
Reborn into Star Wars without a system

Star Wars fan reincarnated as a youngling in the jedi order just before the battle of naboo

Wingzer0 · Filme
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32 Chs

Chapter 29 Student

"SHE CANT STAY!" Mace Windu shouted.



"Calm down, Both of you will." A wizened voice said calmly. Both looked at Yoda with respect. Despite their personal differences Yoda was the only one both respected enough to stop yelling.

"The girl used the darkside leaving her in the order might give rise to the next Dooku." Mace argued.

"Master Windu she is a youngling." Obi-Wan argued.

"That is old enough to be picked as a padawan." Mace shot back. "I'm not saying imprison her but she needs to be taken off of the front lines."

"She is a kid Mace." Gavin began

"You have no say civilian." Mace said arrogantly. "You gave up your say in these matters when you left. Your lucky we don't arrest you there is a warrant after all."

"Try it then cueball." Gavin said hand resting on his pistol.

"Stop, both of you will." Yoda said again.

"Yes this is ridiculous." Obi-Wan agreed. "The issue is the girl.

"She needs a teacher not to be thrown away." Gavin said. "Since it's obvious the Jedi order won't welcome her and give her the instruction she needs then I'll take her as my student."

Stepping next to the terrified Kalifa who had been watching the argument with wide eyes he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"If she agrees that is." He looked down at her.

"A Member of the order, you are not." Yoda said a sadness in his voice. "If choose this, she does, leave the order, she shall have to."

"Now wait." Mace said. "She is too dangerous to leave unsupervised."

"But she won't be unsupervised" Obi-Wan said stroking his beard. "If Gavin had not left he would have been training a padawan by now. If he is offering and she accepts I see no problem with it."

"Choice is yours Kalifa." Gavin look3d down at her. "If you choose to stay I will think no less. Your a bright girl with enormous potential."

She looked at Gavin with wide eyes, then looked back at the masters. Yoda and Obi-Wan had kind eyes and Yoda even seemed to be encouraging her. Mace was looking at Gavin with hate and looked at her with disappointment.

"I agree, but what about my friends?" She asked.

"Others have come forth and taken them as padawans." Obi-Wan responded.

Mace turned on his heels and walked away angrily.

"Forgive him, you must." Yoda said. "Hard on all, this war is."

"Yes," Obi-Wan said, "and no end in sight."

"I understand, if you'll excuse us kalifa needs to gather her things." Gavin said turning he then paused.

"A quick question for you two." He Said "don't you find it weird that everything peace is proposed something seems to happen?"

"Hmm what are you trying to say?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I told Master Yoda this a long time ago." Gavin continued. "The whole war is a trap. The ones pulling the strings want it to last as long as possible."

"Indeed but no way out, do I see." Yoda responded heavily. "Too embroiled are we."

"If there comes a time when you or the order has need of refuge on the communicator is a file." Gavin said. "The code phrase is 'Avalon'. It will give you a way to find sanctuary."

Gavin walked away. Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Yoda had access to that particular file. Anakin's file was slightly different. If he turned and became Vader it would not endanger the others. But if he stayed as anakin then that file would allow Gavin to help him.

A few failsafes were in place to protect the others. SAM had programmed Plo Koon's starfighter with an auto pilot that would wisk him away if order 66 was issued. Just as an example. Gavin had also established as many safeguards as he could for Kalifa's friends.

As Kalifa came aboard it was obvious she was anxious."Master, thank you." She said nervously.

"Don't worry about it kalifa, and call me Gavin I'm not one for much formality." Gavin responded.

Taking off the couracsant defense fleet attempted to intercept. Gavin used ghost storm to vanish in front of them shooting decors in six different directions before vanishing into hyperspace.

Calling lorana and Zani to the honorable.

"I have some personal buisness to take care of."Gavin said. "I will be out of touch for a while I need you two to coordinate the initiative and keep it on track for the growth."

"Zani make sure the defenses are finished and monitor the shipyards on Bespin."

She nodded.

"Lorana, you and Thrass concentrate on diplomacy with the unknown regions. Also begin the training of any force sensitive you find among the initiative." She nodded

"Kalifa will go with me I'm going to find a Jedi known as Nejaa Halcyon. He is Corillian." Gavin said. "I have no idea how long this will take and I may be out of touch for a while. Please be safe ok"