
Sowed to be broken

This is the last year of University, Raymond Black is in his final year, Bella is also in her final year, both are in accounting department. Bella, the only daughter of the Saltovers is not interested in training to be the heir of the amazing company owned by her father, but she is forced to abandon her dream in becoming a singer, this is because her brother, Nicole was said to be killed in a car crash. Raymond is also a talented guitarist but abandons his dreams after his parents were killed, he therefore goes into accounting to acquire money, fame and power, as he believed his parent was framed because of their financial state. He works in the Saltovers company there he meets Bella and Bella realize they attend the same University, but won't tell as their relationship is different and must not get discovered. They embark on a journey of fame and love, but the truth won't be hidden forever can it? Maybe Nicole is not dead after all the Saltovers are behind the death of poor Mr Black. After the truth is out, what will win Love and faith OR jealousy and Revenge? Find out in the story.

FancyBae · Filme
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13 Chs

The grand meeting 1

Rachel: At the Cilwark's cafe ma.

Stella: OK then, see you soon.

(she ends the call)

Stella calls her cheffeur to pick Rachel,15 min later, Rachel was in the hotel.

Rachel:Hello, mummy, I am here.

Stella: Don't just stand there, come and mumsy a hug.(Rachel hugs her) how are you my darling, how was your day, sit, let me order something for you.

Rachel: Don't bother ma.


(she claps and a waitress comes in immediately)

Stella: Orange juice and (she looks at Rachel)

Rachel:I would have orange juice too.

Stella:2 orange juices then.

Waitress:ok ma(she bows and leaves)

Stella: what is this great news about.

(Waitress bring their juices)

Rachel: After your call the other day I decided that I should keep an eye on both Layla and Bella which I did, and then I found out that Layla has been setting Bella up in front of Raymond and she's also making Raymond look like a bad boy in front of Bella.

Stella:hmmmmm, complicated,do you have any proof,or what exactly happened?

Rachel:I don't exactly have proofs,but here is what happened; Bella tried to report Raymond to Mr Willbour,I tried to stop her initially but I didn't use the right words and well she said somethings and I actually want to cry.

(Stella pulls her in)

Stella: Sorry dear, please don't hold it against her, she's still hurt internally.

Rachel:I understand mum, I wasn't afraid of shed tears in front of her but I didn't,I ran towards the door and watch her leave towards the Chancellor's office, but something unexpected happened, Layla was following her all along,

Stella: Really, but that doesn't still mean she has anything to do with it.

Rachel: I also thought that way until sometimes else happened,as soon as Bella finished complaining, Layla went to complain about Bella too, saying"Bella has been enslaving me as her friend since the time we met and when I went against some rules Bella punished me excessively," she also suggested that Bella got punished for all those things and that the best way to punish her is to give her the same punishment as Raymond.

Stella: that's serious indeed, where exactly is Bella?, she needs to know the truth.

Rachel: I am not really sure,she left after speaking with Raymond,she should be home though,

Stella: ok, thank you very much, I would call to check if she's okay.

Rachel: Mrs. Saltover, may I ask you something?

Stella: Go ahead.

Rachel: Since you are around,why isn't Bella aware, she believes you are out, and she's very lonely.

Stella: My dear, I've been thinking of it lately,but she will be okay, she's got great friends by her side.

Rachel:I can't really agree with that as one of "her friends"is plotting against her, moreover a family's position is very different from that of a friend, the truth is I can't be with Bella all the time so it's better to have supportive family.

I am sorry if what I said is to harsh,but moving far away or watching from a distance is not how to fix things up,you should really get her trust and make her open up to you, only then can pieces of the heart fit perfectly together.

Stella:(she pays her head)I see you've grown a lot smarter than before,I will look into what you've said,you should get going, don't get your family worried.

Rachel: Bye, thanks for everything.

(Rachel takes her leave while Stella calls the home line)

Servant: Good day madam, how's everything ma.

Stella: Good, I want to speak with Bella, go call her.

Servant: But ma, her mistress is not home ma.

Stella:ok then, if she comes home give me a call.


Bella books a hotel in city C to clear her head from all the mess, she ponders on what had happened,she speaks with her self

Bella:My life is gradually becoming a mess, first my pendant, I try to get justice and then I get punished, yet the criminal has the guts to call me a demon,(she looks into the mirror)what type of demon would I ba called then, a sexy demon, or a special made demon, hahahahahaha,why would I be punished by the way, I haven't done anything that could harm anyone in anyway, is anyone plotting against me, why would they do such a thing and why would Rachel speak ill of me, she's very nice and won't even think of hurting a fly, why did things start going crazy as soon as I met him, he makes me boil inside, like how would I describe it, sooo wierd yet he is very cold, why, why?

(Bella keeps thinking about all of this but her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a commotion outside her room, she tries to listen carefully to it as she was already thinking about how to make them reconcile.

Voice 1: why would I go there?

Voice 2: because I know what's best for you.!

Voice 1: It's extremely rude to jump into conclusion, you do not know me at all, you are too old to understand yougsters.

Voice 2: whether you like it or not, you're going to that university.

(Bella understands what the commotion is about but still needs more information to act heroic,she keeps listening)

Voice 1: I won't go there,not now not ever.

Voice 2: Really, are you really that hooked on making life hell for me, what have I done to deserve such treatment, I have given you everything and now I want you to go to Cilwark for your own good too, so why are you refusing.

Voice 1: What exactly is good about Cilwark, what is so good about it, isn't it for those proud, nerds,which is boring to begin with.

(Bella moves out of her room, she finds the discussion quite interesting, she leans on their hotel fire crossing her arms below her rabbits, she speaks)

Bella: Someone needs to change is orientation about Cilwark.

Voice 1: Who are you to interfere in our matters, how rude.(he tries to act angry even though he's already fallen for the pose or maybe spell casted from the beauty in his front)

Bella:(she sneers) look at the one talking about interference.

Voice: wha-what do you mean. who are you?

Bella:(she smiles) don't act nice now, let's keep being sassy, I am a broken girl who was trying to recover from her life but, the process is interfered with, as I chose to calm down beside Lions who are ready to tears themselves apart.

Voice 1:who is a lion?

(Bella walks in smiling in a rather seducing way )

Voice 1 is captured by this scene but manages to speak.

Voice 1: wh-who allowed you to come in

(Bella bends and looks straight into his eyes she ignores his words and continues )

Bella: My soul couldn't hold it any longer, and the demon in me took over,that why I am here.

(Bella sits on the chair near him when she sees the effects she had on him, were quite much, she smiles innocently.

Bella:(begins to laugh) why the change of mood,

Voice 3: sir should I take this woman out(voice 1 gives him a no sign), okay.

Bella: hear me out first,(she begins to speak formally)

Bella: Sorry for interrupting, I heard you talking about Cilwark University and I had to listen, I wasn't going to interfere until you said Cilwark was boring,if anything at all Cilwark isn't boring ,I attend Cilwark and I know this as a fact.

Voice 2 &1: You attend Cilwark (they both smile, though for different reasons)

Bella:Yes and that's why I want to urge you to give it a try, don't judge a book by its cover, it could have some hidden potentials, Cilwark may not be the best but is shines uniquely among all other universities.

Voice 1: Since you manage to attend Cilwark then you must be from a noble family, may I know the name of

this angel...

I mean noble.....


Forget it.....

Bella: Bella Saltover.

(Both voice 2 and 3 staggers)

Voice 2: What!! Mr Saltover is your father, the owner of S&S Enterprise,(he bows) sorry for the earlier disrespect, I hope we can get along more, I am Mr. Sung, he is my son Ryder.

Mr. Sung:Nice to meet you , Miss Saltover.

Ryder: I will attend Cilwark at any cost(I musn't loose such a beauty he thinks)

Mr Sung:Mr Liam,prepare his bags,when do you want to leave.

Ryder: I will decide later,by the way Miss. Saltover why are you here, is there a break or an holiday of some sort.

Bella: Call me Bella, there isn't, I only took a break.(as soon as Bella wants to speak she gets a voice message from her mum)

Stella: Are you ok Bella, I am worried sick, where are you, please answer as soon as you see this and come home this instance.

(Bella leaves the Sung's hotel and sends a voice message to her mum)

Bella: I am fine, better of without you, why should I come home,no one's there, so why should I come.

(Stella replies her)

Stella: I see that you are okay, have you forgotten your manners, everyone is at home.

(Bella replies)

Bella:Why should I believe what you said, send me a picture of you and dad then I'll believe.

(Stella takes the pics and sends it to her, seeing this Bella, takes her bag from her hotel and decides to tell the Sung's good byeeee before leaving.)

Bella: I would be going back now, it's nice meeting you thank you.

Mr Sung: No problem Bella, see you around soon.

Ryder: Can I come with you, you can take me through the city and all, even the university.

(Mr Liam comes in with one of Ryder's luggages)

Ryder: See, I am ready to go.

Mr Sung:I seek a favour, Miss Saltover.

Bella:Go ahead.

Mr Sung:Can my soon stay put at your place for some weeks,(Bella frowns a bit, he sees Bella's reaction and adds) just for a bit,

Bella doesn't reply instead she chats her mum,

Bella:Can I bring a friend.

Stella:As you wish.

(she later replies Mr Sung)

Bella:Sure, it will pay for my"rude behavior" earlier, let's move Ryder.

(They wave good bye and board a train to the city A)

(At the school Raymond and Layla clears the grass for a while and heads home, before they depart, they chat for a while)

Layla is disappointed when Raymond doesn't talk to her through out the cleaning but she doesn't give up, therefore she was happy when Raymond started talking.

Raymond:Hem Layla.

Layla: Yes,

Raymond: I would be going to Bella's house latter today,

Layla: 😟😟😰😰😱😱😱

Raymond: I want you to accompany me, please

Layla: Hmmm, okay, it's a date then.

Raymond: (he acts as if he didn't here)Let's meet here at 5.

(They wave good bye and part ways)

Raymond:What makes her think I would want to date her, she keeps getting disgusting day by day. I wish this day was over already, it's really not fitting into my schedules.


Layla:Why does he want to see her, don't tell me they met,how can they, he was with me all along, Bella!! you'll pay for this, just wait

(Stella leaves the hotel for home she considers what Rachel told her the other time and makes up her mind, she calls for the maid to prepare a grand dinner.)

Sorry for not updating earlier,also what do you think about this style of writing, should I change it or not.

Earlier Stella wasn't home she photo shoped those pics she sent

I can't wait for all of them to meet, the only one left out is Rachel, what a pity. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments, thanks guys.

FancyBaecreators' thoughts