
Sowed to be broken

This is the last year of University, Raymond Black is in his final year, Bella is also in her final year, both are in accounting department. Bella, the only daughter of the Saltovers is not interested in training to be the heir of the amazing company owned by her father, but she is forced to abandon her dream in becoming a singer, this is because her brother, Nicole was said to be killed in a car crash. Raymond is also a talented guitarist but abandons his dreams after his parents were killed, he therefore goes into accounting to acquire money, fame and power, as he believed his parent was framed because of their financial state. He works in the Saltovers company there he meets Bella and Bella realize they attend the same University, but won't tell as their relationship is different and must not get discovered. They embark on a journey of fame and love, but the truth won't be hidden forever can it? Maybe Nicole is not dead after all the Saltovers are behind the death of poor Mr Black. After the truth is out, what will win Love and faith OR jealousy and Revenge? Find out in the story.

FancyBae · Movies
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13 Chs

The grand meeting 2

(Stella leaves the hotel for home she considers what Rachel told her the other time and makes up her mind, she calls for the maid to prepare a grand dinner.)


Jack: where have you been?

Raymond: Why do you care?

Jack: I don't have a choice, your wierd friend has been troubling me since he came.

Raymond:What!, Lucas is here, woah, that strange.

Jack:(sneering, he mummurs)Who are you to say that,"What!, Lucas is here, woah, that strange",(he mimicks Raymond) what's the difference between both of you, why would a pot call kettle black.

(he enters his room)

Raymond: (not listening to him anymore)Thanks anyway,you should have said that earlier.

(he enters his room)

Lucas: Long time no see.

Raymond: Why the sudden visit?

Lucas: If you don't want me here then I'll take my leave (he walks towards the door hoping Raymond will stop him,but he's not surprised when he doesn't),You haven't changed at all.

Raymond:So why do you keep trying the same trick?

(Raymond Changes is clothes into a formal, eye-catching dress, this surprises Lucas)

Lucas: I take my words back, you've really changed, since when did you dressing to attract.

(Raymond coughs)

Raymond: Master asked me too.

(Jack badges in as soon as the words leaves his mouth)

Jack: Raymond!

(Both Lucas and Raymond looks at him wondering)

Jack: Keep your psycho friends away from me else,

Layla: Else what, Raymond are you ready to go(🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰)

Lucas: 😕😕😕🤨🤨🤨, did master ask "you to go" with her too.

(Raymond walks out of the room irritated, but he stops)

Raymond: What are you still waiting for.

Layla: Me? really!! coming.

(They both leave, taking a taxi)

Lucas: Since when did Raymond become interested in girls?

Jack:🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️, who knows, I never thought he would choose such a girl though, she looks like some die-hard fan of his charm.

Lucas:I definitely must ask him,by the way, why did you call her a psycho.

Jack: I don't know, with my interactions with her I feel like she's bad luck,more like a trickster.

Lucas: Why,

Jack: A few minutes earlier this happened,

.(This happened some minutes after he parted ways with Raymond earlier)

Layla: Raymond, Raymond, be quick, don't tell me you forgot already, I- I really need your help, the bitch is home and has reported to her parents, it will better if we go somewhere else.

(he narrates , saying he acted as Raymond)

Jack: Okay then, why should we go to another place, I can as well stay back.

Layla: But, I already prepared it, why, why do you favour that b*tch sooooo much.

Jack:😕😕 why would I like a bitch.

Layla: Let's go to the place I prepared then.

Jack:😰😰😰😰, hem, okay, I opened the door and, she becomes a beast)

(Layla locks lips with Jack, devouring everything she came across, she particularly enjoyed the taste of his mouth wash, she finally broke the kiss after some minutes.)

Layla: Hello handsome (bitting her lower lips, which annoys Jack, she leans in) it's our little secret😉😉😉, why not call Raymond here so we can get going.

Jack narration: I ended up calling Raymond to take his psycho friend.

Lucas: I still don't get, who is the b*tch.

Jack:How does that matter, 😡😡😡 I lost my first kiss to that demon.)he wipes his mouth with his hands remembering the incedence

Lucas: wait,😂😂😂🤣, yu-you haven't had your first kiss, after having many "girls meeting".

Jack: Exactly"girls meeting" not" hook up meeting"

Lucas: You're funny

Jack: I- I lost my kiss to a weirdo.

Lucas:Mind your speech, that wierdo is the person Raymond goes with.

Jack: Whatever, I was soo foolish earlier, telling you was my mistake,sorry.

Lucas: You're highly welcome then.

Jack: Who (he looks left and right)welcome ,me?, who is thanking you, you'll pay,both your friend and his psycho

(he walks out)

In the train


Ryder: (he speaks loud enough that no one can here him)She even looks like a goddess when resting, those perfect lips, lovely bangs, fair skin, she just too perfect, if only , ahhhhh, I know what to do(he starts acting up by falling her sleep, gradually he lowered his head to her shoulder, he manages to keep his eyes and mouths closed, forcing himself not yo react from the unique smell of her shampoo)

(Meanwhile Bella has been looking at him since he placed his head on her shoulder)

Bella: What the hell is wrong with him, why would he place his head on MY dignified shoulder (she is about to push his head, when she thinks) okay, I know what to do, I would use this as a bait in future, you better not run away(she chuckles).

Saltover's Mansion

(Both Raymond and Layla arrives at the mansion)

Layla's thought:

Why didn't he say a word since we left, what was he scheming up, I just hope his friend would keep shut, and if he doesn't I'll just add him to my enemy list, but I have still have yo watch out, he can be of benefits too, tsk! Layla (her thoughts speaking with her) you are making too many enemies now, it won't help you(she replies to the thoughts) Yeah, and that's why Raymond must better not ignore me, I am doing all this for him(her thought) 🙄🙄🙄 really, what of before meeting Raymond, you(she cuts in) Get the f*ck out of my head, don't even think of any admonition. (she sighs)

Layla: Hem,Raymond, we are here.

(Raymond on the other hand is not listening to her, he was already on the 9 star, deep in thoughts.

Raymond's thought:

Why would Jack call someone a psycho, what could she have done, could she have learnt it from this Bella too, why is Bella so terrible when she looks rather(he smiles remembering her face, shaking it off) eeeeewwww,disgusting, why would you even think of her, she's the reason behind my conversation with this "pshycho" anyway the most important thing is learning about my strange connection to her pendant.

Layla: Raymond,👋👋👋👏👏👏, ate you listening at all, anyway I would press the identifier now.

(she leaves him behind)

Raymond: You know what to do, so why ask me, I don't even know anything about this place.

(They are welcomed by one of their many servants, they meet Mr. Saltover at home)

Layla: (She bows, thugging Raymond along the process to do the same)

Mr. Saltover:😶😶😶, who are you, what brings you here, ?

Layla: (still bowing) I-I am Bella's friend, we came to see her over some issues that was bothering us.

Mr. Saltover: Well, I'm afraid that Bella isn't home and she did not tell anyone that she was expecting visitors, you can leave.

Raymond thought: I thought Layla said she was home, could this be a trick, like she wants us to report ourselves, why would she do such and why won't this man tell us to rise.

Servant 1: But sir, Madam said she was expecting visitors, she also said we should cook some certain dishes.

Mr Saltover: In that case, take them to the dinning, I believe she will be here soon,(he checks the time and walks away)

Servant 1: This way please, (he leads the way to the dinning hall and leaves them to sit)

(Servant 1 enters the kitchen)

Servant 1: Should we serve the dishes now.

Head cook: 😠😠😠,are you prepared yo loose your job?

Servant1: (trembling) No-no

Head cook: Then why did you say such, let me call Madam first.

(he calls Madam)

Head Cook: Good day,my mistress, should I serve the dishes now?

Mrs Saltover: Wait for my orders, I'll be there soon(she hangs up)

(At that moment Mrs Saltover was already in the house, she was heading up stairs when she saw Layla and the other guy)

Layla: Mrs Saltover, ( she stands and bows and Raymond follows almost immediately)

Mrs Saltover sneers she's about to leave) this is My friend Raymond.

(Mrs Saltover stops)

Mrs Saltover: Why are you here then,is my house a " hangout joint" where you meet with friends.

Layla:No-no ma'am, We are here to discuss some important issues with Bella.

Mrs Saltover: Bella,I see(she walks towards the kitchen when she suddenly receives a chat from Bella)

Bella: I am back mom.

(At Bella's)

(Bella is still in the guest parlour,she talks to a maid)

Bella:Prepare the room next to mine,(handing over Ryder's luggage)place this there.

Servant:Yes my lady(he takes his leave)

Ryder:Thanks sooo much, shouldn't you freshen up.

Bella: I will as soon as I greet my parents.

(she chats her mum)

Bella: Where are you?

Stella: In the kitchen.

(Bella and Ryder heads towards the kitchen)

Mrs Saltover:Sooo,😼😼😼😼 How are you doing Layla?,why did you suddenly want to see my daughter, and why is this handsome guy with you.

Layla: We are

Bella:I'm home mum (Bella cuts in,she then realizes the situation) Mum,why are they here?, by the way this is my new friend Ryder Sung.

Ryder: Good day madam, nice to meet you.

Mrs Saltover: Stop the formalities and give me a hug, a friend of my daughter is my child.

(They embrace each other, for sooo long)

Bella: coughing, do you want to devour him or what.

Mr Saltover: Really, he crosses his hands, is my damsel already tired.

Bella: Dad,

Stella:(she smiles, thinking) this is the first time Bella called a male her friend, who is he jealous already, (she later says)😱😱😱😱😱 I've been caught,oooooppppsss.

Bella:We'll meet you guys later, Ryder let's take a shower.

(They leave together, making everyone including Raymond shocked)


I am really sorry for not updating regularly and very sorry for any typos to come across I will work on my weaknesses, something very important came up today that's why, thanks for understanding.

FancyBaecreators' thoughts