
Chapter 7


Douxie POV:

The sun beamed upon us as we walked through the gates of Camelot.

"Claire? What happened? What are we doing at a Renn Fire?" Jim askes

He puts his hand over the shade on his cage. His hand starts sizzle a turn to stone in the sunlight.



"We're prisoners in the, uh, dark ages I'd say mid-12th century with no way home, it's not an ideal situation"

"Ideal? Jim has a shard of evil magic in his chest!" Claire argues

"Actually, I'm still hurt, but it feels different somehow"

"Modrax's miracles, he's right!"

"When we jumped back in time, it must have frozen the corruption in place"

"Uh, it seems I've missed a lot, don't you work at the café?"

"Part- Time, thanks for always tipping by the way" I reply with a smile of appreciation

"He's Merlin's Apprentice" Claire steps in and explains to him

"Lay? What are you doing here?" Jim asks looking over at Lay

She was trying to break the chains off her hands with her sword. She looks up.

"Same reason you're here"

He nods

"Wait a minute! There is no way I just realised that you go to the exact same school as us"

She scoffs

"Wait, you're in year above" Claire says looking back at her

She nods, "Wow, I would have thought you would have noticed"

"Well when we met you the school was being rebuilt" Claire answered

Jim nods

"Wait wait wait, so you worked with these guys" I say pointing to them

She nods

"I was with them ever since they awakened Merlin then they showed up to my door step, shocked really… but when we decided we needed 2 groups one to go and one to stay in arcadia..."

She was looking down at her feet.


"She stayed with Toby, Steve and Aargh, Merlin said it would be best for her to stay" Claire said walking closer to Laylah and placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, why are you making it all sad like?" Lay chuckles

"Well, to be honest you did look sad to be separated from Merlin if you ask me"

Laylah isn't the best person at covering up her emotions. She usually doesn't as she likes to tell people how she really feels from the start and doesn't hold back.

But sometimes she does try to hide it, but it doesn't always work.

"Well I mean I hadn't seen him in so long and well you know how it is…"

We slowly hit to a stop as we had arrived at the very front if Arthurs castle.



"Nah no worries, Camelot's my old turf, be inconspicuous"


Laylah POV:

We soon walking into the main part of Arthurs castle. Known as the thrown room.

I had been here quite a few times since I was last here.

"Gunmar's threatening our borders, double our patrols" Arthur said this as we walked into the room.

"Here are the trespasses, my lord" We all slowly bowed and Arthur turned his gaze to Jim who was held down by one of the knights.

"A troll? I thought I made it clear, your kind are unwelcome when I banished you all from the realm" Arthur said putting two fingers on the top of his nose.

"Don't you mean betrayed?" A woman said as she walked in

My mouth dropped. There was no way that is...

"Morgana" Claire said as she started to walk towards her.

Luckily Douxie stops her from going any further.

"Inconspicuous, remember" He whispers in my ear

"You gave the woods to enchanted creatures like these, you'd break that vow"

"Would you like to call that girl of yours a creature or more so a witch" Arthur said pointing to me.

Claire, Steve, Jim and Douxie gasp as the Arthur finished his sentence.

I look up at Arthur with my arms crossed and giving him a cold stare.

"If your going to call me an evil witch I would happily demonstrate my ability to you Arthur" I say taking to small steps closer.

Everyone in the room gasps except for Morgana and Arthur. I was about to drop my hands don't to my sides when a knight jumps on me from behind. Pulling my two hands back behind my back and holding my head down the same way they were holding Jim.

"Get your hands off me!" I yell trying to get the knight to release.

"Ahem, my lord, if I might add, not only is this foolish child against your better judgement you also are in possession of a property that doesn't belong to her" Lance says stepping forward with his hands behind his back.

"And what would that be Lancelot? If it's anything the girl would have taken it for a reason maybe it would be to silence your tongue" Morgana says pointing at Lance.

I look over at Morgana and smile. She always understood me, appreciate me, didn't underestimate me.

I was so thankful for that.

"Morgana…." Arthur spoke

"You are silenced for the rest of this conversation if you speak or defend that girl once more I will for see that you will be send to the dungeons with all of those other monsters down there.

Morgana was mad at the comment he said at her. But she remained silent.

"Search the girl" Arthur commanded

The knight held me down really tight to the ground.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Douxie shouts

They searched me till they brought out Lancelot's silver golden lined sword and the Knight stood up, as I was thrown to the ground.

"Laylah!" Douxie yells running to me but another knight grabbed Douxie.

I quickly stood up and grabbed my sword.

"It's ok Douxie, I'm fine" I assure him as I place my sword away.

The knight walks over to Arthur and kneels down presenting the sword. Arthur slowly picks up the sword and gives it back the Lance.

Lance turns over to me and smirks.

I frown and stare straight into his eyes.

"Miller, why did you have Sir Lancelot's sword in your possession?" Arthur surprisingly askes calmly.

I look at Douxie.

I take a deep breath. This could go either two way.

1/ Being, that it goes smoothly and I don't get punished


2/ It would be taken the wrong way and I would be punished

I knew I just had to be honest. That's what Morgana would want me to do.

"My lord I was simply protecting my fellow friends from getting slashed by a sword and getting shoved to the ground"

I look Arthur dead in the eye so he got my message very clearly.

"By whom?"

"By none other than Sir Lancelot my lord" I reply looking at Lance

Arthur looks over to the knights in the room.

"Let me put it like this, King Arthur, you want to protect this kingdom from these innocent trolls to protect your kingdom, this is the same as that"

"These trolls were stepping into our territory and were threatening to hurt my people"

"As a king I would expect some action to done if this happened as you have clearly stated so I simply took the sword from Lance to make sure he couldn't hurt them and myself"

Douxie smiles. Steve's mouth drops the floor.

"Woah" Steve whispers with his eyes wide open.

"Who knew that someone could execute something like that to a King" Claire whispers to herself

"Silence!" Arthur says

He turns over to Lance.

"Sir Lance, is this true?"

Lance nods sheepishly.

"Knights, is this true?" Arthur asks looking at all the knights from Lance's army.

The all nod in agreement.

Arthur sighs

"Very Well, I see where you're coming from Miller"

"Laylah" I interrupt

"Laylah... you may leave and re-join Merlin, Morgana you may join also" Arthur kindly says

"Thank you, my lord, but before I go I must assure you that you let go of my fellow companion here" I say turning to Douxie.

Arthur sighs once again and does a small hand gesture towards the knight holding Douxie.

The knight lets go and returns to his soldier position facing his master

"Hey you okay?" I ask walking over to Douxie and grabbing both of his hands

"Yeah I'm alright" He says squeezing my hands.

Morgana walks over to Douxie and I

"Laylah we must leave now, Arthurs orders"

I nod and turn back to Douxie

I get close to his ear and whisper something in his ear

"Meet me in our old meet up room near the 10th corridor from the kitchens"

He nods. But before I leave I give Douxie a quick kiss on his cheek.

I walk out with Morgana by my side.

I felt like I had just defeated evil possessed devils on a battle field and I was the only one left standing.