
Same Routine in Twilight

Hello reader, I finally read a really great Synopsis and understand the task now. The story follows Gabriel “Sylar” Gray, a villain that has transmigrated into an Amalgam World filled with Horror’s. Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches and Wizards, and much more. The story follows two separate plot lines, and should eventually fuse back into one. The first Plot line is in the form of memoirs/Diary and little events from the POV of Gabriel, and the second Plot line is the “real” event’s experienced by Sylar. The idea is to create an Alter Ego like Batman-Bruce Wayne, Superman-Clark Kent, and so on. If you enjoy monsters and weak to strong stories then this is for you! • First Plot: Penny Dreadful • Second Plot: Twilight (Planned) If you like the Story or feel like supporting me, do consider joining my Patr(eo)n because it would help me quite a lot. I have not updated my Patr(eo)n yet, but I will do it in a few days. Patr(e)on.com/ikaru5 Now enjoy the story! Art belongs to Daniel Bernal A/N: I hope you read this mate and I hope you are okay with me using your art. I just use it because it is amazing.

Ikaru5 · Movies
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33 Chs

Not a Chapter Number 3: An Idea I had.

Hello everyone,




Starting Chapter 18-20 we're in a BACKFLASH-like situation up until that chapter the MC gives us an description of his life, and now we see what he was actually up to!!

Think of it like a Batman-Bruce Wayne situation!!!

Bruce Wayne would say I party all the time but we know Batman runs around kicking ass.

Gabriel would say he sat down and learned through books but what has Sylar done, and we will see what Sylar was up to.

This all will finally lead to a Revelation where the Cullens are confronted with Sylar, and not the weak crybaby Gabriel.

I just got another Bad Review because someone doesn't read Reviews, comments, or Author-notes 😑 slowly but surely this is getting frustrating!!!!

I thank everyone for writing Reviews, commenting, and generally interacting because it makes it fun for me but Please also read the other Reviews first before you decide to criticise me and my work.

That would just be fair, and thank you everyone for reading patiently, and giving me time to develop the story.

I had this crazy idea as I was on the toilet in the middle of the night, and I am now here posting/sharing it with all you good folks.

Firstly I want to say that it is amazing to myself how my brain sometimes works, because it is absolutely ridiculous at this point, and second of all I hope you all will like the idea.

Starting now, you can read one chapter ahead of Webnovel on my Patre//on for free!!!

If you want, you can visit my page but don't join please as I have not written any chapters ahead yet!!!

I have just managed to update the Tiers, and then got bored with it and made myself something to eat and then binge-watched on YouTube.

Seriously, I have some personal problems (-.-'), but I am working on writing Chapters to get ahead!

Anyway, the next Chapter is up on my site, and I will post it here in 4–5 Hours!

Thank you all also for the support and the interesting comments!

On another side note, I just found out how to create "Volumes", and I did create a second volume named as the Rise of Sylar but should I now delete all the chapters starting from chapter 18 and re-post them or is that too much of a hassle?? Share your opinion please.