
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Back to Earth & Lucky Spin

Currently, Ash was in an Office in the Headquarter of the Academy. precisely in the office of the dean.

1 day ago when ash returned to earth.

He directly appeared in the location of the wormhole so it seemed like he exited from the wormhole.

<Minor Quest: Return to earth Completed>

<1000 Exp received, 1 spirit Awakening pill received>

Ash did not have time to look at the status screen because he was directly escorted by Martin and Vice-dean into a luxurious Mansion.

There he was told to rest for a day. He was a bit confused because they did not ask anything related to his journey.

Anyway, he was very tired after returning to earth.

Because of the environment in the trial space, he did not feel much exhaustion but he was mentally tired because of lack of sleep and mental strains related to cultivation and the first stage of the trial where his a-s was kicked by the beast.

So he peacefully slept on the king-sized bed in the mansion.

The next day in the morning after he took a bath, Martin came and escorted him to the office of the dean.

Presently He is waiting for the dean to arrive in the office.

it's been 20 minutes since he arrived in the office but he is still waiting patiently because his perception is telling him that he is being observed.

While waiting he took a chance to observe his status screen.

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: Human>

<level 0> <Exp: 1000>

<0/100 Exp>

<Cultivation-Stage: On the verge of Beginner Stage>

<Body Cultivation: Vitality Strengthening>


Strength: 1.5

Constitution: 2 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 1.4

Perception: 1.8

Charm: 1.7

Unassigned Stat points: 4

<Sea of Consciousness>↓

<Elemental Ability>↓

<Spirit Ability>↓

Everything else was same except that his constitution was increased to 2 and there was ( Chaotic ) written beside it and there was also a new box which had 1000 exp in it.

' System, how do I level up using 1000 exp I got? ' Ash communicated with the system mentally while on the outside he did not show any expression.

<Host just needs to tell the system when you want to level up so the System will use the exp to level up.>

' OK use all exp and level up ' Ash.

<Congratulations You are now level 4>

<System Advice Host to eat Spirit Awakening Pill in 10 hours Since Leveling up has caused Host's Cultivation to go up forcefully but the host has yet to awaken his spirit>

After that Ash once again checked his status.

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: human>

<Level 4>

<Exp 0/500>

<Cultivation-Stage: Beginner-4th>

<Body-Cultivation: Vitality Strengthening>


Strength: 1.5

Constitution: 2 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 1.4

Perception: 1.8

Charm: 1.7

Unassigned Stat points: 4

<Sea of consciousness>

Psychic Energy: 40/40

Fire intent: 0.10%

<Elemental Ability>

Fire Energy: 400/400

<Spirit Ability>

Spirit Energy: 400/400

Spirit: Not awakened

Spirit Talent: Not awakened

Spirit Skills: None

Ash was super excited right now because leveling caused his cultivation to go up that means he doesn't have to cultivate from now on.

' Hey System, So from now on I can just level up to increase my cultivation right? Do I need to specifically cultivate like before ?' Ash asked System because this is too good to be true for him.

<Basic cultivation can be increased through leveling up but the host needs to cultivate various profoundness and understanding of elements in Sea of consciousness himself.>

<Host also needs to find various Attributes Profound Arts to Start cultivating in different Elements which will cost extra exp, Host can similarly Level up Spirit Skills using exp>

<Of course host can increase he cultivate and practice spirit skills to full mastery himself without spending exp too.>

After going through all things the system said to him, he feels that it is good enough that he can increase his basic cultivation with each level so no need to be greedy about more benefits.

Just as he was going to assign stat points, The door of the office opened and a very beautiful woman entered.

Ash was a bit dazed seeing her.

' Don't tell me The Dean of the One of The Big Five is a " She ", Well really unexpected but not unexpected too. ' Ash thought.

The woman sat on her chair and asked with a smile, " what ? are you surprised that a woman is a dean ?".

Ash subconsciously nodded then hurriedly shook his head which looked kinda comical.

' She must be very powerful if she can control the whole academy and people like Vice-deans and sit at the top of the academy ' Ash thought internally.

" haha..." The Dean laughed and said with a smile, " Well I am Nilima Ray, The Dean of SylviSpirit Academy. "

Nilima Continued with a smile, " I just sensed something very interesting a few minutes ago, You just made a breakthrough to beginner 4th stage right ? ".

" Although I didn't observe your cultivation stage before you made a breakthrough but to breakthrough a minor stage you still need to do some minor preparation.." Nilima paused for a bit and asked, " so how did you do it ? ".

' Sh*t...how careless of me, I really screwed up big this time ' Ash's brain gears turned fast as he started thinking how to answer.

Ash answered with a nervous smile after a few seconds, " Ah...that...I made a breakthrough naturally because my spirit sea was full and almost on verge of breaking through from 3rd Stage to 4th...so it happened naturally...I also did not expect to breakthrough like this. "

' damn..I really didn't expect that my cultivation would increase with each level up, System you should have told me beforehand about it ' Ash complained to the system.

"I see.." Nilima nodded.

" Yes, I made great progress in cultivation in the Trial Space," Ash said.

" Trial Space? " Nilima asked confusedly.

" Yes, the wormhole leads to a trial space ".

Ash sighed a breath of relief mentally after successfully diverting her attention.

" I see.....Well, First: You will be officially joining the special class tomorrow onward and will be nurtured as a talent by the academy. " Nilima paused for a second then continued, " Second: I want to hear everything you experienced in the area-0 or rather Trial Space. " Nilima said to Ash with a serious expression.

After collecting his thoughts for a moment Ash told everything about his journey to Dean Nilima except that he did not say anything about the system and just told her that the key to returning back to earth was passing the first stage of the trial, He said that since he could pass the first stage of the trial he was eligible to return to earth anytime.

Nilima wore a thoughtful look after hearing what Ash said.

After a few minutes, she said," I see, So The Trial space was constructed by a powerhouse. "

Ash was surprised because Nilima was not too surprised after hearing about other humans outside of the milky way galaxy.

So Ash asked doubtfully, " Dean, Did you already know that there are other humans outside of The Milky Way Galaxy ? "

" No..." Nilima Shook her head and said, " Very few people had guessed that there may be humans outside of The Milky Way through various information collected through different wormholes and I am one of them. "

" But Now Thanks to the information you provided I can inform Earth union about it and make preparations for future contact with other humans. " Nilima said with a smile.

" It is my duty and pleasure to be of help to The Earth union and Dean, " Ash said with a sweet smile.

Nilima smiled at the response and said," Well you can go now and move into the Special District of the special class students, Someone will pick you up from your dorm at 7 AM so be ready when the time comes. "

Ash bowed and left the office where Martin was waiting for him outside.

After packing his luggage from his old dorm, He went to the Special District which belongs to the special class students.

The Special District is really special because there are only ten dorms. But The word " Dorm " is no longer suitable because each dorm or rather houses are 300 square yards.

After he entered he felt that he shouldn't have brought his luggage from his old dorm at all.

Even their house in SilverPheonix city is not this big.

After seeing Martin off, He laid on the bed of his bedroom.

' First I need the assigned stat points, To use the bow of the maverick I need Strength and constitution so I will assign points to both of them until I get them to 5 each. '

Ash assigned 3 points to Strength and 1 point to Constitution.

After that, he rubbed his hand together and opened Lucky Spin and this time it opened successfully.

The Lucky spin looked like roulette with 6 Sections.

1st Section: Tools like Weapons, Armour, and other items.

2nd Section: Spirit Skills.

3rd Section: Profound Arts.

4th Section: Spirit Beast Eggs.

5th Section: Random amount of EXP

6th Section: Random items like Talismans and items unknown even to the system.

There was a 3 written in the middle which indicates that he had three chances at the Lucky Spin.

Ash couldn't wait as he used 1st chance.

The Roulette started spinning and after a few seconds, it stopped on the Spirit Skills sections.

<Congratulations On winning The Spirit Skill: Earth Prison >

<Earth Prison>

<Requirements (at least): Spirit Energy 500, Earth Energy 500>

<Effects: Traps a target within a prison made of earth and attack with spikes to the trapped target>

<Bonus: Effects are enhanced if the user has high attainments in Earth Profoundness>

" The Spirit skill is quite good but I can't use it since I have yet to cultivate the Earth element " Ash muttered.

' Anyway let's spin for the second time, Hope I get something useful this time ' Ash thought as he used the second chance of the lucky spin.

The roulette spun for a while and stopped at the section of Random amount of exp.

< Congratulations for winning 2000 EXP >

' Damn it, EXP is nice and all but I will get them from quests anyway so I don't want exp but I want a skill I can use or a profound art of different elements than fire. '

After Ash grumbled for a few secs to the system he made various hand signs and different things he watched on TV to boost his luck and started the 3rd and last chance of the lucky spin.

The roulette started spinning and stopped at the section of the Random items.

Ash was instantly disappointed seeing the section where roulette's Arrow stopped but after seeing the reward his eyes shone up like a torch.

< Congratulation for winning.....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Earth Profoundness means his attainments in Earth Attribute's understanding and astuteness.

For Example: there are two guys

1st guy has 80% in Earth Intent. (High Grade Earth Intent because it's 67%)

2nd guy has 50 % in earth intent.( MIddle Grade Earth Intent because it's over 34% and under 67%)

so when both uses Earth Prison Skill: 1st Guy's Earth Prison's Sturdyness and Attack power of Spikes will be more powerful then 2nd Guy's Earth Prison.

The Profoundness of Every elements has more depth in later stages. And i will mention them gradually as MC progresses.

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