
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

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Somewhere in the Grand Line.

The sun shone brightly and breathed its scorching heat. Strong winds are blowing.

Towering red stones, a deep valley with its dried-up river that cuts right in the center.

Large birds are gawking above the sky.

Two people face each other assuming a fighting position.

They were Hunter and Garp. Since Hunter had asked Garp to be trained in Haki.

As they hadn't found any pirates while sailing.

Garp then looked for a suitable place to train.

"Let's see first where your strengths at Kid,"

"You not allowed to use weapons"

"We are gonna fight with only our physical strength," Garp instructed Hunter and clenched his fist in front of Hunter.

Under Hunter's feet, cracks are made as he lowers his body preparing to launch at Garp.

"Yes, Garp-san" Hunter then bolted in front of Garp.

As he aimed his punch at Garp's face.

Garp countered a punch of his own.

The huge fist came straight to Hunter's head.

"Not fast enough kid!"

"Aghhh!!!" Hunter shouts in pain

His body was blown away. Dragging his body to the ground creating deep marks.

Dust was everywhere, hitting the wall, and stones were blasted everywhere.

Buried in dirt and stones. He tried getting out.

'Garp's punch almost made me unconscious.' he lamented thinking he was still far away from this world's peak power.

The stinging sensation still lingered on his face.

As he struggles to stand up. His legs were still shaking and he could barely hold on.

"How about that kid?"Garp laughed loudly when he saw how swollen Hunter's face was.

Again running towards Garp.

He used a faint punch, then he vanished and arrived at Garps back.

He used his leg to kick Garp's sides.

As the kick almost reached its target.

A large hand grabbed the leg and swung him throwing him again.

He was shot like a canon ball.

"Boom!". The blast echoed in the area. Birds were startled and scurried away.

Hunter tried again to stand up.

This scene was repeated for hours.

Hunter didn't give up, but Garp also didn't ease up on him.

"I'll show you something fun kid". Garp then turns his face seriously.

The aura around Garp changes intensely.

Crackling red streaks of lightning could be seen crawling through Garp's body.

A glint of power reflected in his eyes.

A strong blast of power ignited, and cracks on his feet got larger creating a deep pit as Garp was the center of it.

He released his powerful aura on Hunter.

Hunter immediately kneeled as tons of pressure got slammed on his body.

The ground cracked like a spider's web.

He was now really pressed down on the ground, Breathing heavily and barely holding on to stay conscious.

'Damn it!, this is humiliating, I had fought for hours but Garp barely got his uniform dirtied, not even a speck of dust.'

'I had enough of this! How could I stay down, when I have a world to conquer!!'


On all fours, he willed his body to stand up. Blood trickled down from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly a blast of strength ran through Hunter's body.

A powerful aura blasted from Hunter's body, fighting Garps'.

The ground underneath his feet cracked, it got larger and larger.

Then he flickered so fast in front of Garp and threw a punch.

Garp had still managed to evade. But for the first since they fought.

Hunter had left an injury. A little tiny scratch on his cheek.

After Hunter punched, he vomited blood, lost consciousness, and dropped to the ground.

"Bwahahahaha!! Conquerors Haki! Not bad kid!" Garp laughed happily as he thought he had finally found a worthy student.


North Blue

Flevance, White City.

The once beautiful and cheerful city now is plagued with a disease claiming lives left and right.

The city looks bleak, gloomy, and deserted.

Most citizens got hospitalized as their bodies turned white, enduring agonizing pain that would last until their last breath.

The people were panicking as they watched their loved ones die one after another.

Flevance, the thing that made this place prosperous Amber Lead, now is the reason they are soon to be doomed.

Seeing people dying with the same symptoms. The people in neighboring countries thought the disease was contagious.

The countries decided to close off and isolate Flevance.

And took quarantine measures against White City

The royalties of the City took early action and escaped with the help from the Government.

The Government had known all this time that the disease wasn't contagious.

But didn't do anything as they need the people here to dig and mine the Amber Lead that the Celestial Dragons love.

People who tried to escape from Flevance were all shot down and killed.

As if they were monsters that got out of their cages.

As tension kept rising, this eventually led to war.

The countries justified their killing as an act of self-defense.

Flames of war consume the land and dark clouds hang above.

Burnt corpses could be smelled from miles away.

Eventually, the White City perished, destroyed, and burned to the ground along with its citizens.

All, but one survived from this hellish experience. He witnessed his family brutally killed.

His parents were shot down by soldiers and his sister burned down in the hospital.

He only managed to escape by hiding within the piles of corpses.


North Blue

Minion Island.

It's dark outside, and the place is filled with snow, as the heavy snow slowly subsides.

A man walking alone in this dark and cold place.

Leaving snow prints along the way.

He was heading towards the top of the mountain.

Where the pirate base of Diez Barrels is located.

The once proud marine soldier now is reduced to a wanted pirate consumed by greed.

Closing into his destination. Patroling pirates aim their guns at Arthur.

"Who are you and what do you want?" one pirate said.

"Tell your Captain I've come to bargain," Hunter said under his cloak.




"Captain there is a strange guy outside looking for you".

"Are you an idiot?!, do you think anyone can look for me?" Barrels said angrily as he threw a bottle of alcohol at his subordinate.

" I I I am sorry..sorry Captain, but he said it's important and he also said he brought a strange-looking fruit." the pirate said quivering and terrified.

"What?" Barrels heard it and it piqued his interest.

"Then, send him in, Let's see what he has to say". Barrels ordered his men.




Inside the base.

The room was filled with pirates holding onto their swords and guns trying to intimidate Arthur.

"I have here is devil a fruit of unknown powers, I found it in my town as I heard it could be sold at a high price."

"That's why I came in here."

"Use your connections to sell this fruit for 200 million berries."

"We'll split it in half," Arthur explains to Barrels without showing signs of being scared

"Hahaha!, why do you think I wouldn't just grab and steal it from you?" He said and slowly walked in front of Arthur.

"You wouldn't dare, because I am stronger than any of you!".

"Just be glad that I chose you, to sell it as I currently have no connection"

"I only need the money".Arthur declared and focused his eyes on Barrels.

The room tense up and the pirates gulped and got intimidated.

"It's a fair transaction"

"Do your job and I'll collect the money a week from now."

Arthur said to Barrels and walked out of the room.

He walked away and slowly vanished into the cold dark night.
