

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · Anime und Comics
Zu wenig Bewertungen
66 Chs


Gohan ignored them and concentrated on protecting Marry. After a few minutes, they found themselves in front of a small island with a house.

"Hey! Didn't we get swallowed by the whale?" asked Nami with a dazed look. Everyone nodded in a daze as well.

"Then why the hell is there a sky and an island with a house?" asked Nami speechlessly. "This must be a dream," said Usopp. Luffy pinched Usopp's cheeks.

"Aaaa... Let go, you bastard!" said Usopp while hitting Luffy's head. "Why are you hitting me? I was just checking if this is a dream or not," complained Luffy.

Gohan sighed while observing their antics. "We are not dreaming, and I don't think that sky is real."

"But it looks real to me," said Sanji. "Look closely; there is no sun. Someone must have painted it," said Gohan. 'I wonder how long it took for him to paint it.'

Suddenly, a big squid popped out from the water. "Aahhhh!..." "That's a king squid," Nami and Usopp started crying.

Just as Luffy was about to punch it, three massive hooks shot out from the house and pierced the squid from behind. "At least someone's in the house," said Zoro.

The next moment, the sound of footsteps rang out, and an old man walked out of the house. "He looks like a flower," said Gohan. The old man looked at them with a serious expression and started walking towards the beach chair. He sat down on the chair and started reading the newspaper.

"Say something, you jerk!" shouted Sanji with anger. The old man looked towards them but said nothing.

"If you wanna fight, we'll fight, you bastard. We also have cannons," shouted Usopp from the back.

As they were talking to the old man, Gohan noticed that Luffy was looking at the door on the fake sky. "Do you want to see what's in there?" Gohan asked.

"Yes," replied Luffy. "Ok! Here you go." Gohan threw him towards the door. Everyone looked shocked. "LUFFY!"

Luffy landed perfectly on the small platform before the door. "Did you guys see that? A perfect throw!" said Gohan with a smile. "STOP THROWING PEOPLE AROUND!!!" they shouted at him. But suddenly, their ship started rocking.

"What's going on?" shouted Nami as everyone else was also confused by the situation. "Hey old man! What's going on?" asked Usopp.

The old man looked towards the fake sky. "That whale.... Laboon has started hitting the Red Line." "So that's why there were so many big scars on his forehead," said Nami with the look of realization.

"But why is he doing that?" asked Usopp. "This must be because of this old man. He must be suffering because of what this old man has done with his body," said Nami in anger.

Gohan shook his head and looked towards Luffy. "OYE LUFFY! OPEN THE DOOR AND GO INSIDE OR YOU WILL FALL DOWN IN THE WATER!" shouted Gohan.

Luffy opened the door, but just as he was about to go inside, a man and a woman tried to ambush him. Luffy dodged and slammed their heads together. "What's wrong with these guys?" said Luffy in confusion. 'Vivi and that must be Mr. 9,' thought Gohan. He appeared beside Luffy.

"Let's go back; you won't be able to explore this place in this situation," said Gohan as he picked up Vivi and Mr. 9. Luffy grabbed Gohan like a koala. Gohan sweat-dropped at that but flew towards the ship. "Yahoo! We are flying!" shouted Luffy. Hearing Luffy's voice, everyone on the ship looked towards them. "When did you get there? And who are these people?" asked Nami. "You guys didn't see? They tried to ambush Luffy!" replied Gohan.

"No! We were busy watching old man Crocus. He jumped into the water and hasn't come out," said Usopp. Gohan landed on the ship. "Huh? He is climbing that wall though," said Gohan while pointing at Crocus. "What? Is he going towards that passage too?" said Nami.

"Usopp, tie them up; I'm going to drink some water," said Gohan as he walked away. After a few minutes, Laboon stopped. Gohan walked out to see that Crocus was on the ship.

"They are thugs from a nearby island; they are after the whale meat. If they capture Laboon, it can feed the town's people for at least 2-3 years," said Crocus, looking at the tied-up Vivi and Mr. 9.

"Laboon?" asked Nami. "It's the whale's name," said Crocus. After that, he started talking about the Laboon backstory. A few minutes later, they got out of Laboon's body.

As they were discussing a certain pirate crew, Luffy started walking towards the mast of the ship. "Don't even think about it, or I will beat the shit out of you. Nobody is allowed to damage the ship, not even the captain," said Gohan with a calm voice. Luffy stopped in his tracks. "I am not trying to save Marry so that you could damage it," Gohan continued to reprimand him.

"Sorry, Gohan! I just got a little emotional there," said Luffy awkwardly. "If you want to fight that whale? Go! Use your hands," said Gohan with a sigh. While Luffy was having his fight, "I know you guys have woken up," said Gohan, looking towards Vivi and Mr. 9.

"What? These guys are already awake?" said Usopp. "Please untie us; we are not your enemies." "Yes, we just want to go to Whiskey Peak," they said.

"Whiskey Peak?" asked Nami. "Yes, that's where our town is," said Vivi. "Hey Nami! Let me see the Log Pose," said Gohan. He looked at the Log Pose, then took out another one from his pocket. "Where did you get another one?" asked Nami. "Those two idiots dropped it," said Gohan while looking at the Log Pose.

"What?? That's our Log Pose!" said Mr. 9 in shock. "Please give it back," begged Vivi. "Looks like you guys are lucky. We are going to the same island," said Gohan while showing them the Log Pose. "Usopp! Untie them," said Gohan.

Just as Usopp was untying them, Luffy came back. After saying goodbye to Crocus and Laboon, they started their journey to Whiskey Peak.

"Why are these guys here?" asked Luffy in confusion. "We are going to their island, so they are tagging along with us," said Nami. "What? No way! They can't sail with us; they're bad guys. They wanted to eat Laboon,"

said Luffy. "Luffy! Come here with me," Gohan took Luffy to the side. "I think they work for a mysterious organization. If we can find their base, we might be able to fight some strong people," whispered Gohan with a smile. Luffy got convinced pretty quickly.

As they were about to sail, Gohan saw a big vulture flying towards them. "Unluckies!" shouted Vivi and Mr. 9 in panic. "Are they bad guys?" asked Luffy. "They are here to kill us," said Vivi. "Stop overreacting; I will take care of them," said Gohan, but Usopp stopped him.

"Let me do this," he said with determination. Usopp pointed his index finger at the Unluckies. A small light shot towards the Unluckies from the tip of his finger; it hit the bomb that they were about to drop on the ship. "Boom..." Well, the Unluckies were unlucky. "Great job, Usopp, as expected of our sniper," said Gohan. Everyone else also looked impressed by the display. 'What? That long nose has a Devil Fruit ability!' thought Vivi in fear. "You have made great progress in your training. I wonder who will be the lucky one to have the privilege of sparring with me this week," said Gohan with a smile. Everyone shivered after hearing that.

After the small incident, they continued their journey towards Whiskey Peak. On the way, they faced unusual weather. First, it was sunny; then, it was snowing. After that, it was raining, and again sunny. The current and wind kept changing, so it was difficult to sail.

Everyone was working hard, except for one person, Zoro, who was sleeping like a log. It was like nothing could stop him from sleeping. "What an interesting place," said Gohan while standing on the upper deck. Everyone else was lying on the deck with exhaustion.

Vivi looked at him. "Why was this guy standing there the whole time and didn't help at all?" she said speechlessly. "Because he was protecting the ship; he doesn't have to do anything else. That's his only duty in situations like this," said Nami as a matter of fact. "But how was he protecting it? He was just standing there the whole time," said Vivi in confusion. "You guys don't have to worry about that," said Nami as she got up and started going towards the cabin.

"Since the weather has calmed down, you guys should get back to your training," said Gohan. But everybody groaned. "You have to utilize the time you are getting because it will be hard to get training time in this place," said Gohan.

He continued, "Oye you! with the funny face! Go get a bucket of water," he ordered Mr. 9. "What? Why me?" asked Mr. 9 indignantly. "Hm? Do you want me to throw you over?" said Gohan with a smile. He ran away to get the water in fear. Gohan took the bucket and walked towards the sleeping swordsman. He poured the water on Zoro's face. "FUUAAA!... COUGH.. COUGH.." Zoro started coughing. He looked around and saw Gohan with a bucket. "What the are you trying to do? You basterd!" he shouted at Gohan.

Hearing that, Gohan started smiling. After looking at his smile, Zoro had a bad feeling. "You sure have guts to sleep while everyone else was working hard. Everyone! looks like we already have our winner. Zoro will be my sparring partner for this week," said Gohan. "What? But didn't you say that the one with the least amount of progress will be your training partner? How can you go back on your words?" said Zoro frantically. "But one should be punished for slacking off. Right, Captain?" asked Gohan. "Yes! Zoro you to face your punishment," said Luffy with a serious face.

"Yes! He should be punished" "You are correct Gohan," everyone started to give their approval. They were relieved that they don't have to spar with Gohan. "YOU BASTERDS!!!" shouted Zoro, but everyone ignored him. "Why is he making such a big fuss about sparring with that guy? Is he strong?" asked Vivi in confusion. "You don't know about us, do you?" asked Nami. "Hmph! We don't care about some small-time pirates," said Vivi with arrogance.

After hearing that, Nami gave her their bounty posters. "What is it?" asked Vivi and started looking at the bounty posters. When she looked at Luffy and Gohan's posters, her jaw hit the ground. '60 and 50 MILLIONS' she thought and started looking at the remaining posters.

After looking at every poster, she fell to her knees. 'Their combined bounty is close to 200 million. There's no way the guys on Whiskey Peak can handle these guys,' she thought in worry.