the energy source.

Ash started walking towards the box.

<Please put your hand on the box so the system can unlock it>

Ash snorted again hearing the system's voice.

Ash put his hand on the box and suddenly there was a bright light for a moment.


The box opened and Ash saw a blue-colored cube in the middle of the box. There were many slim wires connected to the cube.

<Please Put your hand on the cube so that system can take the energy source>

" Are you sure nothing will happen if I touch it? like the explosion last time? "

Ash waited for a while but did not get any reply. ' Damn '

He can only put his hands on the cube and just as his hand touched the cube it disappeared with a flash.

<Main Quest Completed>

< A Meeting Gift from The Great Support System and 1 Lucky spin Received >

Ash finally finished the main quest and he was excited to receive the rewards.

He waited for a while but did not see any meeting gift.

" System where is your meeting gift? " Ash grumbled.

<Storage Function has been unlocked due to a stable energy source>

<Host can now put anything you want in storage function>

<Host can now ask any question to system and system will do it's best to answer>

" So where are you from? "

<System doesn't know>

" Why did you pick me ?"

<Because System could only sense you at the bottom of the tower>

" is there any chance of you leaving from my body ?"

<Unless Host dies The System can not leave>

" But you can always teleport me if I am in danger so no need to worry about you leaving me " Ash smiled happily thinking about it.

< I am sorry, the System can not be used to save the life of the host directly, The previous situations were unique.>

" WHAT!!...So you mean you will not teleport me or heal me like a previous time? " Ash asked hurriedly.

<System cannot teleport host unless the host wins One Time Teleport Talisman from the lucky spin. And Host can use Recovery function of the system once a month>

<The recovery function allows the host to heal from near-death state to fully recover in 1 hour>

' Dammit..anyway it's better than nothing ' Ash thought.

" But surely you will teleport me to earth for free like you said right? "

<Of course System can teleport host to the earth once for free>

After asking a few more simple questions Ash opened the Storage function in which there was a gift box.

He focused on the box and...

<Congratulations To be selected by The Great Support System>

<Congratulations you received 2x Lucky Spin>

<Congratulations you received 1x Mysterious egg>

<Congratulations you received 1x Mysterious Weapon box>

<Congratulations you received 1x Mysterious Profound Art Box>

<Congratulations you received The Chaotic Constitution>

"Woah..." Ash was startled hearing so many notifications.

He first checked out The Mysterious egg.

<Host needs to inject spirit energy daily until the egg hatches>

he was slightly disappointed that he could not hatch the egg right away but he continued and picked out the Mysterious Weapon box.

<Received A Rare Grade Bow type weapon>

<Bow of the Maverick>

<Requirement: 5 Str, 5 Const, 100-1000 Energy Per Arrow>

" Wow This Bow looks so freaking cool, But I can't use it, for now, Its's requirements are quite high," Ash said in awe looking at the bow which was silver in color with grey patterns.

Ash willed and bow returned to the storage space.

Next, he opened a Profound Art box.

<Received Divine Grade Nether Void Hell Fire Art>

< Nether Void Hell Fire Art >

< Requirement: Flame Domain, Flame Concept progress to at least 1% >

" System, What is this Divine Grade Nether Void Hell Fire Art? " Ash asked hurriedly.

<Congratulation Host for receiving this extremely rare Fire Element Profound Art of Divine Grade>

<All things in this universe have grades and divine grade is considered top-level but System does not know if there are higher grades than divine grade because the system is not fully upgraded yet.>

<But this Nether Void Hell Fire is considered one of the top tier flame. It can even directly penetrate the target's body and damage the soul of the target.>

"Oh...Sounds very powerful." Ash was quite excited to hear the description of the flame from the system.

<But you can not cultivate in this profound art for the time being because your body can not handle such powerful flame and you also needs Flame Domain to cultivate in this profound art.>

" What the hell....." Ash was speechless, the First bow and now this profound art, Both things are useless to the current him." Then when can I cultivate this profound art ?"

<According to Information System gathered recently, Host needs to reach at least Warlord level and connect your Flame Domain using Sea of consciousness to the dimension which inhibits the Nether Void Hell Flame to cultivate in this profound art.>

" I already have a sea of consciousness so I only need Flame domain right? " Ash asked, " So how can I get my flame domain? "

<Host's Sea of consciousness was unlocked by The System otherwise host would have needed to reach at least Warlord level to unlock the sea of consciousnesses>

<Host can create Flame Domain once host's Flame intent reaches 100% and Transform Flame intent into Flame Concept>

<When Flame Concept reaches at least 1%, Host can start cultivating this profound art using Flame Domain. Host's Flame Domain gets stronger when the host's Flame concept gets higher.>

" I see..." Ash wore a thoughtful look as he absorbs all the knowledge.

After a while, Ash focused on the last notification from the system which was about him getting a Chaotic Constitution.

He searched the Storage but did not find anything related to the chaotic constitution thus he asked the system.

<Host is very lucky to receive Chaotic Constitution, With this gift host's body affinity was directly changed and the host now has an affinity with all types of elements that are in the chaos.>

<But it only means that the host can now cultivate various elements and what height the can host reach still depend on the host's will, determination, and understanding of various elements with the host's own efforts.>

<System Advice host to only cultivate in Fire, Earth, Water and Wind element which is the most basic elements for now>

"hmm...so can you give me Profound Arts of these four elements so I can start cultivating ?" Ash asked.

<Sorry, System can not give anything to host unless host earns it himself>

"Very well, So tell me what do I need to do to earn these profound arts from the system" He can get basic elements of profound arts from the academy but obviously the system has profound arts with a much higher grade so it's better to ask them from the system.

<Host needs to complete various missions issued by The System to earn various rewards like Mysterious profound art box or lucky spin chances.>

Ash understood the gist of things about the system.

<This Trial Space will be destroyed in 10 mins because the energy source upon which this trial space depended on was taken by the system>

"...." Ash.

" do I even need to tell you something so obvious about returning to earth? " Ash grumbled at the system.

<Yes, Host needs to tell System something this obvious>

"...." Ash was speechless." Ok ok...I Command thou shalt forthwith teleport yours truly to earth."


Don't hesitate to point out mistakes and write them in Paragraph comments. Thank you

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