
Chapter 8 (Back-Story)


(6 years before present time from when the landed in Camelot 900 years ago)

11-year-old, Laylah POV:

I walked along the corridors trying to find Morgana. Merlin asked for Douxie and I to find Morgana for him.

Apparently, it's important.

"Where could she be? I sigh looking around

"I have no idea" Douxie answers

(Just a side note, Douxie is 2 years older so he's 13-year-old)

"This is ridiculous why can't Merlin find her himself" Douxie laughs

"Hey shush you! You never who is around" I say placing my finger on his mouth

Douxie laughs

"Ok, ok"


Merlin POV:

Laylah was right you know.

You never know who's around these halls watching a listening.

Fine, I was spying on the two but for good reason.

For the past few days Laylah has been acting, well, not herself if you know what I mean.

I know she talks to Morgana all the time but when I asked she didn't know. I wasn't sure if she was pulling my leg. I sent Hisirdoux with her to find Morgana to see if she would come clean.

"Hey uh, Laylah?"


"Is there something you want to talk about?"

I slap my forehead. That was not what I told him to say. I was hiding nearby to see what Lay said.

You could say I was spying or trying to find out if my partner was okay

"uh um! I mean… uh…."

Douxie was tongue tied he turns his head slightly and looks at me. Good thing Laylah was distracted with her magic bracelet or else was would have been exposed right on the spot.

"Are you alright?" Douxie finally comes clean

"Am I okay?" Lay says looking up at Douxie


She nods her head sheepishly

"Yep all good over here"'

Even if she sounded convincing, her face said otherwise

She looked in my direction. I held my breath and moved to the side out of view.

"What was that?" She says pointing in my direction

"What? I mean, uh, what was?" Douxie says quickly.

Oh heavens, Douxie you were supposed to act like normal and not a weak Larkin.

Laylah turns to Douxie and shakes her head.

"Never mind, anyways Douxie could you check the 2 top towers at the front of the castle. I'll check the front mill.

Douxie nods as Laylah runs out of the room.

Hisirdoux pretends to go into another room but slowly opens the door and looks around to see if she's there. Douxie turns to me and puts the thumbs up. I come out of my place and walk towards Hisirdoux.

"No use Master" Douxie sighs

"Strange, it must be something really personal or more likely big if she's not coming clean to you Hisirdoux"

Douxie just kept looking straight.

I knelt down to Douxies height.

"Look, don't worry Hisirdoux where going to find out what's really wrong okay?"

He nods with a smile.

"Now, I need you to go back to the workshop, I need you to grab a few books from the Library on your way past"

"But Maste-"

"And don't "but" master me"

Hisirdoux sighs

I was listing the books I'll need when I heard a big cheer come from outside.

Hisirdoux was gone by the time I heard that. I walking outside to see a crowd of people. I quickly run to see what's going on.

I squeeze through the crowd and onto the bleachers.

I look down and by my beard do my eyes deceive me? Is that Lancelot and Laylah doing sword combat?

"Take those words back your filthy scumbag!" She yells at Lance as he tries to underarm her.

"Worthy Insult but not good enough" Lance yells as he flips Laylah upended. She lands on her back and lays there on the ground for a second.

"Come on Lay! Get up!" I yell from the bleachers.

Everyone looks at me. I didn't care all that mattered was Laylah to show this old hag the power she has inside.

I know she can do it

"So, your master had to come and save you, pathetic, you really are weak Miller"

Lance chuckles as everyone laughs at her. Fools….

"Its…Laylah" Lay grunts as she grabs her sword and starts marching towards him. But when Lance stood his ground. Laylah turned to the side and jump wards and grabbed Lancelot's sword and head-butted Lance in the head with the down head of her sword.

Lance flu backwards and landed with a thud on the ground.

The crown went silent as a roar of cheering went up for Laylah.


(13-year-old) Douxie POV:

I walk into the second-tall tower of Camelot. There were flashes coming from the room. I had been cautious. The door was slightly creaked open.

As I slowly opened the door and blast of yellow magic comes towards me. I duck and put my hands on my head. All the books in my hand tumble on the floor. I look up to see Morgana standing there.

"Oops Sorry" She said apologizing and helping me up

"It's all good"

"What are you doing up here?" I ask looking around

"No reason, there were some scrolls I had to pick up"

I turn back and pick up the books as Archie walks into the room.

"What's with the books on the floor Douxie?"

"Uh, dropped them"

Morgana kneels down and lends a hand.

"Thanks" I reply placing the book on a table.

"So, what are you doing up here?" Morgana askes giving me a gleaming eye

"Oh uh, Merlin wanted me to pick up some books from the Library and place it on his craft table in the workshop, but uh, I must have taken a wrong turn"

"Did the plan work?" Morgana asks looking out a window nearby


"The plan with Laylah?"

I shake my head. "Nope mission failed unfortunately"

Morgana sighs

Archie and I look at each other

We were all really worried about Laylah something was up and she wasn't telling us

There was another big cheer coming from outside. I wasn't sure what it was. I slowly walk over the window Morgana is staring out off when she gasped.

"What is she thinking?!" She yells running out of the room

"Morgana wait!" I say running after her

After chasing after her, it had felt like I had done 2 full laps of the castle and believe me Arthur's castle is huge.

We end up on a balcony at the front of the castle. I look down to see a crowd in a circle over to people. One was tall with golden hair and had sliver armour on.

The other had long hair black hair tied in a small low ponytail. She was wearing a plain black dress. For some reason this figure seemed vaguely familiar.

It was Lay!

"What is that crazy child doing?!" Morgana gasps looking at the two

The two were sword clashing so faster it was hard to keep track of them. Then suddenly Lancelot had Laylah on the ground. She was on her side in pain.

I looked over to the bleachers to see Merlin standing there.

"What is Merlin doing there?" Archie asks at the same time as I did

I was thinking of the same thing

"She going to get herself hurt!" I say looking at Morgana

"Or more likely already has" Archie finishes

Morgana placed her hand on my shoulder. "Stay here"

But before I could say anything she was already gone.

"Come on Laylah get up" I thought but Merlin read my mind

"Come on Lay! Get Up!" He yells from the bleachers

"So, your master had to come and save you, pathetic, you really are weak Miller"

Lance chuckles as everyone laughs at her.

I was getting mad. How dare Lancelot say that to her

"It's Laylah" She yells

Lay grunts as she grabs her sword and starts marching towards him. But when Lance stood his ground. Laylah turned to the side and jump wards and grabbed Lancelot's sword and head-butted Lance in the head with the down head of her sword.

Lance crashed to the ground and so did Laylah.

She fell down clenching her side.

"Oh no" Arch says

"Fuzz buckets"

Morgana and Merlin rushed to the girl's side. They put their arms around her shoulder and took her inside.


(11-year-old) Laylah POV:

I lay there looking up at the ceiling in the bed I was laying in.

My side didn't hard as much since I wasn't standing.

There was small knock at the door. "Yes?" I say as the door opened

Turns out it was Douxie and Archie were here.

"Hey Laylah, uh how are you feeling?"

I sigh as he gets a chair and sits on it with Archie in his lap.

"Better, since I'm not standing and moving"

"It only hurts when I move"

"Lay could I ask a question?" Archie says

I nod slightly

"What were you doing facing Sir Lancelot like that?"

I turn back to the ceiling and take a deep breath

"Look, there have been rumours going around I just wanted to show people that it's not true"

"Lance is a whole 7 years older than you"

(Which in this case he is 18 years old, I had to search it up on the internet from real history and not the tales of arcadia version of him)

"And? Does it matter what age I am? Or is it because I'm a girl?!" I say sitting up without realising it. A sharp wipe of pain goes through the right side.

I grip my side in pain.

"Hey, hey, hey careful your going to hurt yourself even more" Douxie says helping me lay back down

I sigh

"I just want people to see that I'm stronger than they think"

Archie and Douxie look eachother.

"Still, that doesn't explain why you were down there" Archie says crossing his arms.

"Arch!" Douxie says looking at him

"What it is a simple query!" Archie says putting his hands up

I chuckle

"Ok Arch"


(13-year-old) Douxie POV:

"Well, Galahead told me too"

"Galahead?" Archie exclaims

"Who?" I was confused

"Galahead, you know the guy running the gate towers at the front of Arthurs castle" Archie answers

"Ohhhh that guy"

"Have you met him?" Laylah asks

"Eh, yeah a bit, like I've seen him and talked to him like once or twice"

"He said I should do it" Lay interrupts


"He said I should face them and battle Lance, if I'm really going be open I feel like that I did prove myself"

I couldn't help but smile.

"You sure did"

I touch her hand and she looked over into my eyes. She had the most beautiful eyes ever. Her blue eyes looked like the shore side of a beach.

"Thanks for being here for me Doux" Laylah smiles
