
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 41 - Conclusion

*Hufff* *Huff*

Victor gasped in relief. To be honest, the aftermath of his attack was way beyond his expectation.

It had injured his one arm that initially launched the attack, and although it was not serious, it exposed the deadly nature of it.

It may not cause a wide enough area destruction, but up close, it was undeniably lethal.

Victor was sure that he could develop it, and the dense unstable energy would have the juice to cause cellular level damage to even the most powerful of physiques.

One must know that, condensing and shooting pure energy typically does not bring any side effects to the physical body.

However, after imbuing it with Armament Haki, it turned out something else entirely. Even the first attempt had nearly withered the surface skin tissues, everywhere below his elbow.

According to Jaya, the damage was cellular, and could take weeks to recover without the rejuvenation chamber.

He was glad that, Garp and Zephyr made it in time, otherwise, Sakazuki would seize to exist by now.

"Jaya, if you can, interrupt the healing on my arm. Also, prepare to simulate an unconscious state to my body after I give the command." Victor communicated inside his head. "Moreover, if any of my blood is drawn by the doctors, make sure they contain nothing related to my Saiyan genes…"


"Is it possible?" Asked Victor hesitantly, in response to Jaya's silence.

[Understood, sir…] Jaya reassured after a moment, making Victor let out a sigh of relief.

He had quickly thought of an idea, and that is to give an impression of being completely drained, and seriously injured, especially the arm after that attack. That way, his last attack would lose much of the unnecessary attention. After all, nobody would want to practice a suicidal skill.

He wanted to be recognized as a genius, so in time, he could accumulate prestige among the marine's side. However, if he were to be an abnormal genius that could rival the admirals at the age of 15, then it would bring unnecessary trouble, especially from the five bastards behind the scenes.

"*Sigh* Might as well get in to character…" He thought to himself seeing Zephyr, Kong and Sengoku flicker next to Sakazuki.

Sakazuki had a bloody nose and a face so swollen that one could barely recognize him. He was covered in blood, and what's more is that both his hands were black as charcoal, like it was burnt to crisp.

Moreover, there were many marks all over his body, — tree-like lesions that resemble feathering or ferning, — seemingly from the many purple-black lighting shocks.

Fortunately, they would disappear after some time, otherwise Sakazuki might hold a life-long grudge against Victor, for giving him tattoos that are not to his liking.

At this time, three medical soldiers came running with a stretcher, stopped in front of Sakazuki, and went into action without a pause.

"His arms…?" Kong who stood next to them enquired before they carried him.

"Ah… Fleet Admiral…" One of the medic's responded with a standard salute, "Sir, his arms… Its surface… They seemed to have, evaporated…" He advised followed by a gulp.

"I only want to know if his injuries are fatal…" Kong responded, ignoring the latter's frightened expression.

"That… He'll be fine, sir. The nerves and tissues underneath, they are… They should be ok…


Both hands will have a permanent scar." The medic went on explaining more. "Apart from that, he should completely recover in about… say two months…"

"Good, take him to the infirmary and give your best to his treatment." Kong said.

Nodding vigorously, the medics carried the half-dead body of Sakazuki out of the venue.


Zephyr, Kong, Garp and Sengoku followed the barely audible voice.

Victor had an embarrassed appearance. He was wobbling, and one could see that he was barely standing. His left hand was holding the elbow of the burned, and bloodied right hand which was hanging lifeless.

"Victor…" Zephyr frowned, looking at the severe injury on his right arm. It doesn't look as bad as Sakazuki, but, still looked horrible.

"Sakazuki… I didn't mean to… I didn't know my attack would—" Victor started performing his righteous character.

"Not your fault, son… He'll be perfectly fine…"

And sure enough, it had worked. Kong's, and everyone else's presumption of Victor's character was exactly what he had been portraying all these times. So he quickly interrupted, not wanting to make Victor feel guilty.

And Victor knew Sakazuki's condition, as Jaya had already advised that he was still alive. However, he doesn't mind killing of the asshole Sakazuki in the future, may be by the hands of his antagonistic character that had yet to fully debut into the world.

"I see… than…" He closed his eyes and fell face first, closing another Oscar worthy show of expression.

Zephyr quickly flickered and caught Victor.

He, Kong, Garp and Sengoku all let out a long sigh after a moment, looking at the disappearing backs of the medics carrying Victor out of the battle venue.

During this time, the referee on the wall had not announced anything, and waited for his superior's instruction. And a few moments after Victor was carried out, followed by communicating some secret gestures with Kong, he loudly announced to the silent venue, "WINNER, VICTOR!!!!"

And the quiet stadium instantly erupted into head-shattering cheers and hollers.

Some chanted Victor's name like a song, while the others simply yelled out their vocal cords.


Victor! Victor! Victor!



Victor! Victor! Victor! Victor!



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, drop your thoughts about the fight scene in the comments... It was a lot of research and time, and I have given my best to write it as thrilling as possible.

Your feedback will improve my writing, hence, the quality of this novel. :)

And if you haven't posted a review, please do so... I would really, really appreciate it.

I personally don't like cliffhangers in between battles, and therefore decided to unburden my wonderful readers. So, I decided to post the entire fight scene.

FIVE consecutive chapters!!

However, I will be posting the next chapter after four or five days, unless ofcourse, like before, I change my mind, and post it sooner. xD

The next few chapters, I will start the POV of Boogeyman, and a few of his appearances. For those of you who like arrogant, OP characters, you'll defiantly like it.

Boogeyman will be an arrogant, powerful, and overbearing character that simply doesn't give a fuck. He will be the one who would handle what MC's righteous character cannot.

Ya'll gonna love him... Or hate... I dunno...



Please, do spare those precious stones, and see if we can raise my novel to at least top 20.


If you decide to support me, please understand that, I am beyond grateful.

https: // www.patrê0n.com / RyanFic

Thank you for your support.