
One piece: Old generation

Mc is born as the Son of Rocks D. Xebec. He is the same generation pirates as Shanks, Mihwak. He was transmigrated to the world on weird circumstances, so the path he takes was destined to be different from others. It was the path he chose for himself.

Zero_Asthee · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

War #2

Asther had loaded himself with Guns and a grenade launcher, it took quite a lot of money but it was not an issue with Rocks since he plundered it all. He had katana tucked on his back since his stature was too short, and he needed to have it in a place that won't slow him down.

Kaido didn't need anything, he already had his club and that was enough. He was around Twenty at this time, around fourteen years older than Asther.

Kaido was still an apprentice in Rocks pirates although he could now rival powerful pirates, many won't even be able to scratch him nor did any expect this battlefield was not normal.

"You said we could fly, But how are you going to pull it off."

"We have a magical Mat created with Big Mom's help, a total of four," Asther replied as he waved his hands in the air.

Three red-colored mats flew towards him, each of them seemed alive with Eyes and mouth. Also, they seemed to forcefully follow his orders.

"Linlin...But why would the mat follow your command, only she can command them." Kaido remarked, looking at the mat following Asther's command.

Kaido noticed a white paper, a vivre card in his hand. Linlin creations were forced to listen to the orders of the one with Big mom's Vivre card. Asther stole a small fragment of Vivre's card during her time in the Rocks, It was a very small piece of paper, almost the size of half peanut.

"Hehehe...You will follow my command right." Asther smiled at the flying mats.

"You...you...Big mom won't let this slide, you listening." Flying mats tried to warn him out of this.

"We'll see about that, Now come to your big daddy."


The mats come to the ground, and Asther stepped on one of those. Kaido and Moria stepped on the other two and all the mats flew in the air.

"Soar out of this place, to the city square."

The mats soared through the air, moving high from the cowards and the battle.

Kong noticed the three mats trying to fly away to the city square and commanded the marines. "Shoot them down, we can't let them to the city square."

A dozen of marines pointed their guns toward the mat and shot the bullets towards the mat.

"Kaido and Moria, be on the side...It's hard to block the bullets while on a mat and a single hole can be deadly." Asther promptly warned them and the mats flew just above him.

Asther planned to take on the bullets for himself and safely get the mats out of here. If the Mats were done, then he was done for.

"Gravity control: Sideline suck." Asther used his devil fruit powers. He changed the flow t

of gravity in a small radius, creating a sucking force that sucked any objects that came towards them away from them.

The bullet's direction abruptly changed and missed the mat by an inch. The follow-up bullet's direction kept changing and after some seconds they were out of their range.

"Huff...That took a toll on my stamina, My body can't keep up with my powers." After ten seconds of use, he was already tired feeling his stamina drained.

He was a kid with too many body limits.

"Wororo...That was quite a dodge, now we need to get towards the stash of devil fruit." Kaido remarked.

They were on a huge Island, and searching for a stash of devil fruit would have been challenging if Asther never planned for it. But he knew this war will come, and prepared a way to search for Devil fruits in an easy way.

Kong didn't believe that they would find the devil fruit, so he let go after just some bullets since the main characters of battle were still present. They couldn't waste manpower on some kids, and he was quite confident in the place he hid the fruits.

"Huh! Those Brats want to take the easy route, they are only inviting attention that way." Whitebeard remarked as he looked at the three Mats above, soaring through the air.

He had no intention to stop him, It was their win if they found the fruits. Shiki ignored them, he needed to take out a higher up here to get the location and thought of their way as a wild goose hunt.

Everyone had some thoughts, although some thought it was of utmost importance to stop them.

As they were moving, a massive giant appeared in the way. Its high was gigantic as his hands could easily reach them. Asther looked towards both of them and nodded, giving them a signal.

"Wororo...There I go." Kaido jumped from the mat towards the Giant.

The giant opened his Palm and attempted to slap them to the ground. Its massive hand covered the three of them in size as swung it towards them.

'It is UpTo kaido now, I am way out of my league here with the giant.' Asther thought as he left his trust in kaido.

Kaido's club hit the giant on the leg, which makes its body off balance. The palm slam that came on their way was diverted away and Asther aimed the grenade launcher at the giant.

*Swoosh...Boom...Blast...Boom...Boom...* Max shot two grenades that hit the Giant's face, creating a massive explosion and the giant dropped to the ground.

"Moria do it!"

Moria jumped from the flying Mat with his broad, long sword towards the fallen giant. His tip faced towards the giant and as he landed on the giant, the broad sword thrust through the giant neck, killing him.

The mat quickly flew away to Kaido and Moria., kaido jumped on it, but a mass of Marines managed to hang onto the mat.

"Bold of you!" Kaido swung his club, smashing the faces of Marines and dropping them off the mat.

*Thump...Dash...Swoosh...* One of the marines dashed through the air, kicking the

Asther was outing the area, he was already feeling the pressure of the battlefield. Marines and pirates were against each other, hi Gary for other's blood. It was quite a sight to behold.

The ground was shaking, like an earthquake had erupted continuously. The sky was no longer in one piece, It had been split into many regions.

Asther took out the vivre card, that was their plan to make a way to the stash of Devil fruits. Previously, Asther intentionally let Marines get their hands on four devil fruits in Rock's possession. He had cleverly hidden a small fragment of his vivre card on the devil fruit, and among the four, one had managed to make it into God valley.

And that one devil fruit was their ticket to the stash of others.

"Turn right! We are a little off course."

Asther changed the direction of the Mat and Soared to the direction the vivre card pointed.

Asther took out an automatic rifle and loaded it with bullets. He grabbed a cigarette and puffed it once before throwing it away.

"It's a flying Zoan, Probably some bird," Asther commented on a flying Zoan devil fruit user.

It came in their direction in rapid speed, if it hit them then one would be down on the ground and the sight below was unsightly.

The two mats flew before him and blocked Asther's view, acting as a line of defense before the devil fruit user could reach them.

The claws of flying Zoan went after Moria, as it clashed against him and hurled it out of the Mat, and he began to fall to the ground.

'That idiot...Even if he could tank the attack, With our speed...It's easy to make us fall.' Asther cursed Moriaz for stupidity.

Kaido swung his club as he saw the bird like creature coming after him, the club clashed against his claws. Kaido started to lose balance, but abruptly Moria appeared on his Mat and balanced him from behind.

"It's easy to lose balance, so be careful Kaidou."

"Like I needed to know that from a Brat," Kaido remarked as he raised his club.

Suddenly, Kaido jumped into the air without caring If he fell and swung his Club with massive force. Sparks were produced on the club as it hit the flying Zoan user on the head.

At the last moment, Kaido grabbed the Zoan user by his head and started to fall along with him.

"Uh oh...That will hurt!"

Kaido used his strength and jumped on him and crashed to the ground. He broke each bone on his body from the fall while carrying someone as heavy as Kaido.

'He was probably awakened Zoan, so this was a pretty good move to get rid of them fast. Or I wonder how long they would be an eyesore.'

Asther scoped and released a massive amount of bullets on him as he was pinned on the ground. He didn't dare to underestimate the vitality of Zoan and finished a full magazine on him.

*Burst...Boom...Pierce...Tear...* Bullets tore through the muscles.

"He is dead...Huff...I am drained." Asther exclaimed.

He could still see the long area filled with other quarters and Marines. He was not even close to reaching the area with a wave of others reaching out to them.

[A/N: I won't be able to upload another chapters this week, I have exams starting tomorrow so After a week, we shall continue the story.]