
Same Routine in Twilight

Hello reader, I finally read a really great Synopsis and understand the task now. The story follows Gabriel “Sylar” Gray, a villain that has transmigrated into an Amalgam World filled with Horror’s. Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards, and much more. The story follows two separate plot lines, and should eventually fuse back into one. The first Plot line is in the form of memoirs/Diary and little events from the POV of Gabriel, and the second Plot line is the “real” event’s experienced by Sylar. The idea is to create an Alter Ego like Batman-Bruce Wayne, Superman-Clark Kent, and so on. If you enjoy monsters and weak to strong stories then this is for you! • First Plot: Penny Dreadful • Second Plot: Twilight (Planned) If you like the Story or feel like supporting me, do consider joining my Patr(eo)n because it would help me quite a lot. I have not updated my Patr(eo)n yet, but I will do it in a few days. Patr(e)on.com/ikaru5 Now enjoy the story! Art belongs to Daniel Bernal A/N: I hope you read this mate and I hope you are okay with me using your art. I just use it because it is amazing.

Ikaru5 · Filme
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33 Chs

Chapter 06: The Rise of Sylar (Part 4 of ???)

DO READ THE AUTHOR SECTION!!! I always give an explanation or just ramble there for my own satisfaction, and I would love more communication with you all. Well, assuming you are interested in that.


From here on, the actual story starts!!! Do enjoy it! Please write Reviews, comments, and send power stones my way!


In the midst of Geraldine's and Caliban's talk about their life's, Sylar suddenly asks a question.

"Were you stalking William or Victor?"

"It is William that I am hunting. No sane being would want to approach that mad bastard Victor.": Caliban says while shuddering and grinding his teeth at the mention of Victor Frankenstein.

"Intriguing. Is Victor such a dangerous man?": Sylar asks while leaning forward towards Caliban looking directly into his golden eyes.

"Victor is Victor! He is far ahead of all of this banality we call life and needs. He is a monstrosity in human skin, a genius mind bound to a mortal shell, and he is trying to find a way to break out of it. William and I are merely a few of the broken toys he has got bored with and thrown away, and we might not even be the first ones.": Caliban answers with apparent anger and disgust in his voice, bemoaning his own being.

"What a very interesting sounding fellow! Geraldine, it seems at some point we have to seek out this genius.": Sylar exclaims.

"Why would you want to meet such a madman?": Caliban asks.

"Why wouldn't I? He is a man that has managed to defeat death through science! Sure, there are those who have used magic, evolution, or some miracles to achieve the same result, but what Frankenstein has achieved is a far greater achievement than you give him credit for!": Sylar answered in pure excitement.

The way Sylar sees the situation is that a human has managed to create immortality, and sure, there are a few problems like that each new human starts from zero instead of just being a continuation of himself before death.

But this can be achieved with further tweaking and experimentation, also, these immortals can eat normal food and walk in the sun.

"My Lord, what are we to do now? Will we go on a hunt after Victor, or will we first meet William? What is your plan?": Geraldine asks.

"We will do as we planned! First we need a place to settle down, then we need to find out what other secrets London is hiding and unearth them, finally we go after Victor.": Sylar says.

"I doubt he will bite the bucket in the meantime! Victor is like a poisonous cockroach!": Caliban says, annoyed at Sylar not sharing his view on Victor, but he is at least sure that Victor won't die.

"Haha, that is true Caliban some beings are like cockroaches and just won't die no matter what. Anyway, it was a pleasure, we need to go now and find a place to settle down before the day breaks in. We will find you in the Grand Guignol Theatre in the early evenings.": Sylar says as he stands up and readies himself to leave.

"Do you already have a place? If not. I can recommend you a place.": Caliban says as fast as he can, not wanting to get left behind by the first immortals he has found besides himself.

"That would be much appreciated, Mr. Caliban.": Geraldine says with a smile.

"There is an acquaintance of mine offering his home for sale. The address is 220b Baker street, I'd recommend you go and settle down there.": Caliban says.

"Thank you. We will look and if the price is within our means we might settle there.": Sylar says.

After a short while, Geraldine and Sylar were standing in front of a black door with the golden number 220b on it, and as they were about to knock on it, they heard an explosion from the house next to it.

"My Lord, I think this might be a bad idea.": Geraldine says, it does not speak for the house if the first experience is an explosion right in the house next to it.

"Don't worry.": Sylar says and knocks on the door.

Seconds later, an older lady opens the door narrowly and peaks from behind it and asks : "Who are you, and what do you want? Who are you looking for?".

"Hello madame, we are looking for one Mr. Evans and our purpose is, well, this house, one could say.": Sylar says a bit curious why this woman is so cautious.

Immediately, the door opens widely, the old woman starts smiling brightly and invites Geraldine and Sylar in.

"Come in. Come in. Please come in, I will go and inform my husband.": Mrs. Evans says excitedly as she leaves them in the hallway before running to find her husband.

"My Lord, I think something is not right here.": Geraldine says.

"I think so too, but the question is what is the reason for her to be so excited about the perspective of selling her house.": Sylar was curious as to what was wrong with this house. Is it cursed, haunted or maybe a murder has happened inside it, anyway, he is a vampire and does not fear murder and blood, neither is he superstitious.

Mere moments later, a chubby man hurried down the stairs, and greeted them.

"Hello, it is a pleasure having you here, my wife informed me that you are interested in purchasing this house of mine. I must say you are quite lucky as I have another couple that is very interested in purchasing it.": Mr. Evans says, and just at this moment another explosion rocks the house.


"Um, Mr Evans, is this a frequent occurrence? We have heard one explosion while arriving outside your door, and this is already the second one.": Geraldine cannot help herself but ask.

"Haha, no, no, this is just mere coincidence.": Mr Evans says as he breaks out in a cold sweat.


Another explosion rocks the house and all four people look at each other in silence, not knowing what to say at this point or how to react to the blatant lie.


"I very much suggest giving us an explanation instead of trying to downplay the situation, Mr. Evans.": Sylar finally says, breaking the silence directly after the explosion.


"I am sorry. Please follow me to the study! It is the room furthest from that madman.": Mr Evans says after sighing and looks defeated.

Sylar and Geraldine are led to the study and once inside Mrs. Evans leaves them in order to go prepare tea while Mr Evans starts retelling the events that created his personal hell.

"A few years ago, I purchased this house for myself and my Wife, and the first few years were wonderfully peaceful and quiet, but then that madman moved in next to us.": Mr Evans says, extremely agitated.

"Who is he? What has that to do with the explosions?": Geraldine tries to ask, but just then an explosion sounds again.


"He is an eccentric rich bastard, that is what he is! His family is quite rich, but he is the black sheep of the Holmes family. He moved out of his family, and has since been the curse of my existence. The man has a most peculiar personality, his guests, and the people he frequents with are most shoddy, and his, well, hobbies, are just an annoyance as you can hear.": Mr Evans says, and it feels as if he is trying to still be polite.


"What is the occupation of this Mr Holmes?": Sylar asks, trying his best not to grin.

"This is what is most annoying about him, he is a very successful consultant or detective, but he is a very annoying neighbour to have.": Mr Evans says exasperated.

"I assume this is the reason your wife was so on guard when she opened the door, and why you're in such a hurry to sell the house. You feared that we might notice what kind of neighbour we will have and will give up on buying the house, right?": Sylar played a bit Sherlock for his own amusement despite everything being obvious.

"Exactly, but now, the cat is out of the sack, and I am sure no sane person would want to live next to that annoying human.": Mr Evans says.

"Haha, lucky for you, I am still very much interested in purchasing the house. I am not going to stay for long in London, and so I don't have to deal with him for long, but I also don't want to stay at a hotel.": Sylar did not say that he was interested in getting to know Sherlock Holmes or rather his enemies, and he also did not explain his purposes to Geraldine.

Sylar was most interested in Sherlock Holmes, his life, and being his neighbour would be a very interesting experience.

"Cliffhanger no Jutsu!!!" — Author

[List of powers: (So Far!)]

[Kum'Boh's — Hypnotic Vision]

[??? — Ability Identification]

[??? — Probability Manipulation]

[Old Chinese granny — Mental Shield]

[Indian street rat — Lie Manipulation]

[Russian whore — Allure]

Hey, my dear Readers,

I wish to greet the [New] Reader's and welcome them to the journey, and also thank the [Old] Reader's for their continuous support.

I have since around a few days ago my very first Patron, and I am really happy about this because it means someone is willing to actually pay me for my work.

It makes me feel amazing and I still cannot believe it! I seriously go 2–3 times a day to my Patr(e)on, and update the page, just to make sure that I am not imagining it.

I have no idea what I can offer to a patron, and I would much appreciate if some of you would pitch in and help me to come up with an idea!

Also, if anyone feels like becoming a Patron, here is the link!


You are welcome to come and join me! I post drafts for new stories I have come up with and old ones, I have already written maybe you like one of the ideas, and we can talk about them.

I would very much love it to have a community!

Furthermore, I still have not found the time to write Chapters ahead of my web-novel Account, but I will surely do that in this week. That is one idea I think works best for my Patrons, to give them access to Chapters. I mean, everyone does it, and people are happy with it, so it must have some merit, right?

Anyway, Thank you all for your support!!!

[414 --> 466 Collections so far!!]

[111K --> 134.2K VIEWS!!! NOICE!]

[Power Stone wise, we managed to be in the top 100 of the month!! The highest placement was 89 I think!!! I think that is already good as of now, I'd wish for more to be honest, but I don't want to get greedy.]

Also, please do excuse my lack of posting!! I have taken on more shifts at work to be able to pay for my expenses, and this makes me exhausted, and I don't want to write lacklustre chapters.

Ikaru5creators' thoughts