
Chapter 14


Laylah POV:

Douxie and I gallop along in the forest following Arthur and the knights. We finally caught up to Merlin who was in the middle of us all. He was clearly keeping a close eye on the king.

"Merlin, you have to look at the Time Map!" Douxie shouts out to Merlin

"You defy my command when the king's life is in Jeopardy"

"Need I remind you that we trespass in gunmar's territory" Merlin said in a serious voice

"But, master, we found a new timeline!" I yell as my horse and I gallop next to Merlin.

"We can save everyone if we get Arthur and Morgana—" But I was cut short by Arthur

"They're entered the wild wood abandon the horses, we head on foot"

"Changing fate isn't that simple, what's most important is that I keep Arthur safe from harm"

Merlin gallops away before we could say anything else.

"Oh, good chat sir" Archie yells out

"Forget him, stick to the plan" Douxie protested hopping off his horse.

I felt a little queasy in the head. I wasn't sure if I wanted to join the rest of the team.

"Everything alright Lay?" Douxie askes putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah but…. uh, Doux I was found in these woods what if... what if..."

"Nothing will happen to you or anyone. We have Merlin and you have me"

His words made me smile. "Thanks, Doux" I say holding his hand.

It was warm and cozy.

"Now the plan..." Doux said pointing to Claire

"I'll cover morgana"

"And Laylah and I will take care of the king"

"Laylah, if you have trouble with the king, go and help Claire our best hope with Morgana"

I nod in agreement

"And let's just focus on getting these royal siblings to hug and makeup"

"And not die" Claire and I say at the same time.

"Yes, that too"


Douxie POV:

Laylah and I slowly walk towards Arthur.

I cleared my throat.

"Uh, enjoying the hunt, milord?"

"You again boy? And Miller?"

"No! I'll feel better when I deal with my sister"

It was clear Arthur was angry. I knew I had to be convincing/persuasive.

But what could I say?

"Wouldn't you say life to short to hold grudges?"

"I mean. Family's so important, you're lucky you've got one, closed I ever got was him" I say pointing Arch who was licking his fur.


"Milord, Douxie is right. Morgana is your step-sister. Your taking family for granted"

"And what would you know about this hmm? Not like you have anyone" Arthur says straight in Laylah's face.

I couldn't believe what Arthur had just say. But Laylah kept a straight face and didn't say a word.

"Please sir, Morgana was only looking out for those poor creatures"

"Is all this really worth hunting her?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and turned around.

"I will speak of this no more!" Pushing my shoulder backwards.

I sigh and look over at Laylah.

"No achievements made here, Laylah could you please go and help Claire?"

She nods and smiles.

I hope she was okay


Laylah POV:

I was very offended from Arthurs comment. I was already uneasy from just being in the forest. But I kept a straight face and didn't say anything.

I quickly run over to where Morgana and Claire were. Morgana seemed to have a frown on her face.

"Ugh, my brother has eyes everywhere"

"He's just looking out for you; can you blame him?"

"He's already accused me of betrayal" Morgana says getting close in Claire's face.

"I lost my brother once, you don't appreciate them till they're gone"

"Morgana, please listen to us" I say looking up at her

"Maybe if you just talked" I finish

"Pfft- and look where that last talk got us"

"Point noted" I say looking down to my feet.

"Please, of everyone here you two are the only ones I can trust" Morgana placing her hand on my shoulder

"Me? What made him stop trusting you?" Claire questioned

"It's a long story, come on..."

Morgana walked away

I walked over to Douxie who seemed to looking at a tree. My curiosity drove me over to Douxie's side

"Mm, not much love left between them"

Douxie brushes his hand over the indent in the tree.

"Maybe I can"

The dent lights up with Douxie's blue magic

"Say my liege, didn't you used to spend time in this wild wood?" Douxie asks Arthur walking over to him.

"Yes, as a boy, much time was lost in this accursed forest, I often fled to these woods to escape from my growing responsibilities"

Arthur walked over to the indent and touched it with his finger.

He gasps as balls of Douxie's magic flies around.

"On your guard men! We've been bewitched!" Lance calls out

Douxie gives Merlin a rock hand gesture and smiles. I do too

Merlin rolls his eyes and walks over to Arthur.

"Stand down, were not in danger, uh, my lord"

But Merlin was stopped when Arthur put his hand in front of him.

"Gwen, my betrothed, my beloved, she was the heart of me"

Morgana leans down as the kids run straight through her. "We loved these woods, the freedom they offered, the wood showed us kindness for our courage"

"Gwen and I were never scared"

"Arthur however…"

"I knew what danger lurked in the darkness"

"Gwen! Get away from her, demon!" The magic figure of child Arthur yelled.

"As we grew older and duty kept me inside, Morgana encouraged Gwen brought out when she should have been safe within Camelot"

"Arthur always blamed me for our moonlight trips, but that night, it was Gwen pulling me out the door"

"We'd stumbled into a stalking nest"

"That night, Gwen went into the woods and never returned"

"You, sister should have known better"

"You never forgave me, and when my own gifts blossomed you saw yet another abomination"

"Ordered Merlin to teach me to control that part of me, though Gwen loved magic as I did" Morgana said walking over to the magic version of her.

"And when I found Laylah…." My name struck my ears.

I beam of light as two figured formed. One of me and Morgana when she found me.

"You were determined to throw her out, thought she was a threat to all of Camelot, if it wasn't for Merlin and I she would be dead if we left her where we found her…"

My eyes stung with sadness. Douxie came to my side as the two figured disappeared. He grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"Yes, I was wrong, not only is she a kind hearted sorcerous but a powerful ally"

Arthur said with a smile at me. It made me feel better about the situation.

A small figure of Gwen pulled up again and everyone looked at the three. Merlin however just kept a straight face at me.

"Gwen always loved magic"

"Yes, yes she did"

"I miss her terribly, as do I, brother"

Douxie and I pulled out the time map. It was working!

But right then and there, Lance had to screw our plan up.

"Troll! We found one!"

"I will not lose anyone else to those creatures"

The time map started to turn red and glitch

"No, no, no, no not now!"

"Steady, men! Remember your training, KILL THE BEAST!" Lancelot shouted putting his sword in the air.

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