
One piece: Old generation

Mc is born as the Son of Rocks D. Xebec. He is the same generation pirates as Shanks, Mihwak. He was transmigrated to the world on weird circumstances, so the path he takes was destined to be different from others. It was the path he chose for himself.

Zero_Asthee · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

War #3

"Mama Mama...These are no fun...Shiki, You found out way to get to the fruits." Big mom met up with Shiki.

Shiki swung his sword, casually cutting marines coming their ways.

"Shihahaha...They must've hid it somewhere, It can't be that easy." Shiki replied.

Big mom agreed to him, but it didn't matter since they were going to get it no matter the sacrifice. And this as well be the end of either Rocks or Marines, each pirates were looking for their benefit here at this moment.

"The marines are weaker that ever, especially after they needed to join hands with pirates."

Shiki and Big mom stood side by side and looked forward, they gaze were looking at two current admirals that were on their way. Both of their eyes met as they decided to fight together in glance, and picked up their target.

"Shiki and Charlotte Linlin, This is as far as you go. If you want to step forwards then It will be over our dead body."



Both of them dashed as they clashed against the current admirals. Shiki went for the right and Big mom left, each swung their swords as they clashed with the admirals.



"This war is intense, I might have nightmares." Asther complained as they made their way to the devil fruits.

Kaido ignored his remarks, he could clearly see the smirk on his face. Although, Asther seemed drained from lack of stamina and laid on the mat, he was still keeping lookout for enemies.


Rocks had pullet out his sword, as he looked at one of the admiral Infront of him. Now, It was him against the current admiral who was out for blood.

"I would have like to spend my time here with you, but I have important matters to attend to." Rocks commended.

Rocks swiftly dashed as she swung the sword, his gaze firmly fixated at the figure. He had his observation always activated so he knew what he would do every second.

"I am afraid I can't let you go no more." He commented as he dashed towards Rocks.

*Clank...Boom...Swoosh..* Both of their sword clashed and the power of Rocks Haki repelled him away metes.

Rocks jumped high on the air, as he went after him in same pace. As he dropped on the ground, Rocks stomped on him in Next second with his Legs covered in conqueror's Haki.

He coughed a mouthful of blood, but managed to maintain some distance between them.

*Boom...Crash...Buzzz...Grr...* A massive Buddha hit Rocks head on, but Rocks managed to block the attack with his sword at last moment.

The ground cracked as he was sent few foots down in the ground.

"So annoying, Get over me... Bastard." Rocks sword covered in Haki as he repelled in the golden Buddha fists on air.

Rocks jumped as she did a 360 degree turn and swung his sword, directing the blade towards his Buddha's golden neck.

'I am done for, He's too fast.' Sengoku eyes widened as he felt the power emitting by Rocks.

*Clank...Crash...Blast...* A katana clashed against the sword, and Sengoku at last second.

The sky split in two, from the force of collision and Sengoku was hurled away. A figure he recognized and a pirate saved his life, Gol D. Roger.

"You were done for if it wasn't for my great timing." Roger remarked as he pushed away Rocks meters away.

Rocks could see figures gathering around Roger slowly and annoyingly, It was now 1 vs 3.

Roger, Garp and Sengoku gathered, as they stood before him. And, he didn't like the feeling of being tied down here, since the one he wanted to go after was Kong since he was the head admiral.

"You are all bringing your death, Annoying Bastards." Rocks growled, and he started to observe the battle more focused.

Whitebeard was going against Zephyr who was accompanied with waves of giant, and taking it slow after all each giant was pain to deal with.

Shiki and Linlin were busy destroying the admirals, while Kong was guarded by Vice admirals.

Others were busy dealing with Roger pirates, and other with marines. But among these he didn't seem to find sign of his son and Kaido. But he didn't care about them, since he had more important matters to deal with.

"Whatever, One less or one more...I can deal with Kong later, he is as good as dead the moment he stepped here." Rocks was confident, and clam about this battle. He was the strongest man in the world accompanied with strongest crew ever formed.


"Bruhh...We are having it too easy, I got a bad feeling about this. I am not used to life treating me easy, feels like I am going to die." Asther commented, looking at the lace of battle.

The battlefield was bloody and mess, some kids flying in sky were least of their concern. There were things that had priority like stopping the monsters from killing high ranked marines and stopping rocks.

"How long before we reach there?"

"Some hours probably, might be even more...Although, We must hurry after all they won't be able to hold off Shiki and Big mom for long. They will dead in some hours probably." Asther commented as his gaze fixated on that part of battle.

Shiki and Big mom were literally monsters among Monsters. Big mom was slamming giants as Kid, while Shiki was being Shiki. And they didn't plan to play the fight fair, since he could see that other commanders were making their way to them, trying to assist them.

'I have too few information about God valley, And it's plain weird and incomplete. It's not like I care what it is anyways, since my main goal here is making out alive.' Asther thought calmly. Although he was going after the fruits, but if Shiki and Big mom were to meet him after he gained fruits then he would have no choice to hand those over and the biggest problem was...

...Kaido and Moria, Each were greedy pirates and there was no guarantee that they won't betray him after getting devil fruit.

[A/N: Next chapter on Tuesday.]