
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

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24 Chs

13 Request

Rochsons isle

In contrast to the horrifying towns the weather here is beautiful the sun shone brilliantly above the clear sky.

Arthur stayed on the island making it his temporary base.

For weeks the screams of dying pirates could be heard. It sounded like the tortured souls of hell.

As he eradicated the pirates on the island. He discovered some of the island's survivors.

They were living under an ancient underground ruin at the center of the forest.

The ruin itself is probably more than a hundred years old.

Most carvings in the walls were mostly eroded, and plants were growing from the cracks.

The survivor's only source of food that they can have was the fruits nearby.

As the wails could be heard in the past weeks. They were afraid to go out and look at what had become to the island because most of the survivors were women and children.

One day a man showed up, found them, and said the island was safe and free of pirates.

The people inside were scared, hungry, and looked very weak.

They were in doubt about what the mysterious person had said to them, but some of them decided to venture out and verify the news.

They were shocked as they witnessed the blood-soaked town. The putrid smell lingers and some bodies start rotting.

After witnessing the scene. All the adults decided to return to their towns.

They left the children first at the ruins as they didn't want them to see such a horrific scene.

All of them work together to clean the place and at the same time look for that mysterious person.

They were conflicted about whether they should feel grateful or terrified.

Weeks later they finally gave up and declared him as guardian of the island.

There are still some pirates that came to the island but all of them died tragically.

They occasionally heard some loud noises in the forest but they all ignored it as they knew that the guardian was living there.

The town went back to its peaceful days.


Both bodies did their tasks, hunted pirates, fought enemies every time, and did training every day.

Six months went by so fast.

As the deadline arrived.

Hunter now prepares to leave this deserted island.

The previous months have been productive. He improved his workmanship skills

When he released his aura it could probably mistaken as a Conqueror's Haki.

Even though the ones he fought weren't as strong as the people in the Grandline he still had some difficulty dealing with some of them, especially the ones with devil fruits.

As he can access both bodies' memories. He also discovered another useful ability, Arthur's ability, he had a similar power to Blackbeard to extract devil fruits although not every time it can be extracted.

The failed ones just become a dark fruit and crumble into the air.

'If Blackbeard had known my devil fruit he would definitely choose this over his devil fruit.'




After traveling from North Blue to Marineford.

He was the last one that arrive. They were to assemble tomorrow and be granted their military ranks.

The ceremony wasn't grand.

Hunter, Smoker, and Hina were given Ensign ranks. They were the ones that received the highest ranking among the graduates.

Hunter wasn't supposed to receive the same ranks as Smoker and Hina. Since for a couple of months, they didn't receive any reports of accomplishment from the CP agents that were assigned to him as if they vanished out of thin air.

They sent additional agents but gained no results.

But the decision came from the Fleet Admiral, he knows how strong Hunter is, The poster boy, so how could he give a lower rank compared to other graduates?


Fleet Admirals Office.

Sengoku is sitting while eating rice crackers and drinking tea.

"Oy! Hunter come in".Sengoku pleasantly offered.

"Congratulations on receiving your official ranks".

"Thank you Fleet Admiral Sengoku, I wouldn't have gained it, if it wasn't for you". Hunter and sincerely thank him.

Sengoku took a deep breath and asked.

"Hmm, Let me ask you a question Hunter, Did you kill those two CP agents?"

"I know you're capable enough to do that"

"And I know you're trying to hide your strength"

"But do you think I wouldn't notice any of that?" Sengoku turned serious and released a bit of his aura.

As the mood of the room changes. Tension was increasing, Hunter was sweating profusely. His heart was racing.

'It's no joke facing the strength of someone like Sengoku'

'Ha.ha. I was naive' he couldn't help but laugh at himself.'

Sengoku along with Garp was at the peak of this world strength. The ones that could go toe to toe with the Pirate King and even help to defeat the strongest pirate crew in the world.

The one crew that made the Marines and Roger Pirates fight alongside each other just to defeat one crew. 'The Rocks Pirates.'

'I know he wouldn't kill me, if he was planning on doing that, I wouldn't have received my rank at all'.

If they fought Hunter would even last a minute,

'Should I tell him honestly?'

As Hunter was thinking how he would proceed he was then interrupted.

"Hahaha! No need to be that serious, kid!

"Did I scare you?" as he continued his laughter.

"No, I didn't kill them Fleet Admiral," Hunter replied hiding any hint of his emotions.

"Haha! Then so be it" Sengoku nonchalantly replied.

'Even if he killed those Agents, I wouldn't even mind. A trade for a strong marine' He thought to himself.

"As promised to the information, you are granted one request"

"So long as you don't go overboard," Sengoku said while arranging some papers on his desk.

"Don't worry Sengoku-san"

"The request I had in mind is, that I want to board the ship of Vice Admiral Garp."

"I want to be trained under Garp-san" Hunter firmly stated his request.

"Are you sure? You might die from his training? He is not that great of a teacher, you know" Sengoku replied.

"As long as it can make me the strongest Sengoku-san" answered with a determined look in his eyes.



After the graduation, they were given a week to rest and prepare.

All of them now are given assignments and can be called certified Marines.




In the port, inside a Marine Ship.

"Bwahahaha!, Kid I heard you specially requested to Sengoku to be under my command?" Garp laughs as he eats his rice crackers.

"Yes, Vice Admiral Garp,"

The Vice Admiral is probably the only one in this Marine base that could destroy islands with just his pure strength.

"You have guts kid" Garp replied
