
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Chp. 07 Armed and ready

"What is it?" Marc put down the tomes and looked at the rooster seemingly flustered.

"Did the wolves plan to attack again? Or is it the Hawks this time?" Marc then saw the rooster shake its head.

"Abrwackrocka!" the rooster cawed and Marc turned silent for a minute as he somehow tried to understand.

"Wait wait wait, what do you mean others like me?" Marc stood up in a hurry as he walked towards the rooster and held its head between his hands.

"Cocklecrawdoo…" the rooster cowered in fear at Marc's intimidating posture.

"Humans…" Marc frowned and then raised his brows then frowned again. He had conflicting emotions right now and he was excited that there were other human here in his lands and was spotted to have been running about in the fog mountains.

Deep inside it is human instinct to find those of the same kind as humans are social creatures. But in Marc's head he thought that maybe troublesome things would happen if he socialize.

'It won't be that bad right?' Marc mused but he shook his head thinking how could he know if he does not try.

"Tyrone! Get me my armor and weapons! Bacon come here and let's change your armor!" Marc shouted as he looked at his two pets. "And you Captain, call your Cock Fighters *Giggle* and assemble in the Bailey!"

Marc's naming sense is totally skewed and distasteful but the chickens have no idea at all or any beast in his domain. The rooster nodded furiously as it ran out to suddenly caw at the air.

"COCKLE-DOODLE-DOO!!!" the sound of the rooster made the whole Beast town of Marc alert and dozens of armored roosters immediately ran and went into formation into the open area of the town.

"Crackrawkack!!" the rooster acted like a leader of the rooster squad and he was indeed assigned by Marc as he was the second strongest rooster after Tyrone.

Marc had awarded the rooster with three fruits already making him stronger than the other Cocks.

And he was very simple minded, well they were all bird brained so Marc could at least know how simple they thought. At least the three hundred chickens in the town are very loyal to him since he provided them with shelter.

He even started teaching them how to understand him and take orders. The past four years were also spent trying to make a special force out of these chickens that he had raised, thankfully the sea food in the beach never runs out and there were crab kings every time and then.

Their shells were enough to even feed the large amount of chickens and Marc had made them able to have a basic form of crafting and tool making skills.

Now he rode out on the fully armored Bacon which Marc specially made using a special copper alloy. Since Copper was what he mostly found he found time to experiment and was able to make a replicated version of Nordic Gold.

Now he is also in full armor with a large Bear head on his left shoulder connecting to the bear hide cloak. He also made a barbute Helmet with a crowning of Eagle Feathers, his bracers were fashioned to be similar to Batman's with the spikes and hooks.

He also has a chainmail underneath, his armor is a Banded Mail style of build and lastly he has a four meter long sword staff, he calls it a spear since it was three meter long in its handle and a tip a meter long.

This was what he felt was best in mounted form but he also a bardiche, two one handed battle axes and a long axe on the side of the boar. He had felt that the whole armor and load it carried the Boar would tire quickly but Marc had already tested that.

There was not much difference as the Bacon had been strengthened too by the thing he fed them as well as his special training for the beast.

"Captain! Depart immediately and be quiet and stealthy as soon as we are near them." Marc then rode Bacon out as he looked back to the large rooster staying behind. "Tyrone, you take care of the town and make sure the other tribes have no ideas while I'm not around."

"Bwack!" Tyrone nodded as he straightened his form up.

[Inside the Fog Mountains]

"Run everybody run!" a knight said as he led a beautiful mature noblewoman towards safety from their pursuers.

"Where are you going my lady? Why won't you stay and have fun with us? We'll make sure to treat you very nicely kiehahahaha!!!" A venomous laugh sounded out as tens of hooded figures chased after the few men and women that were running away.

"Bastard! Madame had already stated she has no interest in the Empire's succession rights so why did the prince send you to kill us!" A maid shouted in indignation as she helped her Madame run far away from their pursuers.

"Hehehe! It's her fault for not supporting his highness when all she could say is she'll give him her support but no she just had to deny him of his birthright! Hehehahaha!" the venomous voice sounded again as knives flew to try and slow down the knights and maids.

But with a fast reaction three knights immediately formed a shield wall to block the knives from hitting their Madam.

"So it was the Princess you sent you huh? To think my niece would be so heartless." The noble woman looked back towards her assailant and mustered her strength to run faster.

"Huh? What princess?" the unsightly voice said.

"Stop acting stupid, my nephews are dumb but not dumb enough to hire a two bit actor like you to kill me. You always say his highness this and his highness that but I know my nephews, they are greedy and ambitious but they will never resort to poison like you all did. So only candidate is my niece who seems meek and kind but I know that brat's true face…*cough!*" the noble woman shouted back as she ran towards the trees filled with Fog but suddenly she coughed out black blood.

"Madame!" the maids were worried as they saw their lady cough out black blood. "Ice Spear!"

Then a magic formation appeared in the hands of the maid and shot a meter long icicle towards their chasers.

"Madame! Are we really going into the Wildlands?" a knight worried as they knew what was beyond the fog.

"We have no choice, but it will give us more time since these shadows cannot hide in the 'Silenced' area of the Wildlands.*cough*" the noble woman said as she pushed herself to run forward but just as they were about to go out the fog they all stopped.

"Kehahaha, getting tired now aren't we lady Harleigh. We both know how dangerous the wildlands are and your magic won't work there at all." It was then a man appeared in the shadows behind the other cloaked figures surrounding the group but he somehow did not notice the faces of the ones they are chasing.

"Well well well you could surrender now my lady and we will- what the hell is the matter!" the leader was about to start a monologue but his subordinate stopped him making him angry but when he looked at his men he saw how their faces seemed to show dread a fear.

This made him frown and looked forward making him realize there was a large looming shadow watching over the group. A silhouette of a man standing on top of a very large beast made the dozens of men and women silent as they felt fear deep inside their bones.

"Wh-what is that?" the assassin leader also paled as he felt his heart clench at the large golden knight looming over them.

"S-s-sir... he is ri-riding an S-rank beast sir…it-ts the ferocious Wildland Steel Back Boar sir." A knowledgeable assassin shivered as he looked at the large Boar that was known to have been able to kill wyverns and eat it whole.

Marc was standing on the head of Bacon as he looked over at the group of people in front of him. He could see a group of ladies guarding a mature beauty who seemed to have noble bearing and some knights forming a circle around the women.

Then there were the dozen shady looking people who have a leader that has a very unpleasant voice. But it made him sad when he heard them talk as their language was not even English at all.

But in his mind he could deduce this was a damsel in distress and bandit attack situation. He did not know that his deduction was close enough but he kept silent as he loomed over the group of people.

"Sajrkjeb sfnak ns f hqhfbehfbjoe!!" the ugly voice man called out to him but he kept silent as he stood there menacingly.

"asjssd djfn djghIEw djdusii!" Marc could not understand but he could see the guy pulling out some sort of emblem and acting smug in front of him as he waved his hands around.

Somehow his actions made Marc ticked off as he let out a small snort. This made Bacon also snort in anger as it made the fog part and showed the faces of the people around clearly.

"Wjsjab e&%%h 239%^^%*cough*beuba*#&!^." it was then a noble looking lady talked as she went forward and knelt in front of Marc making him confused as he saw the knights and maids with her try to stop her but she knelt nonetheless.

"&**TIDSG*T*# UY# &T*&TS*D!!" the other guy seemed to feel angered and tried to throw a dagger towards the kneeling woman while laughing evilly. This made Marc raise his brows and suddenly did a vertical slash with his sword staff making a huge gust of wind.

"Do I look like a statue here punk?