
We will be together forever//Douxie x OC

Autor: JaneAngel
Fantasy Romance
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  • 13 Kaps
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What is We will be together forever//Douxie x OC

Lesen Sie den Roman We will be together forever//Douxie x OC des Autors JaneAngel, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.:)....



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(Author here and I wanna say some things first off this stories MC will be majorly overpowered and I will not apologize. Second this is a fanfiction that is a combination of the kengan ashura an omega universe and if you haven't read any of these mangas I recommend you read them. And if you have read any of these mangas don't complain if I spoil anything) "If one is born male at least once in his life he'll dream of becoming the strongest in the world." Tell me what is the purest form of strength?. Is it financial strength where one can feel secure and powerful knowing you have an advantage over others and will be able too live an easier life then the less fortunate and being able too use that money to fulfill your deepest and darkest desires?. NO one can use lose there money in a much faster period of time then it took them too get there money in the first place. So if financial power isn't the purest form of strength maybe you think it is mental strength or "brain power". One can use there intelligence to take advantage of and outwit those around them or use there intelligence too make scientific breakthroughs that will leave there names in the history books so maybe mental strength is the purest form of strength. Well if you think that then you are WRONG. Ones mental strength and intelligence is useless if they do not have the proper resources too use there intelligence and things like emotions can cloud even the smartest peoples thoughts and control there actions. So thus mental strength is not the purest form of strength just like financial power ones intelligence can be easily corrupted. Ok so if mental strength and financial power aren't the purest forms of strength maybe it is political strength. Having the ability too influence and possibly control an entire country sure gives someone plenty of power but it is far from the purest form of strength. Some politicians can be easily bribed and controlled and have there power corrupted and without there influence most politicians are helpless. So what is the purest of strength?. Well the answer to that is simple the purest form of strength is without a doubt sheer raw combat power. This is the story of Suiryu Housen a man who will one day rise too the top in the world of martial arts and be known as the strongest man in the world.

KingOfOlympus · Anime und Comics
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A great start to the story of 10+ chapters. Sometimes i find it quite difficult to stop reading its amazing honestly, way to go author! ;)


Loved it! Full of wonder and romance, drama and power. One of the very prized books i've read. YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK. just after chapter one i had my head stuck in the book, its amazing!


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