
Sowed to be broken

This is the last year of University, Raymond Black is in his final year, Bella is also in her final year, both are in accounting department. Bella, the only daughter of the Saltovers is not interested in training to be the heir of the amazing company owned by her father, but she is forced to abandon her dream in becoming a singer, this is because her brother, Nicole was said to be killed in a car crash. Raymond is also a talented guitarist but abandons his dreams after his parents were killed, he therefore goes into accounting to acquire money, fame and power, as he believed his parent was framed because of their financial state. He works in the Saltovers company there he meets Bella and Bella realize they attend the same University, but won't tell as their relationship is different and must not get discovered. They embark on a journey of fame and love, but the truth won't be hidden forever can it? Maybe Nicole is not dead after all the Saltovers are behind the death of poor Mr Black. After the truth is out, what will win Love and faith OR jealousy and Revenge? Find out in the story.

FancyBae · Movies
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13 Chs

Punishment for two, or maybe more...

Layla: what does this woman know, why would she suddenly call me, I shouldn't have spoken that way, I should have allowed her to speak, now she will start suspecting, or wait did Bella tell her anything, she couldn't have, they don't have good relationship, I have to be prepared, it might have been Rachel, whatever she knows I better shut her up, I also have to convince Bella to be at my side, else I'll loose face in front of Raymond, (she sighs) Bella I'm sorry for doing this to you, I am doing it for love,(she chuckles) you will never understand anyway, you don't know what love is, Hahahahahahaha(she laughs melancholically, hatred, evil ways popping in her head, and sinister within her eyes.)

Next day of school


(After the morning lectures, the undergraduates were free for about 30 min,Bella makes use of this time)

Rachel: Where are you headed to?

Bella: The chancellor's office,

Rachel: Don't tell me it's about that boy, it's just a pendant really, why make the situation look so scary?

Bella: What, (she looks at her)👿👿👿👿👿😠😠😠😠😠, (she moves closer to Rachel, as Rachel steps back)do you dare say that again, it-it's JUST a pendant, 🤔🤔🤔, have you ever taught of loosing everything, like your dreams, your ambitious, have you, even those you love.

Rachel: hem,hem(she tries to touch Bella)

Bella: (taking a step back she looks at her with disdain) don't you dare, if you still want to hang out with me, just be numb, do not speak a word, Is that clear?

(Rachel holds her tears from falling, she can't believe her friends, her only true friends behavior, it- it's awful)

Bella: Yeah, that's how it's done, run, what a coward.

Bella approaches the chancellor's office.

Vice chancellor: Yes, how can I be of help to Miss Saltover.

Bella: Good day sir, where is Sir Willbour?

Vice chancellor: I'm afraid, but he is not available at the moment.

(Paces the office angrily, and at last she hits her hands on the vice's table, making him stagger)

Bella: (she composes her self, trying to forget the thoughts of Rachel) I-I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to scare you, I am actually came to ask for a favour, sir.

Vice chancellor: (adjust his glasses) go ahead , ask

Bella: A precious item of mine, got stolen, I already know the thief, but I want to specially handpick his punishment.

Vice Chancellor: A serious case indeed, well here is a list of punishments (he hands over a list)choose between them and it will be served immediately.

(Bella looks at it carefully, sh finally makes up her mind)

Bella: levelling the grass on the fields, two of those fields, that's what I want, thank you sir,

Vice chancellor: But,(he removes his glasses) can't you forgive him, you already got back your item.

Bella: please,🙏🙏🙏🙏, do as you promised, if, you still want to be here, just do it, here is his name.

(Bella heads out)

Bella: I could have if god didn't punish me by taking my brother and still made me never to feel live again, I would also have said, couldn't you forgive me, you already have my brother.

Vice chancellor puts on the speakers in the building.

Vice chancellor: Hello leaders of tomorrow, I have an announcement to make.

Student 1 : of course, that's why the speaker is on, why not go straight to the point, bag of bones .

(As if he heard that)

Vice chancellor: Acts of indiscipline shall not be allowed in Chilwark, therefore Mr. Black and Miss Saltover, will be punished today for their crimes;by mowing the grasses on the biggest field, together. N.B all other acts of indiscipline will not be tolerated hence forth, you're dismissed. (he puts off the speaker) , how could a bitch report her junior in crime, if not for Layla, I would have punished only Raymond, how unfair.

(Hearing this Raymond searches for Bella,)

Raymond: Why, what is this about?😠😠😠😠

Bella: I should be the one saying that, tsk.

Raymond: acting all dumb now, You are behind this, aren't you, I didn't believe her at first but now, I think I was wrong.

Bella: Rachel, she couldn't keep shut could she(she murmur, then looks straight into Raymond's eyes, if she wasn't angry, she would have really cared for those eyes, they look exactly like her brothers, sooo generous but still unclear, the colours of the ocean when it's sunset, whoah)

Raymond: Don't you owe me an explanation?

Bella: So what?(she is brought back to reality, remembering her brother really tears her apart) I reported you, so what, you are a thief, you scumbag, but then it seems like you also got your revenge soo..... aren't we even.

Raymond: (he spits out disgusted) Never,(he closes the gap between them, and says in a rather threatening tone) A demon in a goddess's cloth will meet up to even a pauper, we, are VERY, different, I would say it's my bad luck that allowed me to meet you.

(Hearing this Bella, is about to cry, but she won't accept defeat, she runs out of the school and books a taxi, but not to her house, to another city)

Back at the hall way

(Rachel hears what Raymond says and slaps him immediately, )

Rachel: You scumbag, who do you think you her.

Raymond: (her touch stings but he manages a smile) another puppet, you must be really dumb.

Rachel: Now my theory is confirmed, all guys are jerks, they fall for smiles and get deceived, you are no exception.

Raymond: Woah, from what book exactly did you learn those lines.

Rachel: The book of(she strikes him with a sudden kick as he got closer) " to hell with jerks"

(Rachel leaves)

Raymond: Hey, who the hell do you think you are to beat a guy that way, I am only being.....

Layla: (she hugs him from behind) calm down now, the b*tch just texted me.

Raymond: why, what did she say.

Layla: she said I am to replace her, that a prestigious girl like her can't be cutting grasses with someone like you.

Raymond: What, that's it, I would deal with her, she harms me and now tries to shove off responsibilities.

Layla: he-he-he-he hey, where do you think you're going.

Raymond: To fight for my rights,

Layla: How exactly, are you going to her house.

Raymond: You are such are smart girl, who knew you'll think that way.(Raymond turns to leave)

Layla: What!!😳😳😳😰😰😰😱😱😱, her house, my sins, they will be exposed, (she murmurs) wait up,(she catches up with Raymond)

Raymond: what's the matter.

Layla: We-we should make a plan first, before going right.

Raymond: OK, I actually wasn't heading to her house, I was going to the field.

Layla: oh, ohh, I should also come with you, wait up, let me change.

Raymond: ok,(he watches her running off)we'll meet at the field won't we,(he shakes his head, then he gets a call.

Caller: Mr Black, are you ready to leave school

Raymond: No no sir.

Caller: Then why cause a ruckus with the Saltovers.

Raymond: Sorry sir.

Caller: Then go to their house today at 5 to apologize, new clothes have been sent over, don't be LATE.(he ends the call)

Raymond: Of course I won't, Saltovers, hmmm, that name sounds familiar, ohhh, now I remember the S&S enterprise, it is owned by them, no wonder she was so flashy, but weird though, she's kind of weird, seems like it's time to play Mr detector.

(he meets with Layla and they head to the field)


Rachel calls Mrs Saltover.

Rachel: I have news to share mummy.

Stella: hmmm, OK, this news must be very important for you to have forgotten your manners.

Rachel: I- I am sorry mum, how was your day? I hope you are good ma, I've got some news to share with you ma.

Stella: I am good Rachel, I am, never forget your manners dear, it takes you to places where money can not, for the news, I will send my chauffeur to pick you up, where are you exactly?.

Rachel: At the Cilwark's cafe ma.

Stella: OK then, see you soon.

(she ends the call)

Hello guys, guess what today I actually reread my work before posting, you guys will be wondering what will happen to Bella as she left the city,the news that Rachel found out and Layla and Raymond right, but, I won't spoil the fun here, wait for the next chapter.?????????????

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