
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 06 Tree Gardens

Ever since the rain subsided and Marc defeated the crab king of that side of the beach, he had been going to the seaside regularly as he could now at least go into the shallow areas where fish could be easily seen.

Most it was just fish he saw when he went fishing back during trips he did in various foreign countries. But these fished were larger and fatter than the ones he knew, they look the same but somehow these fish are also strong and hard to catch.

The most annoying ones were the dog sized Shrimp like creature that seemed to like going guerilla on his legs. Thankfully the leg guards and Thigh guards made from the Crab King seemed sufficient.

It made him also see how the sea swallowed up the broken wreckage in a few days, mostly it was eaten apart by some large sea snails, Urchins and star fish.

Now he realized why there was no other ship wreckage in the beaches. Now he is just browsing the crates filled with various stuff and he made Tyrone sniff out the items to determine if they are edible or not.

It wasn't until he found a large glowing Tome with moving pictures and all making him awe at the first time he opened it.

"Whoa, this is so cool! Does this have a battery on it or something? How does this work?" Mark looked at every part of the tome to see if there were any tricks but he was not able to find any.

Still he perused the tome and only looked at the pictures. He was even able to see some descriptive actions making him understand this was some sort of chemistry or Alchemy type of magical shit.

"Oh, this one I have here…" Marc realized some bottles had specific labels even if he does not understand them. Making him realize that the book was some sort of making some weapons with special effects but that was all he could deduce by the end of the day.

At least this gave him more time to get busy and it wasn't until the next day he found another tome with magical moving pictures but smaller. This one was more on how to make the potions and vials that were used to make the weapons in the other tome.

"Hoohoohoo!! This is going to be fun!" Marc smiled as he realized some plants in the forest were in the illustrations.

[Five years later]

"Explosion!!!" Marc screamed as he threw a circular metal ball to the beach which glowed red and suddenly if brightened up when it was almost in the ground.


"Whaahahahaaha!! See that Tyrone!? Explosion is Art baby!!" Marc cackled all by himself and after the explosion as the forest animals stirred as they felt fear of their crazy over lord.

It was two years ago when the challenges stopped and somehow the forest beasts acknowledged Marc's claim of the mysterious fruit tree.

He did face with some very troublesome monsters that almost killed him and many occasions but he was able to survive.

But those ones did not go to his area as it seemed to be some sort of delicate balance between the strong ones in this place.

Marc did feel he was in some sort peninsula from what he can tell and the continent this place is connected to is towards the south.

For the past few years he had also tried to decipher the tome's contents but all he was able to make were limited to his comprehension of the images. He did make some potions or regents that he used to make some of the things he understood in the larger tome.

There were three more separate Shipwrecks since then and they too had no survivors but Marc was able to hoard more items into his Large Tree house in the now town sized settlement for monsters.

The place had now expanded and Tyrone's flock had now stayed with him. Thankfully the rooster Elder was still there to help Marc in translating/teaching the chickens making them able to follow simple rules and live a pseudo society by building them tree houses.

He even made Tyrone some body armor to make him look more amazing than the rest of the roosters. Now he is a king of coc…ahem…chickens in this vast forest.

He did take in another pet which was a small boar at first but now it was a large boar the size of a Small Four wheeled Dump truck. He named it Bacon because why not?

He was also able to make some sugar like substance because of the tome as he found a weird tuber like plant on the ground that these boars like to eat.

It was almost similar to beets and he spent three weeks trying to make some sugar with it.

Now Marc also added to his project some gardens to plant and proliferate the plants that he found useful for everyday life.

Right now Marc is in a tree house garden he made since some of the animals that now live in his small town sometimes eat the tubers as well as the dandelion like flowers he planted.

So he made a few tree house 20 meters above ground where he plants these kinds of herbs and vegetables for his use and they were guarded by the large chickens perched in the trees.

Now Marc just finished replanting the various herbs he found towards the Tree gardens and got down where there is a fence surrounding the stairs meant to climb up the gardens.

"Bacon!!" Marc shouted and a large Boar with a Howdah(An Elephant's saddle where there is a platform to stand on) where he could sit and laze about with many resources at hand.

There was even two rectangular crates hanging by the side of the Boar which was filled with tools and items Marc made.

"Oink!" Bacon went to Marc to snuggle him with his snout.

"Okay okay geez be patient." Marc opened a crate to the left side of the Boar and gave a large fruit the boar likes to eat.

It was an unappetizing fruit for him but somehow the beasts seem to like it. And they only grow on the trees surrounding the tree house he is living in.

One was enough for the Boar to be filled for three days, and it made his pets stronger too.

Tyrone was even faster and stronger than the other beast here and Marc knew that he was not a normal human anymore. But sometimes he just wished there was another where he could find some real human social interaction.

Marc then rode back on Bacon back to the Tree compound where he could see two roosters acting like gate guards.

"Bwrawack!" a rooster cawed to the gate as soon as he saw Marc nearing.

"Roocorack!" another answered inside and the Gate opened slowly as Marc rode the large Pig into the small rudimentary portcullis.

Getting inside Marc saw other than chickens the various animals inside but they were mostly the smaller critters like a meter tall rabbit, dog sized rats and some leopard sized jungle cats.

They were small game in this dangerous forest and some packs surrendered to him. Their intelligence awed Marc from time to time but he did accept them.

They were not problematic too as they helped in many ways in the small beast town. They do not even care if some of similar species died and brought back as prey, almost every mammal in this forest are omnivorous.

But Marc did see that somehow there are different hers or packs in different areas. They showed him some sort of rivalry that amazed him some more, he did see a rabbit that lived on his town kick another rabbit, with somehow a different color of fur, to its death.

It even brought the rabbit to present it to him, the canines in his town also helped in tracking other prey in the area. Marc was amazed at how numerous animal species exist inside such a dense forest which he was not able to find some before.

Marc smiled as he rode inside looking at his subjects and went back to his tree fort that only him, Bacon, the Elder Rooster and Tyrone are allowed to get in.

He knew that the animals in this forest could tell the value of the fruit he ate and now he is quiet protective of it. He did give a few pulps to Tyrone and Bacon making them stronger but after that they somehow lost interest on the fruit.

As he arrived he got down and walked towards the throne like seat in a wide hall he made that could accommodate the large beast inside as well as the giant trophies he has of prey he killed.

Behind him was the initial wall he had built around the hollow tree house and he sat in the throne-like seat in boredom. Taking out the two tomes he stared at the ages again and looked at the letters, he has no idea how to decipher it at all and felt that maybe he could do more if he understood the language.

"Bwrack! Croackack!" A rooster ran inside while wearing a thin standard issue rooster chain mail, which he named as c**k sleeve making him chuckle from time to time.

"What is it?"