
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

ERROR16291 · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

The Hunt part 2

As Luke looked at the two creatures currently yelling at each other, he made a mental note in where the creature lived. As Luke was about to walk back into his cave he felt a sudden change in the temperature.

"It's getting hot" Luke said as he turned back and saw the lions red and black fur glowing. "Put me down or else" the Lion said as it's body began to generate flames.

Brief break down on what the creatures look like. The armadillo like creature has the same shell as the armadillo, but has insect like body parts underneath the shell and has a battle like head with two long, sharp, and pointy mandibles. It also has six legs, three on both sides of its body, that has spike like attachments on them most likely used to climb up things. The creature is the same size as a average car

The Lion has four fore legs and two back and has two long tails that are covered in large spikes that resemble swords crawling to the tip of the tails. It has red and black fur, the black parts are closer the the skin while the red are at the half mark of the hair strand. The creature has four eyes that have red pupils and its sclera, the white part of the eye that goes around the iris and pupils, were the color black with red veins appearing on it. The creature is slightly bigger then your average day lion.

Luke paid close attention to the two creatures, mainly the Lion since it was making flames appear on its fur. The armadillo like creature dropped the Lion into the pit thinking it would die in the fall, but the Lion used its two tails and slammed them into the walls of the pit.

"Oh you're going to pay" the Lion said as it used its two tails the climb up the walls of the pit. "Die" the armadillo creature said as it charged towards got put of its cave and charged towards the Lion.

The Lion front paws were soon set ablaze as it launched a smack attack towards the armadillo creature. The armadillo creature roll up into a ball in fell towards the Lion.

When the Lion attacked the armadillo creature, the armadillo was launched towards the wall on the opposite side of the pit. When the armadillo body hit the wall, huge cracks were made as the whole pit began to shake.

Several creatures that were asleep in their caves woke up and walked out their caves just to see the two creatures fighting near their caves. Many of the creatures were about to attack them, but stopped when they felt the floor underneath rumble.

A Stalker who was near the edge of its cave fell into the pit as the floor racks beneath it began to crumble down. It didn't just happen to the Stalker but to many creatures who were in their cave or were near the edge of it. The same went for Luke as he almost fell into the pit but was able to save himself by using his two weapon tails to latch onto the walls to the right of the caves entrance.

Luke looked into the pit and saw many creatures falling into the deep dark abyss. He turned his gaze back to the two creatures who started this chain reaction and saw the two creatures still fighting each other.

"Ok I need to stop them" Luke said as he began to run on the walls towards the two creatures. When he was close enough he took a deep breath.


Luke roared with all his might causing his augment body part to activate and increase the pitch of his roar to a higher level. The roar traveled to every creature that was either in the pit or close to the entrance of the pit. The creatures that were in the pit were covering their ears in an attempt to stop the ear piercing noise.

Sadly for the armadillo and Lion who were close to Luke, they felt the full brunt of the roar.

"Gah" the armadillo tucked itself in a ball in the attempt to cancel the noise, but slide down into the dark abyss instead. The lion covered its ears with all four paws and brought its head closer to the wall in a attempt to stop the noise. But it's eardrums still bursted causing blood to pour out.

The Lion, even though it's eardrums bursted, was still hanging onto the walls.

Luke stopped roaring and looked at the Lion. The Lion still covered its ears thinking that the roar was still going.

Luke just breathed out and walked back to what remained of his cave. It was currently collapsed and most of the rocks were sliding out still.

"Now I need to make a new cave" Luke said as he began walking around the pit to find a new spot for his cave. He began moving around for about five minutes before finding a hollow spot in the wall. He instantly began to dig into the wall and began to expand the inside of it.

When he was finished digging it almost looked like the exact replica of his old cave, though the ceiling is a bit higher. Luke then walked out of the cave and head towards the surface.

Upon entering the surface he began to head towards the forest to collect leaves and grass for his new bed. As he began collecting the grass and leafs he noticed something above him making a humming sound.

Luke looked up and saw a small yellow creature flapping its wings at a fast pace. "Is that a bee" Luke said as he stared at the small yellow spec that was landing on a flower. "I wonder" Luke then began to approach the bee slowly and when he was closer to its lunged at it and swallowed it in one bite.

Luek felt something in his body change. {neurotoxin sac} Luke then received tons of information about the new body part. The neurotoxin sac allowed Luke to release neurotoxin through scratches released by his weapon tails. The neurotoxin will cause the creature to have swelling in in scratched part of the body. If the neurotoxin isn't removed in time it will give the victims epilepsy, dementia, and intellectual disabilities.

After getting the knowledge from eating the bee, Luke continued gathering leaves and grass and brought it back to his cave. He laid down the grass onto the corner of his cave and went back up to the surface to grab some wood to make a pillar for his cave. He already lost his old cave thanks to a ceiling collapse and he wasn't planning on losing this cave because of the same mistake. He found the same fallen tree and brought one of the three peices off wood back to his cave.

Once he reached his cave he began to head to the middle of the cave and dig out a small part of the floor. Once it was dug out he moved the log above the hole and saw that it was both sturdy and appeared to not be able to move that much. Happy with this Luke began to cut a small part of log so it wouldn't be able to budge that much.

Once he was done he had some remaining wood left. Luke began to use the remaining wood to decorate the front part of his cave by just stabbing the wood peices on both sides of the cave entrance. Luke having made all that he needed went his bed and fall asleep.


Inside a building, somewhere in the eastern hemisphere, multiple people could be seen sitting in a room gazing at a TV that was playing a video.

"Welcome everyone to the organization called 'The Hunt', in this organization your main purpose is drive the creatures that invaded our world back into their world" a man in a white suit said as his recording continued playing. "For those who don't know what I'm talking about allow me to show you" the recording said as the scene of the man speaking soon changed into one of people being torn apart by creatures of various varieties.

The creatures on the screen could be seen killing people without hesitation. The scene returned back to the man in the white suit. "That is your enemy, they do not have a name. So just call them whatever you want to for now. If you have any questions please talk to a nearby staff member" the man in the white suit said as the screen turned black.

A door leading to the room soon opened up and a man wearing a black suit walked in. "Do anyone have any questions" the man said. Everyone looked at each other before one of them raised their hand.

"What is your question" the man said. "It's two questions if you don't mind" the man who raised their hand in the air said.

"I don't mind" the man wearing the suit said. "Ok, my first question is if we will be getting paid and the second is if we are able to meet our families once we accept this job?"

"To answer your first question, you are getting paid. To answer the second one, yes you can meet your families when you accept the job, we're not villians or anything of that sort."

Hearing this many sighed a breath of relief. "How much do we get paid" someone said. "You get paid about ten to twenty thousand dollars or five hundred seventeen thousand RUB if you came from Russia" the man said, hearing the amount they were getting paid many couldn't believe what they heard. "Of course you will be fighting against creatures that will and can kill you fo you let your gaurd down as shown on the recording. So try not to be greedy and throw yourself into danger if it's unnecessary."

The man then began to hand cards to everyone in the room. "This is your ID, it will allow you to open certain rooms in the building such as your room, the cafeteria, and the training room. Speaking of training room you will begin your training tomorrow at six am and will end at two pm, so get some sleep once you reach your room" the man said as he walked out of the room leaving the people there looking at their cards.