
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 42 - Phase two

Two days later.

Marine infirmary, on a white hospital bed, Victor laid with his eyes closed comfortably, as if he was having a pleasant dream, and an expression of comfort can be seen on his face.

"How's he...?"

Victor, pretending to be unconscious heard the familiar voice of his uncle.

"Better... It'll be fine to move him home after he gains consciousness..." A pleasant female voice answered, presumably the caretaker nurse.

"And how long will that take?"

"That... I don't know, sir. But his vitals and all are back to normal... His injuries are also healing perfectly fine... So... Soon, I presume..."

"Hmm... Thank you..."

Meanwhile, [Jaya...] Victor called out to his trusted A.I.

[I'm here, sir...]

"Give me a summary of my body's current condition..."

[Your physical injuries are recovering normally, sir. At this rate, you should be perfectly healed in another three weeks.]

"And if I use the rejuvenation chamber...?"

[In no more than 48 hours, you would be completely recovered, sir.]

Victor let out an invisible sigh inside his head. Their communication was done via thought transfer, but to the outside, he was still unconscious.

"Did I make any progress... What's my current Physique-Power?"

[Your last fight had pushed your physical body to its limits, therefore, the Saiyan's special genetic characteristics had brought about some considerable improvements to your physique.

Your physique power has improved by about 8000 units. Thus, your physical body, without any Pure Energy, emits a maximum reading of 68,698.]

"Hmm... So my current body with this world's Haki has reached mid Vice-Admiral level..." Victor mumbled inside his head before asking again, "what about my Power Level?"

[116,879! Sir. Your potential Pure-Energy reserves have improved extensively along with your physical body.]


A full 22,000 units increase..."

[Correct, sir. Like I advised before, pure energy advances at a much faster rate, moreover for Saiyan's, there is no recorded upper limit.]

"Right… Hmm… Now that I have enough capital to roam this world without a fuss, I guess, it's about time to start the second phase of my master plan… Project, The Boogeyman.


Jaya, disable my body's unconscious condition…"

[Implementing command…]




[Condition disabled, sir.]

A few seconds later.


Letting out a groan, Victor opened his eyes, seemingly with great difficulty, and what greeted his sight was a blank, white ceiling.


Following the sudden voice, Victor turned his head and saw the only person whom he had any real emotional connection with in this world.

"Uncle… Where am I?"

"At the infirmary… How're you feeling..."

"Like shit... Ugh... How long was I out?"

"Haha… do your injuries still hurt?"

"Ah… No. I just… Feel awful…"

"Don't sweat it… You've been recovering unconsciously for two days.

And it's perfectly normal to feel that way after waking from that state after losing it."

"Loosing? Did I lose the fight?" Asked Victor, playing a startled expression.

"No... I meant losing consciousness. You won the fight. Sakazuki the kid lost consciousness first…"

"Speaking of…" Victor spoke a little hesitantly, "Uncle… How is he?"

"Sakazuki?" Zephyr sighed before continuing, "He's recovering… But will take a lengthier time. Doctors say a minimum of two months…"

"That long...?"

"You gave him some deep gashes, on top of that ridiculous injury to his arms…"

"Umm…" Victor pretended to be sympathetic, with his gaze lowered looking at his own hand covered in bandages.

And seeing Victor's laid down expression, Zephyr's face also changed, and became more dignified.

He thought this to be the perfect time to have the conversation that Kong had advised him to have with Victor.

"Victor…" His voice sounded urgent.

However, Victor was simply playing another one of his performances. His head was down, but had been secretly observing the latter's aura.

"Here we go..." He thought, and smirked triumphantly, although without saying anything on the face.

"That… Last skill you used… Where did you learn it?"

Sure enough, it was the subject he was waiting for.

"Unn… Old man Nappa taught me… He did instruct me not to try it unless absolutely necessary… I don't understand why though…" He started sprinkling bullshit.

"He's right…" Zephyr responded with significant weight behind his voice. "According to the doctors, if you had sustained that skill for a second longer, your arm might have gotten completely ruined…"

Victor's expression turned solemn, "Was it really that bad?"

The whole acting had started to feel natural for him now.

"Yes… He spoke a lot of biological stuff I couldn't understand, but, I was still able to comprehend the severity behind his words…"

"I see... So what's his verdict?"

"Hmm..." Zephyr felt that this conversation was going much smoother than he thought. But the feeling was only momentary, and his priority now was to educate Victor.

"He strongly advised that you altogether quit using, or even developing that technique…"

Listening to Zephyr, Victor widened his eyes, just enough for the latter to notice.

"It's simply too dangerous…" He continued, observing the little changes happening on Victor's face. "Not only the doctor, even myself and Kong have the same instructions for you... Don't ever use that skill!" Zephyr concluded with utmost seriousness.

"I…" Victor took a moment, — seemingly thinking deeply about the said matter before answering, "I understand, uncle…"

In Zephyr's view, his nephew was a very sensible person. And sure enough, the presumption once again came accurate and he revealed a natural smile. "Good..." He said, then patted gently over Victor's shoulder. "Don't be so down. You're young, and strong... There are various ways for you to create an ultimate move… And this old man will help you..."

Victor in return showed a similar smile. This time, he wasn't acting, but was a real, thoughtful expression he showed.

The two chatted some more before the day ended, and Zephyr also left home, although after some convincing from Victor.

Moreover, he was advised the time to be discharged, — after one more day. He did not complain, and simply agreed, after all, he would make up for it as soon as he got back to his residence, inside the rejuvenation chamber.

Although, he would still keep the bandages to disguise the injuries, and slowly lessen it, imitating, or faking the recovery time advised by the doctors.



Again, I know I said to post the chapter after five days, but, some free time happened at work, and... Yea there you go.

Words now come suddenly to my mind, and I have to get them out, otherwise I easily forget as quickly.

Again, this piece is also, literally written in under two hours, on my phone, while at work. There may be some grammar or slips here and there.


Please, do spare those precious stones, and see if we can raise my novel to at least top 20.


If you decide to support me, please understand that, I am beyond grateful.

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