A death, a wish, two perks, no system, and a really weird mission. Off you go. This is the story of Azuma Fūrinji, a boy that wasn`t supposed to exist. Life is a series of steps, let`s see where Azuma´s story will take us. ~~~~~~~ As you see in the tags this will be a harem and multiverse story. Some of the worlds I know, others I have a couple of ideas. The first world is quite obvious if you know the MC’s last name. Let me warn you, this will be slow, no jumping worlds five chapters into the story, or popping in get the girl and out. If this is not for you, I’m sorry, and hope you find something for your taste, I know the pain, that’s why I’m writing. Thanks for checking my story
An old man was sitting in a hospital bed, reminiscing about his life and it`s ups and downs. His name was not important, he was nearing the end of his life and he knew it.
"Grandpa!!!" He heard a voice near the door, and as the door opened, he saw a 4-5-year-old girl jumping toward him.
"Sweetie, what are you doing here, it`s not Friday is it?" Damn, I must be getting old if I do not even know what day it is.
"No grandpa, it Wednesday, but I and mom wanted to surprise you," The girl said as she immediately jumped into his bed.
"Ughhh, you know I`m old, I believe you broke something."
"Please dad, you`ve never broken a bone in your body and you are unbearably proud about it."
"Well, I should be proud, nearing my 90s and never broken a bone, must be a record somewhere. "
"Yeah yeah dad, how are you? Are you fine? How`s your health? Have you been eating properly?"
"Christ girl, stop with the questions, I`m fine, healthy, and happier now that you are here."
Like that, a couple of hours passed, as the mother and daughter duo were leaving the old man shouted.
"Don`t forget to bring me my novel and manga!"
"Sure dad, aren't you old enough to stop reading this kind of stuff?"
"Hey! You are never too old to do what you enjoy!"
As they left the room, the old man laid down into his bed with a smile in his face and thought.
Well today was fun, wouldn`t mind dying right now
As I open my eyes darkness is all I see, I just knew, somehow that I was dead "Fuck…. I shouldn`t have said that, well I did live a fulfilling life, got married to my total disbelief, got a daughter, once again to my disbelief, and then got a granddaughter, yeah life wasn`t bad at all"
"Well, that is good to hear."
"What? Who`s there?" God, were the fanfics and novels right, but why, I`m as average as they come, I`m old, I did not save someone from a truck, nor did I got murdered nor….
"Okay stop, your rambling is giving me a headache."
"Oh, sorry" Wait a second…...I was thinking that did the mysterious voice read my thoughts? Even dead I get no privacy.
"Yes, I can hear your thoughts, now I`m here to, as you`ve guessed, reincarnate you. And no, you are not special or anything, let's just say that's the normal procedure."
"Wait, normal procedure… What? Why? How? Wasn`t this like a super opportunity that only one in a million get or something?"
If a voice could have eyebrows they would probably be twitching by now, I believe, hope I do not get smitten from existence.
"You know, I would if I could, now you will be a good boy, shut up and let me finish. Is that clear?"
I give what some may consider the unmanliest squeal in existence, "Crystal."
"Perfect, now yes, every human that dies is then reincarnated into the infinite realities that exist, it usually depends on the likes and dislikes of the individual, so it may be movies, books, novels, anime, manga, fanfics, or simple alternate realities that don`t differ much from your own"
"Okay that explains a lot, but then again, why?" There a million of theories I could think of but lest she, yes, the voice is clearly female, does smite me I better clear my head.
"Good question, the simple answer is energy, let's say heaven and hell exists, the amount of energy that would be needed for the infinite amount of souls, well, would be infinite."
"Well, great an eco-friendly ROB, just what I wanted, at least my luck is quite good."
"Do not call me ROB, you mortals seriously underestimate what omnipotence is, no one is omnipotent, every "ROB" you have read in your novels probably exists, as well as every AU of all media that is, that is the issue when dealing with infinity, everything that may be, is."
"Huh, but if everything simply is, then how come I`ve read of characters, that are actually omnipotent, and why are you answering my questions and explaining with so much detail?"
"In order, first, they are "omnipotent" within their piece of infinity, so in other words, they are a big fish in a big pond, in which there are an infinite number of ponds, second, you and I come from the same earth and you didn`t immediately ask for a goddam system or wishes or some power-up."
"WAIT! You just said same earth?"
"Well yes but enough with all these questions and answers, you may eventually learn all of this, your subconscious is screaming for wishes so, let's begin."
As she said that the darkness that encapsulated my vision disappears and I found myself in front of a beautiful woman, with dark purple hair that reaches to her waist and seems to be wearing what appears to be a coat with an armored arm that reaches to her shoulder.
I look around and I see…. chaos, I do not have the words necessary to explain it, it looks like what people have theorized the heat death of the universe would look like, the inevitable win of entropy over everything.
"An accurate description of your surroundings," She said as a table and two chairs materialized in front of her.
She sits in one of the chairs and says "Allow me to present myself, I`m Alexia and I am Chaos" ending with a short nod in my direction.
I`m trying to process what I am seeing and hearing, okay Alexia, nice but common name, but she is Chaos? What?, how can someone be Chaos? And didn`t she said she came from the same earth as me, what is going on?
"Relax, sit" and points towards the chair.
As I sit I get to have a closer look towards her, I hate to repeat myself but she is beautiful, like seeing the person you love, they just shine in your eyes, well that or she may actually be shining, who knows.
"With the introductions done, let cut to the chase, once you reincarnate you have one mission, the same as everybody else...…"
There is a long pause, I start to get nervous, what it could be, kill some stupidly powerful being, her enemy, a god, a demon, save a world, a universe, I hope it`s not a multiverse...….
"Reach the peak."