
One Step at a Time.

A death, a wish, two perks, no system, and a really weird mission. Off you go. This is the story of Azuma Fūrinji, a boy that wasn`t supposed to exist. Life is a series of steps, let`s see where Azuma´s story will take us. ~~~~~~~ As you see in the tags this will be a harem and multiverse story. Some of the worlds I know, others I have a couple of ideas. The first world is quite obvious if you know the MC’s last name. Let me warn you, this will be slow, no jumping worlds five chapters into the story, or popping in get the girl and out. If this is not for you, I’m sorry, and hope you find something for your taste, I know the pain, that’s why I’m writing. Thanks for checking my story

FluffiestEmperor · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs


This trip was completely useless, the guy Azuma and Shigure were chasing did not have one of her father's swords, at least the couple got the chance to spend time together and alone.

Upon their return they found out that Tenmon Li and his daughter/disciple had attacked the Shinpaku alliance, it seems Kisara was the one to beat Li Raichi instead of Kenichi. Azuma did not expect this, he started thinking that Kisara was training more than she appeared.

At first, Azuma was pissed at Tenmon, who had attacked the kids once his daughter was defeated, but Kensei, the one that rescued them told him that the master went easy on them, telling him how he stopped himself when he noticed the girls that were on the alliance.

On the other hand, Miu told the masters her worry about Kenichi, he had grown strong, but she noticed he lacked the resolve to fight against someone that put his/her life on the line.

While the masters thought about their disciple, Azuma worried about Kisara, Tenmon had visited Japan for Raichi to defeat Kenichi, but she ended up losing against Kisara, something that the man will surely pass on to Yami, which will put her as a target for them, especially Yomi.

Resolving himself to up the difficulty of her training, preparing her for the future fights she will partake on, especially seeing that his disciple seemed insistent on being a part of the Shinpaku Alliance, which at some point in the future would be the counterpart to Yami's Yomi. Not knowing that her victory over Raichi, an event that had her feeling prideful, would be the reason for her training to increase in difficulty.

Kisara wondered why her already hellish training suddenly entered legendary difficulty, Azuma only telling her, two things, "You'll grow complacent." And without even trying to dissimulate or changing his expression, "Example seems to indicate trauma is an excellent method to learn."


Azuma had made great progress on his Sei ki development, noting that he was about 50% done with it, seeing Ryūto's fight made wonders on his ideas. He had even thought of a name for this new form of Sei ki, En Ki he named it, literally meaning cutting Ki. An appropriate name, since it was exactly what he wanted, to cut.

In one of his breaks, his still adorable niece went to talk to him, "Uncle…. We haven't left for a trip in a long time." Grabbing his arm, Miu started trying to make him stand, "Come, come, let's go for a walk."

With a happy smile, Azuma stood up, starting squeezing Miu's cheeks, "My cute niece misses her time with her uncle, eh? Come, Miu, let's go." Pouting to him, Miu only kept leading him outside.

Kenichi had just finished his training, for now, starting searching for his not-so-secret crush, he found her pouting, dragging a smiling Azuma towards the exit, "Miu-san, where are you going?" Azuma noticed that the boy didn't even acknowledge his existence, focusing only on Miu.

Distracted, Miu took a few seconds to answer, embarrassed for not noticing Kenichi, she answered a little sheepishly, "…..Oh? Sorry Kenichi-san, I'm going for a walk with uncle." Finishing with a happy smile looking at Azuma, who kept smiling, and patted her head, making her giggle a little.

Hearing her response, Kenichi, remembered a previous conversation he had with Miu.


A couple of weeks after Kenichi entered Ryōzanpaku.

After his training Kenichi wondered about Miu's past, looking for her, he found Miu sitting on the rooftop looking at the stars. "Miu-san, what are you doing here?" He walked near her and sat beside her.

Still looking at the stars, "Nothing Kenichi-san, I was just thinking about my family." A caring smile appeared on her face, thinking not only about her blood family, her dad, grandpa, mother, and uncle, but also thinking about the masters that had slowly but surely formed a big part of his family.

Kenichi did not speak, he only listened. Miu kept talking, "Did you know I only met my parents when I was twelve." Kenichi's face morphed to surprise, he had seen her interactions with Shizuha, and by way, her mother treated her he couldn't imagine that she missed most of Miu's life.

Finally looking at Kenichi, Miu still kept a smile on her face, not an ounce of sadness on her, "I lived with grandpa most of my life, Uncle Azuma visiting us where we stayed." Taking a breath, "People always said my mom and dad were missing, but uncle always told me they loved me, and that they would be fine."

Remembering her past Miu's eyes started getting watery, "He always spoiled me, being my best friend…" Tears falling from his eyes, and the same smile on her face, Kenichi was astonished, she had a smile, but was crying.

Sniffing, "He rescued my mom, he made sure she would be able to meet me, I don't know all the details, but mom told me she would've died if it wasn't for Uncle Azuma." Full-blown crying, Miu just looked at Kenichi and told him with a smile, "He is a great uncle, don't you think."


Against his wishes to spend time with Miu, he did not bother her, seeing she wanted to spend time with Azuma, "Have fun Miu-san." Sending him a smile, Miu continued dragging Azuma out of the dojo.

They did not go to a nearby place, Miu lead Azuma to a park in the middle of nowhere, Miu did not really talk, only enjoying spending time with her uncle.

There was some small talk about Shizuha and Shigure, however, when Miu started asking questions about his time with Shigure, Azuma took out his ace card, and started asking about Kenichi, making the blondie, immediately close his mouth, becoming an incoherent mess.

Azuma laughed about her embarrassment, hearing him laugh, Miu, flapped her arms in mock anger, and proceeded to chase Azuma throughout the park. After a couple of minutes, Miu stooped chasing Azuma.

He stopped looking at Miu, glancing at a tree in the distance, "Did you know that I get quite angry if someone intrudes on my time with my niece." Miu looked confused at Azuma, not getting who he was talking with.

Seconds passed, and Miu finally watched as a blond man jumped out of the trees, "As expected of Azuma-san, sorry to intrude on you." His eyes only glanced at him for a few seconds, his gaze focusing on Miu.

A shock of anger passed through Azuma, seeing the pompous, overconfident boy he met months ago. Quickly after, Shō's lackeys and Hongō's other disciples appeared tailing their leader.

Not understanding what was happening, Miu looked at Azuma, her face asking what's going on, Azuma looked seriously at Miu, "Miu, you see that guy there, the blond one." Matching Azuma's seriousness, Miu glanced at Shō and nodded to Azuma. "That is the worst kind of guy for you, I sense that he is interested in you, you'll make Uncle sad if you go out with him."

Miu only looked at Shō and then at Azuma, Shō, Azuma, Shō, Azuma, with a mocking face, he ended looking at Azuma, pointing at Shō she asked, "Him?" Azuma gave a small nod, a smile starting to form on his face, he knew her niece.

"But he is so, so….. girly." Hearing her response, Azuma started loudly laughing, pointing at Shō, who was incredibly angry, the lackeys saw his intentions of rushing to Azuma. They ran to Shō and held him in place, praying that he wouldn't do something stupid.

Calming himself down, Shō walked near Miu, "I can tell you about your father and mother if you follow me." He talked with a confidence that made Miu listen to him, that until she heard what he said.

At that moment Azuma, who was just recovering from his previous laugh started having another laughing fit, especially seeing Miu's face that looked like she was seeing some strange funny animal while looking at Shō. The girl, trying to be polite, controlled her laugh and only giggled.

Now more confused than angry, Shō looked incredulous at the pair, finishing his fit, Azuma tried to stand straight, only to fail a couple of times, until finally gaining his bearings, "Does Hongō know you are here?"

Hearing his question, Shō started sweating, a loud gulp escaping from his mouth. Noticing this Azuma threatened, "I'll give you 10 seconds for you to leave, or trust me, I'll tell your master…. Actually, I'll tell your masters, more especially Hongō, my mom, and my brother, do you want to see what would happen if I did."

Without allowing Azuma to even start counting, Shō and the rest started sprinting in the opposite direction. Once they finally left, Azuma started contemplating what he said to Miu, he wasn't sure if Senzui already knew of Shizuha's situation, but by the looks of it, at least Shō didn't.

Distracting him from his thought, Miu shacked him, not bothered at all by the small interruption, she dragged Azuma to continue playing, putting the thought in the back of his mind, Azuma focused on her.