
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

Autor: ERROR16291
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What is The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

Lesen Sie den Roman The Hollow Zone (Dropped) des Autors ERROR16291, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt an...


A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

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第一世,她是丞相府丫鬟皎月,被一个叫莫景岑的嗜血王爷景王给弄死了。 第二世重生,她依然是丞相府的丫鬟,本想反击,结果又被景王给弄死了。 第三世重生,她成了神医圣手的徒弟聂娇兮,医术无敌,神药在手,四面八方横着走。 某天遇见出家为僧的景王,自打那以后她就在想怎么弄死他。 一日,聂娇兮问师姐。 “师姐,我想整死一个人,可我不怎么知道弄?” “你说我是毒死他,掐死他,捅死他,勒死他,还是烧死他?” “……”师姐,我看你不是不知道怎么整死人家,你是不知道用什么方法整死人家。 “随便弄呗,只要整死就行了。” 于是,聂娇兮开始了漫漫复仇之路。 下毒成功不成,就勾引他的下属;再不行,就勾搭他的对手;实在不行,就傍个有权有势的。 屡战屡败之后,莫景岑忍不住了。 “试了那么多都没用,就没想过用美人计吗?” “管用吗?” 莫景岑笑了,“管用。” 于是聂娇兮开窍了,利用美人计将人绑在床上,阴险地拿着刀在人家的身上比划。 “说吧,你想怎么死?” 莫景岑邪魅一笑,“你过来,我偷偷告诉你。” 后来她成了王妃,才知道,当年忠心耿耿的丞相不过是谋朝篡位的奸臣! 人美心善的丞相府小姐不过是朵白莲花!可怜她前两世因他们而死。 夫君,等着,看我不整死他们!

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