
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 08 A damsel in distress? Nope, a milf-san in distress

"Do I look like a statue here punk? Did I let you make a move without my permission?" Marc said yet no one could understand but his tone and voice showed the irritation he has making the surroundings quiet again.

What he did not notice is that his veins glowed amber for a bit but the fog in the area had already receded thus seemed to obscure these things happening to Marc.

Suddenly, dozens of roosters appeared behind the group showing they had surrounded everybody. Though for the humans they can only see silhouettes but for Marc and the chickens they see a bit clearly.

This made the cloaked figures widen their eyes as Marc saw the fear and shivering of the assassins as they looked around seemingly scared of the large roosters.

Even the group of the noble Lady was visibly scared as they saw the numerous large cocks around them. (A/N: Ahem, well it is technically correct so I'll just leave it here.)

Marc slowly walked forward and Bacon bowed his head so Marc could walk down slowly. This time he was face to face to the woman who was kneeling and saw that she seemed to have been poisoned.

"You're poisoned." Marc reached out a hand towards the chin of the mature noblewoman making the guards alert and wanted to pull their lady away from danger but the woman signaled for them to stand down.

"So you're the one in charge huh? Here…" Marc pulled out a vial made from a piece of crystal and took the cork out then fed the contents to the Lady alerting the others of his actions.

The lady blushed as she felt shy being fed potion like this from a tall large man like Marc. She was silent as she stared at the light brown eyes of Marc making her heart skip a beat.

But she was suddenly surprised as she felt warmth and the poison she was afflicted with suddenly receded making her feel better.

"&^#HSJ!!" the ugly voiced man screamed as he suddenly jumped towards Marc seemingly trying to stop him from curing the woman.

Marc looked at the approaching man and saw that he was quite faster than a normal person just like how fast he was in his first three years.

But now he has eaten the Durango fruit almost every day for the first seven years until Marc felt that he should just save the fruits for later.

So compared to when he was at his first three years, the him right now is vastly superior in many ways.

His eyesight made it seem the guy was moving in slow motion but then he saw a magic formation in the man's hands forming like those in DR. Strange making Marc surprised.

He could see the smirk of victory in the guy's face as he near towards Marc and the woman thinking that Marc was some sort of Bumpkin after seeing magic.

But it was just for a split second then Marc was back to his senses and slashed a vertical slash at full force towards the smirking dude but this time he used the flat side of the sword instantly smashing apart the dude into pieces before he could even understand what killed him.


A sickening sound echoed around as Marc turned the guy into pulp in one strike stunning the people surrounding them.

They have not yet registered how Marc attacked but in a split second the man just burst apart like a piñata sending blood and gore everywhere in front of Marc.

A few drops splashed in his face as well as the woman's but she was still staring towards Marc's eyes under the helmet.

"Sorry about that, I'll take responsibility for dirtying your clothes." Now that Marc looked clearly the woman in in hands seems to be a very beautiful one.

He had thought that he might have saved a damsel or a princess from the jaws of death but rather it was a mature sexy woman that is now currently looking at Marc with doe eyes.

"*Ahem*Captain take their weapons away and bring them to the town." Marc looked at the rooster captain who cawed back at his orders.

But some assassins were stubborn so they fought back yet somehow they were easy prey to the roosters. The woman shouted something to her subordinates making them surrender their weapons as well but the knights still surrounded their Madame to protect her.

"Bacon, let's go." Marc then suddenly held the woman's waist as he threw her into the back of Bacon while he called for the largest rooster to give the other women a ride.

The women curtsied in thank you towards Mark as they saw the dangerous beast they had deemed to be a standard A-Class Beast, the Cockatrice, become steeds that they had an honor to ride on.

Even though the roosters seemed to be disgruntled at his commands they still followed his orders. The knights wanted to ride to but Marc ignored them, he then started to jog forward with Bacon and the roosters behind them pushing the captured assassins to follow him.

Marc did not talk much for the trip as he was alert while walking since there were other large groups of strong beast in the forest too. But thankfully there were no such attacks on the way.

It was about two hours later when they finally arrived in the town making the people following Marc gawk at the large town filled with A-class monsters living in a civilized manner.

There were even smaller B-Class monsters wandering about and now they all felt scared and thought that maybe their captor was a monster himself too that was in human skin.

What scares them even more is that this group of monsters somehow was able to develop a society where some sort of bartering was going on. A maid saw two hens clucking about trying to exchange stuff from each other and some chicks playing around the wide area they had just passed by.

Their Madame was more so surprised since she has a much more knowledgeable mind than her servants. She knew that beasts from B-class and above are quite prideful and would never like another species lord over them.

But here she was gawking at a town of monsters where they all seemed to be able to converse with each other. She even saw on the way in a tavern like place where beast gather and being served food by a rooster acting like a tavern keep.

Only thing she noticed was the currency of the beast were their beast cores. She understood most beast eat other beast cores to become stronger but how could these group be so harmonious to each other when they all sell things using cores from other dead beast.

It wasn't until one of her knights pointed out that the beast cores were mostly from sea monsters and not much cores from land beast or winged beast.

She felt that maybe inside this town all beast behave since the golden knight that saved them was the one ruling this vast Wildland.

It was then when they entered another inner part of the place she gawked at the magnificence of simple Architecture. She does not understand how such a tall wall could still have structural integrity when they were not made using rectangular blocks.

Everything in the wall was just Boulders stuck together by some sort of yellowish soil. Even in her knowledge the only thing that could hold such large stones together was glue made from the fats of a certain B-Class monster found far from here and it is very expensive.

Yet those kind of beast could only be found in desert climates and not like this tropical rainforest.

She wanted to inspect the walls but she refrained herself since she is now riding an S-Class beast.

"*gasp!*" the maids and guards paled beside her making her look to where they were looking and she too almost fainted as another S-Class Beast was looming over them.

An Alpha Cockatrice and it seemed to be larger and more beautiful with its ebony sleek feathers that the ones she saw in the illustrations given by the Adventurer's guild.

There she looked the man that helped them amazed he can tame such dangerous creatures.

But it was then her eyes almost popped out of her head as she just lately realized the bear coat behind the man to be a +S-Class Beast Tyrant Bear.

A beast said to have the strength to decimate a small country was now being used as a coat of this stranger that helped them. A species said to be able to develop into a variant that could potentially be considered as a Beast Lord.

She had heard that Tyrant Bears were only born by the world as calamities for the human kind and could only be killed alone by a Saint or Grand Wizard/Sage.

Saints were men and women who had reached great heights in their mastery over their respective weapons and have been told to possess various superhuman abilities.

She knew taming S-class monsters are possible if you raise them from childhood but that does not guarantee that it will stay loyal but to kill a Beast like the Tyrant Bear meant that the man in front of them might be possibly a hermit Saint that is staying here in the Wildlands.

Then there was silence as they stopped in front of a large Throne that was made of various skulls of beast.