
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

ERROR16291 · sci-fi
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23 Chs

The Hunt part 1

As Luke fell asleep he was unaware of what he and the creatures caused around the world.


Hours before hell broke loose from the depths of the earth it was normal on the surface. The live broadcast turned on and showed about a hundred people walking into the drills opening all waiving to the camera. Some posed while others just waved and kept walking. As the final person got into the drill the door behind them closed and the camera was moved far away from the drill.

"Drill will be actived in t-minus five, four, three, two, and one."

The drill head began to rotate and the thrusters at the end of the drill began to slowly turn on. After seconds the thrusters went to full throttle and the drill head was drilling at an incredible speed. In seconds the drill dissapeared from sight.

Many people who were watching the Live broadcast of the drill being sent into the earth were happy since this meant that they would have new opportunities for the future generation.

When the drill was sent into the deep parts of earth a man walked infront of the camera talking about the new resources they will find and how the over population of the human species can be solved thanks to the new land.

As the man finished talking the channel changed and they were now seeing multiple people wearing clothing that were like astronauts, but just a bit slimmer. The person infront of the camera talked for a bit saying how 'this is humanity new hope' and stuff likw that. It bored many people, but when he opened the door of the drill did everyone have a look of shock. There were trees and plants.

Everyone thought that the new world was just a big open spot that had a lot of space, they never thought that it would contain life. But they stopped paying attention to the plants when they saw something sitting infront of the stairs that led to the drill. It was a white skined creature that resembled a wolf. At first everyone thought it was cute and amazing but that soon changed when it walked into he drill and began to slaughter everyone.

The sight of the creature killing people made many families around the world turn off the channel due to their kids watching along with them. Those who didn't turn it off got to witness the massacre that the creature caused and when they saw many more creatures come into the drill everyone hearts dropped. The sight of multiple creatures would make many people shocked, but at the point everyone watching were now terrified as they saw many types of creatures killing the people in the drill.

The broadcast was then changed to a scene they just saw a couple minutes ago. It was the site in which the drill was maintained and launched. The only difference was that the creatures they saw at the drill, that were hundreds of miles underground, were now on the surface with them. They saw many flying creatures grab onto guards and soldiers and fly into the air before dropping them to their demise.

Hours after the attack everyone still watching the channel saw something climb out of the pit the drill made.

At first no one could tell what it was but when it's entire body was fully out of the pit they could see what the creature was. It was the first creature they saw on the live broadcast. The same one that started the massacre in the drill and now it was bringing it to the surface.

A few people were mad at the creature for doing this, but the rest were terrified of it. They saw it was bulletproof and that it was able to climb out of the pit with ease, these types of aspects weren't normal for any creature on the planet.

As more and more people continued watching they began to notice that there were more creatures coming out of the pit.

When everyone in the area was killed by the creatures did they see something. The creature they hated roared into the sky and following this roar all the sky creatures landed on the ground and to began to roar.

It then looked at the camera before walking past it follwed by the other creatures charging at something. Screams were heard for a brief second before they were silenced by various roars and cries. Soon the hated creature appeared again and was seen walking into the pit.

After a couple seconds later the channel ended.


In a building several people could be seen arguing against one another. There were curses being yelled, threats being made, and agreements being created. All of this was caused because of one being, Luke.

"We need to exterminate that beast" someone shouted. This caused many to agree with the person. "No we must find a way to coexist with the creature" another person said, this caused many to agree with the person. "No, we must find a way to exterminate them!"

More curses and threats were made. "Silence" a man shouted, this caused everyone to shut their mouth and move to their gazes to the man. "As you know, due to the expedition to the hollow earth we have released creatures that can only be seen in horrors come to our land. They may or may not bring beneficial things to our societies and governments, but one thing is clear. They can not stay on the surface of our planet or else disaster may strike all of us!"

Everyone began nodding to each other as they listened to the mans speech.

"That is why we must unite to push this threat back or else put governments may not be the only thing in danger" the man said as he raised both his arms implying how big an impact the creatures can cause. "What do you propose" a women said as she looked at the man.

"I propose creating a organization or group controlled by all of our governments and kingdoms to combat these beings and send them back to their lands. They will be supported by us and will be given bases of operations all around the globe, for I believe that there might have been cracks made by the earthquake that leads to the hollow earth" Hearing the last part many people began to murmur between one another.

"And how do you suppose we will get people to work at this "organization" for you should know that many of us are limited in the military support we can offer" a man wearing a bandana said.

"Why the homeless of course, they will be given an opportunity to help our government and in return in killing those creatures, can get to live in buildings and eat many kinds of food they wouldn't be able to eat in the past" the man said. Many began to be skeptical of the man while others.

"Of course you can all have time to think about this decision since this can impact many families and lives, but the sooner this is made the better" the man said as he looked around the room.

Many began to pick up their phones and call people. After minutes of talking they all put away their phones and sat down.

"So have you decided" the man said as he drank from the cup of water infront of him.

Soon a man wearing glasses stood up and looked at the man. "America has agreed with the idea, though the terms and conditions needs to be changed so the homeless can be given the opportunity to refuse missions they deem suicidal and are able to leave the organization at any point in time" the man said.

"We can add that" the man who proposed the idea said as he looked at the room.

"Russia has agreed to support this plan."

"Canada has agreed to support this plan."

"Germany has agreed to support this operation."

Soon one by one more and more countries began to agree to the plan. It reached the point where almost every country and kingdom in the world agreed, the ones who refused were wither new countries who were small in resources and men power or those who are suffering draw backs at the time.

"Then it has been agreed for this organization to be made now there are few things left to be made, such as the name for the organization" a man said as he smoked a cigarette.

Everyone focused their attention at the man who proposed the idea of the organization.

"The name of the organization. Well since we are making this to hunt down beasts I guess we need to name it like so" the man said.

"The name of the organization will be The Hunt."


At Luke location he was currently still asleep unaware of what was just made. All he was dreaming about was sleeping in a field of flowers under the gaze of the setting sun as he faced the ocean and felt the ocean breeze.

He felt peace and tranquility as if nothing bad will happen to him.

"Why are you taking my food!"

Luke opened his eyes as he heard a creature yelling outoud. He had never heard this type of creature noise before.

Luke walked out of the cave and gazed where the shout came from. Just a couple meters below him was a armadillo like creature holding a lion Luke creature in its pincers.

"New creatures?"